post 'em
Attached: 2018-03-21-232155_1600x900_scrot_tags:screenfetchdesktopgentoognulinuxthreadspeccyfgltminimalismgdpt (1600x900, 1003K)
post 'em
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Fuck you.
no uu!
Stop posting my desktops!!!!
I'm new to Linux don't judge
What theme is that? Or how do you make it look like that
You're better off not knowing. In fact I wish someone stopped me a long time ago and told me to just use a regular full-featured DE like GNOME or something. Spent WAY too much time fucking around with config files and shit so I could be cool in desktop threads, only to fail half of my sophomore classes...
install bspwm (or i3, maybe that's easier for newbs), urxvt and polybar
proceed to rice them (aka configure them so they look nice)
bonus points for using gentoo
you can't blame ricing for not having your shit together
>I wish someone stopped me a long time ago and told me to just use a regular full-featured DE like GNOME or something
in that case you would most likely find some other way to procrastinate
>you can't blame ricing for not having your shit together
I'm going to do just that and you aren't going to stop me.
>2 clocks
What hardware is opensuse running on?
raspberry pi 3
use it as a seed box and usenet grabber
How can you be wealthy enough to own a rig with those specs whilst still being stuck oggling desktop waifus?
KDE is great.
You use a tiling or window manager and spent a lot of time manually editing config files.
Try customizing XFCE with a riced urxvt instead of the default terminal. You can get a cool desktop without too much time being sunk into it.
got my raspberry pi connected to the internet at last
don't hate me just because i'm beautiful
But can you run old risc os software?
Unfortunately, almost all of the old software doesn't work due to the 32/26 bit thing. The stuff that was written entirely in BASIC still works though. I think this i-ching program and this game 'critical mass' are the two oldest things I have that still work.
>actually fell for the gentoo meme
Gentoo is actually a good OS
Been using Gentoo for 8 years, shit is so cache.
How often do updates break stuff?
Never because I only do sane updates, and only have sane USE flags.
join us! it's blissssssss
can never decide between screenfetch and neofetch
cool project
>That PS1
Nice LARBS install, also your wallpaper looks like shit, try finding a better one at
Post wall, please!
yeah I installed larbs because I'm new to arch and kept running into problems configuring i3 myself, and thanks for the wallpaper website link
>no tiling bullshit, no anime girl wallpaper, no sekrit special shortcuts
feels good being able to use my computer in public
mount /dev/sd** /mnt
pacstrap /mnt base base-devel
genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab
arch-chroot /mnt
echo $HOSTNAME >> /etc/hostname
vim /etc/locale.gen
ln -sf $TIMEZONE /etc/localtime
install and configure bootloader of choice
That's it. That's from memory, and I don't even use Arch. How can you not manage this when you can look it up?
Shit, I forgot to mkfs. My bad.
>use my computer in public
>starless shortcut
anti-anime squad reporting in
>he does not use an adblocker
share dots pls
in surf i do not. haven't fucked around with it much desu
pls no bully
pls be specific
wall pls
everything, your top bar, colors, the whole deal, I absolutely love your set up
looks rad though
install compiz
I (not him) need your top bar dots at the very least. I love it, and will steal it with some slight modifications.
Use raleigh-reloaded as the gtk theme
Someone explain the reason behind the wasted space between windows
Is it just a meme or do you actually use your desktop like that all the time
Best os after lfs
I don't know why I never noticed until just now that pale yellow on black is aesthetic as fuck.
I actually use my desktop like that all the time. It's just easier on the eyes and there's no reason not to. It's very little wasted space.
That's extremely minimal
Sup Forums manchild reporting in
if you want to literally copy my setup, here
>colors + xres
I used pywal for the colors but I tweaked a few a bit
"┌─╼ \[\e[0;34m\]\u\[\e[1;35m\]::\[\e[0;34m\]\h \[\e[1;34m\]\w\[\e[0m\]\n└────╼ "
it makes my life less depressing
for you
use compton for border transparency
set it to like 50%
that's not black, it's #0B1414
>not playing starless with your classmates
thanks user!
I just got done setting up void + i3 + polybar.
gonna rice firefox after sleeping
1-how do you change default shell?
2-is archlabs worth it?
polybar can look nicer than that
and this is my main setup
yes it can, but its showing me what I need.
>yes it can, but its showing me what I need.
why not just keep using i3bar then?
>default bar
Try mpd/ncmpcpp + Polybar~
They work together. This is what my desktop looks like~
that's a good question to which i have no answer other than that i've read through the polybar wiki instead of the i3bar wiki
i3status has easier configuration that polybar so I think you might've taken the convoluted route lol
compton is bloat.
just stop
it is?
It seems like a fork that actually makes things more fun and easier, and it's just 1 package as far as i can remember, not too much ram or too much harddrive space. What's so bloaty?
>How do you change the default shell?
I just use oh-my-zsh, it does it for my automatically, it's probably just a search away though.
>Is archlabs worth it
What do you mean by worth it? It certainly works for me, but it's not hard to install by any means, I say you should play with it in a VM first, and then decide for yourself.
this post is bloat
just stop
don't listen to mememimalists.
install the packages you like and use them
can anyone spoonfed for dumbass like me a regex that extracts
want to get 400+ account names out of a twitter page source to make an opml (
as long as the name never contains newline or whitespace, whatever you pipe into the grep + cut will output just the name
echo 'data-screen-name="sonic_hedgehog"' | grep -o -E '(data-screen-name=")(.*)(")' | cut -d '"' -f2
according to google: (["'])(?:(?=(\\?))\2.)*?\1
thanks friendos
Never heard of "ricing" firefox, how do I accomplish this?