>tfw never could learn programming >cant wrap my head around it >when programming became heavier in the program i dropped out of CS to math because i just cant fucking do it
Why ? I wish my life was different. I wish I was one of those few with a talent for programming
>Can't program for basic comp sci baby courses >Can do math required for math major There is no way that is possible, you are just a lazy piece of shit.
Aiden Evans
How? Math is what kills me in my CS studies. Programming is fine but having to solve proofs makes me want to drop out.
Ian Wilson
I can do proofs fine but I just can't program. It's not laziness at all. I just can't do it. Seeings a blank IDE or text editor now just makes me flip the fuck out and mentally become a child who doesn't even know the difference between left and right.
People around me figured out this programming shit so much faster and easier than me and I just floundered, flunked out of the intro to java course after passing intro to python and after that I just took math classes
Jose Baker
>didn't get into programming half a decade sooner Though it might have been a good thing because I would have just grown cynical that much earlier
>not saving all my old hardware >not getting into Linux years sooner than I did (2008 or so)
Xavier Powell
Too bad user. Programming is just not for everybody.
Carter Martin
>dropped out of CS >to go to pure math >as a major wat
Jacob Richardson
try outling what you actually want whatever it is you're doing in an IDE to do. Then you'll be fine, just turning "this does this" into usable code. Like commenting in reverse
Isaiah Wood
yeah I just can't to be honest. it's so insanely torturous and nothing works. I have no idea how the fuck people program. holy shit i wish i had the opportunity to do it as a kid or have that special talent others seem to
Easton Myers
im sorry user :( this sounds rough ! hopefully you find your place soon...
Levi Garcia
It is no special talent. I am and know that I am a dumb fuck. But i manage, barely
Oliver Gray
It's the difference between engineering and sciences basically. Sometimes you're great at abstract thinking and shit, but not so great at putting things together and "building" so to speak.
Nolan Perry
Uh of course you gonna flip the fuck out seeing a blank IDE. That's why you conceptualize and plan what the fuck you want to accomplish. No one just wings it.
Anthony White
Do you think people come out of their mother's womb already knowing c++ or something? Start small, grab a book that can teach you some basic python and take your time. I hope it works out for you eventually.
Adrian Jones
user I don't quite get how someone proficient enough in math to be a math major struggles with programming, but I'd urge you to keep at it. If you have the capacity for math concepts, getting used to programming and learning to combine the two should allow to create really fucking cool things. I'm sure it's different from the other side, but I probably feel the same way looking at a calculus problem as you do when you look at an IDE. I'm a brainlet when dealing with math, and I can only imagine what it'd be like to truly understand that area.
Hudson Phillips
>I'll never be more than a simple user
Aaron Johnson
>pic Mach 5 / 10
Angel Young
>No one just wings it. tfw made a career out of winging it
Jonathan Sanders
>No one just wings it. that's where you're wrong
Matthew Lee
>user I don't quite get how someone proficient enough in math to be a math major struggles with programming, Programming is based on logic, which is not as important in mathematics. Yes, some coding relies on a knowledge of mathematics but program structure and design is logic. I get the feeling that most programming manuals are written by mathematics majors.