Prebuilts are cheaper now? Even in fucking small European countries! What the hell

Prebuilts are cheaper now? Even in fucking small European countries! What the hell.
>But... But that cool guy in school told me it would always be cheaper to build yourself.

Even in fucking Denmark, with less than 6 million people, a company manage to make a profit selling hardware cheaper than it's single parts. Pic related, just a completely random setup for comparison.

How good is it in US, UK or Germany? Rumor has it that it's really good in US, because the biggest builders can trade the GPU's at their MSRP (which is still making them profit)

Attached: Prebuilt.png (744x924, 208K)

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as retarded as it sounds I bought a cyberpower pc just because it was cheaper for me.

Today prebuilt systems only save you from owerpaying on video card.

:^) Hvad er moms.

Are you a commie?

yeah, and you get the warranty in a single company, that is guaranteed to at least have a person tasked with customer support. I once waited 7 weeks for a reply, from a super small company that sold dirt cheap, probably because they didn't employ any other than packing boys.

I hope it stays this way; the price of components should begin to drop.

All you need is a used Dell Optiplex/Thinkcentre/or HP compaq with a 3rd or 4th gen i5 + a cheap used GPU

Buy a prebuilt and upgrade it throughout the years

greetings from greenland

Attached: greenlandic flag7.png (1920x1080, 2.57M)

Årh hold dog op med dit neo-liberale jamren, du trækker det jo bare fra i dit farmans firma ikke? Han sorger altid for at du lever godt, ikke så meget pjat, træk det hele fra i skat. Jeg holder det squ ikke ud, mindre skat, mindre skat, mens i nyder at kore i jeres store biler og slide de gratis veje. Min egen volvo med turbo slider også en hel fucking del, men jeg betaler fint min skat. Grådige opkomlinge.

Lad os da bare være glad for a vi får adgang til næsten al hardware takket være unionen, i stedet for at være et 2. verdens land, som sydamerika, der kun får ganske få hardware dele. De fik playstation med 8 års forsinkelse. De kan stadig ikke kobe Coffee Lake.

Altid godt at hore fra broderfolket i sneen! Når jeg horer fra jer på Sup Forums er der en god del der er fjendske overfor danskere. Jeg forstår det ikke, jeg ved godt at politikerne ikke er alt for gode venner, og jeg forstår ikke hvorfor i lader kineserne få råstofferne. Men jeg kan godt lide jer, og syntes i er velkommen fortsat!

As i said, it was not a list for review of quality, but just to prove the concept. I'm posting this from my Phenom II x4, which is all i need!

No. Buy a used office/work computer and throw in a GPU

I didn't think about that, that might be an unexpected outcome, if more sales go to prebuilter even for a short time, it might bring the supplies in to even the prices.

Well, it really depends on what one intend to use it for, doesn't it? And fuck the Dell ones with all their proprietary crap, but i guess other office machines would work fine.

>And fuck the Dell ones with all their proprietary crap
What do you mean?

Hey deroppe, hvor slemt er det med de der plusgrader?

Attached: greenland danish flags.jpg (336x432, 22K)

I've actually collected quiet alot of second hand office desktops. Sometime you get lucky you know.

But with the Dells i've seen: Proprietary PSU, with Molex to MB connection, so you can't change it, non standard internal USB connectors and a BIOS that refused anything but the pre-configured Optical drive (back when that was a thing) Latest, i had a problem with soundcard, turned out also to be a BIOS thing, but there was a fix for it this time.

I've gotten my hands on just under 10 HPs, non of them coursed me any such problems (many other, as with used hardware. But nothing proprietary or corporate bullshit)

I finish them up, and sell them as cheap midend gaming PC's (i'm dumpster diving them)

If you're still believing commies to be a threat as you're an American, then yesss, dangerous commie!

Most HP computers will refuse to boot if a WiFi card that isn't on it's internal pre-approved list has been installed.
Not sure on desktops but on laptops, almost every single one does this.

Lenovos too

>4500 krone (~$750 USD) for a 1070
thats the only reason why, fucking cryptominers have inflated the prices of individual GPU's

the company that makes that prebuilt probably got it straight from the manufacturer in bulk

bolocks. I never use wifi, i got a workbench with 8 patchcables, because i don't not think the hassle of wifi is worth it for this thing.

It's also the Scandinavian market, it's not that big. Plus 25% sales TAX, forall our free public stuff, and 750$ monthly support for studying doesn't come free. It's a fair tradeoff thou, i like it.

This neo-liberal faggot however, does not. Either you go Socialist or Capitalist, this Tea Party no-state nonsense is the most objectively unsustainable bullshit ever.

>This neo-liberal faggot however, does not. Either you go Socialist or Capitalist, this Tea Party no-state nonsense is the most objectively unsustainable bullshit ever.
To someone who has just moved to Denmark 9 months ago and I'm planning to stay here for a while cause out of all the places I've lived this is where I feel the most comfortable, can you explain what exactly do you mean by that? (I also lived in Norway for a while, but Denmark is much more hygge)

I've been trying to learn about Danish politics because from the inside the situation is much different than the picture you get from the outside. I know the system is a weird bastardisation of socialism and capitalism. Like smaller rural town have electric plants that are owned by the people who use it, but your big ones are privately owned, but they're non-profit? And the government sets the price of electricity? There's a lot of weird things.

But hey, you do have a strong left and socialists do well. Of course, the succdems won, but it's better than the alternative. I had the opportunity to vote in the last municipal election but felt didn't know enough and didn't want to just throw my vote at some "lefty" who may turn out to be shitty.

Well welcome, by all meas. This is kinda turning into a thread belonging on Sup Forums isn't it? anyways, if you'll give me some time, i'll write a long explanation of my statement, along with a clarification about the system and my own political agenda, which could be quiet strange to a guy from US/UK. Where are you from? In the context of targeting my explanations.

So, what i was frustrating about in my raging comment you quoted, is much related to your knowledge of "bastardisation of socialism and capitalism" in short words, i'm angry right now, because we're shifting towards American values, WITHOUT going there. I could accept, for example, that Denmark decided to sell of the state rails, and then say fuck it, a private company takes it all and managing it as it see fits. Closing all unprofitable routes, which is most of the branching ones. I would hate it, but accept it. What i'm furious about, is that the party "Liberal Alliance" seem to implement short steps toward this, but trying to keep as low profile as possible. They announced that in order to give their votes to the ruling party (that needs it, they don't have a majority) the Copenhagen suburban trains should be sold. (S-Tog) that is one of only two parts of the DSB that makes profit. Why is this so bad? Because given what I've observed in the last 10 years, a few years after they sold off the S-tog, they will start working on DSB, because now it would not be able to make a profit whatsoever, all income is diverged to be run the small local/regional routes, so logically it needs to be sold. What's worse, is that the state has a reputation for not getting the best price for it's selloffs. And a DSB that doesn't turn a profit, is worth A LOT LESS that one that does (it barely does today, but it is in positive) So, we'll get a lot less money for the sell of, and due to public outcries, the government would surely need to substitute the private company to run all those local/regional lines, which will give a huge net loss in the long term. Bad price at selling might give you short term money, but the next generation 10 years ahead will have losses. Either close all the unprofitable lines, and sell the good parts off, or let the state run in. No in between will ever be successful, UK is a perfect example of just that.

TBC with the danish political system:

In Aus they're still a bit more expensive. However the build quality is significantly better.

You'll probably have longer warranty on most loose parts if you build it yourself

So, I've voted for the left times at all national voting, Socialistic (you probably do know, but just in case, socialism is not to be confused in any way with US interpretations, which is mostly communism, and is still wrong at that - For example, the political ideology Socialistic Conservative is a very legitimate one, which incidentally describes most Germans in general.) however, at most local voting, I've voted for a right party, two times the small conservative party, one social in a different area. I did that because of the difference in local/national politics. you'll find that a good portion of political interested people in DK argue that blindly voting for one party is dangerous. The very best benefit of having several parties, is the huge variety of agendas. So, I'm voting social at national for my belief in Society, but i voted for conservatives in local, because they had, in my opinion, the better agenda for the local community. (and a returning mayor, whom i liked)

Look at pic related, the upper chart was the results of 2015, the lower part, the immediate results if turned into the US/UK system.

Another thing you'll notice if the big voting attendance, it's frowned upon not voting, if you don't care, vote blank. I encourage most foreigner to vote, and if they don't care, just support our democracy by voting blank, and get a free coffee and an experience to talk about. The last i encouraged was Ukrainians, they where shock by the lack of security. And by the fact that all voting places still has a little bell, that symbolically has to be rung 10 minutes before closing.

Next up, a little about the parties, and why i'm scared about the younger voters.

Attached: (620x802, 83K)

that's surprising, i'm shocked about it even turning to the pre builts side in Denmark

So, the variety of the parties allow something that's hard to get in UK/US, disagreement in the same side. Not people for, and some not voting, but whole groups directly against a proposal. Lets go tho the social side, see my picture before. The SocDem has a big chunk of voters, but they need a good portion of the others to gain a majority. The far left one, is actually communistic. They say they're not, but they are, ass the communistic voters can't get their party in (not enough support) and they had a written political agenda about starting a uprising and revolution, which was not removed until very recently, when they got more support due to instability in the red wing. But here's something that'll surprise you, in several proposals from the SocDem, the far left and sometimes the next one too, didn't agree. But the far, far right did. so the SocDem, and DF, Yellow, grouped together several times. DF is a nationalistic party, and many of their politicians are controversial. But they still want better roads and railroads for the country side, good schools and so on, they just hate immigrants (that's not a secret) and also the European Union (A trait the communist have too)

And an interesting development is exactly the far left, and far right. They're both respectively mush larger than ever before. Both the SocDem, and Venstre(the current ruling party, dark blue) had have a lot of controversies and loss of voters, which since the smaller parties failed 10-20 years ago, fled to the only untried thing: The far sides. Which is why the communist party needed to modernize (and get serious) about their agendas (but they still don't have a front figure, they're all equal on that weird utopian level(remember i'm a socialist criticizing this).

shall i continue, or shift into something else? It's kinda hard keeping a red line in a monologue. And i don't know if i'm actually answering what you wanted, or any new questions you might have.

if you build your own PC you can get weird parts that you want for cheaper than buying a pre-built, remove your OEM part and shoving your part in

that's the good thing, you get what you want and don't way for what you don't want

the shitty part is that you can potentially over-pay, especially when compared to someone with 20-30% cheaper cost for parts because all they do is buy in bulk and ship complete pc's

God damn, that train plan is just like what will happen soon in France and it's infuriating. But it's mostly the fault of the EU directives and of muh free market.

Your voting system seems pretty good, I wish it was the same here.
I hope it will turn out better than expected

and to some extent ram,

These prebuilt buy in bulk their components including the windows keys.

while your critique is theoretically sound, what real world implication does it allow? What does it help realizing that a few main components i would get in a pre-built is cheaper in single sales, when the only way a complete system can be build the cheapest is a complete pre-built?

You're implying that i'm stupid, still, for considering a prebuilt system. But if i have not gotten any hardware that i can build upon, how the freaking fucking shitty hell, will i benefit in an quest of a new system, by only having a fucking power supply? Granted, it was cheaper. Or rather, should i pay fucking extra for the GPU and RAM, simply because of ideology and the strictest discipline in not supporting the concept of paying poor blue collar working class scum for any work i could do myself?

How is it that your enlightenment benefit us pc-buyers in any why? You seem to be mocking us for choosing the cheapest option...

TL;DR what is the point of your comment?

thx for your support.

While i am biased and politically compromised in my decision, my conclusion is correct. I've read that last three years of financial reports (the relevant parts, because they're massive for such a company, like 300 pages), and if they manage to sell of the s-train, the state railways will lack €30 million each year. In a small 6 million country. So that's the rural rails gone. As five years ago, an ultimatum was sent to the company, break even and make profit, or everybody in the top gets fired, so they got through a harsh budget cut, a few people were hired an only payed in relations to what they saved the company. No department could get anything, if a single supplier could do it the slightest cheaper. It became clear to the public, when fair trade coffee was removed, and some weird stuff imported from the UK, which had no labels, no info, but was dirt cheap. (It was not unhealthy or something like that, but probably from a labourcamp like place)

Post a high-end system that beats this combo for price/performance

Total: $1275

>inb4 old Xeons
They far exceed current game requirements and will do extremely well in all other workloads.

are you a kike?

They buy bulk at less than MSRP directly from the manufacturers to build their PC's. They NEVER pay those ridiculously inflated prices you see in listings. If you have the cash you too can buy 10,000 GPU's at less than MSRP directly from Mvidia or AMD.