Tfw you realize one of the richest people in the world is a fucking malware distributor

>tfw you realize one of the richest people in the world is a fucking malware distributor
if he can do it why can't i?

Attached: ioSgz49P_400x400.jpg (400x400, 23K)

because he has the money to get away with it

Because he hires / pays off whoever it takes to protect his turf from upstarts like you.

>malware distributor
the absolute state of freetards

he's a poor fuck compared to that amazon jew

Because he got people to agree to the EULA.

>windows before 7 was malware
kys, bill gates made great versions of windows, it went downhill the moment he left microsoft.

>retired distributor



It's not malware if you willingly use it and like it :^)

He did it first

>if he can do it why can't i?
whats stopping you exactly user?

you can
t. I own a botnet

>t. I own a botnet
Does Ludacris have one too?

Attached: MV5BMTQzMDMwNjkxN15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMDI0MTM5OA@@._V1_UY317_CR7,0,214,317_AL_[1].jpg (214x317, 14K)

no idea what this means lad?

Oligarchs don't go to jail.

Tell us more about your botnet. I'm curious to know what's the most common way for normies to get infected. Is it malware ads?

>Tell us more about your botnet.
only has about 100 bots right now, I spread it through youtube videos you know like gain 1000s of instagram followers, then when they launch the payload it just gives an error message, but youtube videos are the best way, you can even bot likes and comments on your distribution videos if you really want to get some normies

The good ol' "Best TF2 Hack (link in description)" bait. A true classic.

can't beat it, people'll go out of their way to find it and in most cases will turn off AVs on their own

Oh, and did you make your own malware?

>agreeing to a license or terms & conditions literally gone over by an expensive team of lawyers to prevent legal recourse and ensure compliance means users install and use malware
The absolute state of disingenuous freetards

nah I'm way too skiddy for that, followed a youtube tutorial

he patents his code and licenses it to you