Should women be allowed to make experimental music considering how bad their track record is with it?

Should women be allowed to make experimental music considering how bad their track record is with it?

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honestly you should be banned from the whole internet by now

Should OP be allowed to post considering how bad his track record is with it?

>tfw no qt drone mommy

Should white men be allowed to own guns, considering there track record with them

Zimzam is a Jew/spic hybrid though, he's not white.


should men be allowed to have stupid opinions?

that's essentially white in 21st century america

puce mary is sick

Puce Mary and Posh Isolation in general represent everything that's wrong with 2010s high-profile noise and industrial artists.
Rich kid scenester turds, the lot of them.

should we turn on the robot9000 for threads on Sup Forums??

Women shouldn't be allowed to make music at all.

Neither should males.
There is no reason why music hasn't been banned all over the world at this point.

Shut the fuck up, Achmed.

Should Black men be allowed to own guns, considering how bad their track record with them is?

I didn't say we shouldn't either. You are entirely right.

All music is horrible, and the art has become unnecessary since ITAOTS has showed its peak. It has only gone downhill since this, and it will never stop.
We should pull the plug while we still can.

Should white men be allowed to have sex, considering how bad their track record with them is?

I am 100% supportive of you getting yourself castrated.

should white people be allowed to make rap music, considering how bad their track record is with it?

>WHITE men
>being this much of a fucking libtard

ITAOTS is shit and so are you

Fuck women desu.
Men too.

man shitskins should be banned from ever posting again

no u