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Music #655
Can anybody recommend me some albums like pic related?
What's the worst jazz album you've ever heard?
10/10 If john lennon sang these songs everyone would think it was irrefutably Sup Forumscore
ITT: artists that wish they were as talented as Car Seat Headrest but are just bitter and unfunny
How badly do you want it, Sup Forums?
Share your dank mobile wallpapers, Sup Forums
What do girls listen to?
ITT: shuffle your music player, post the first 10 songs and guess personalities, rate, etc
Kpop general
Tfw you can't think of a single thing about yourself that you're proud of
ITT: Musicians who are/were absolute madman
This dude's music ain't half bad. Why doesn't Sup Forums discuss him?
Have more than 40 people co create your album
This is underrated
What is their greatest song?
ITT: timeless album covers
Post your favorite guitarist, others say if they approve or not
Tfw you realize grimes is actually good after years of scrolling Sup Forums and being ignorant
Mfw the artist finally clicks
Bob Dylan Jr. making waves in 2016
So what's the best "Untitled" song?
Kpop general
No new girl talk album in 6 years
What does Sup Forums think of the Red Hot Chili Peppers?
ITT: HEY!-core
Join the plug dj Sup Forums come dance
Is their any news on the new hex ep by death grips?
What's your favourite ariel pink song?
Come to Sup Forums
Post the perfect scenarios to listen to an album
ITT: It's 6,000,000 B.C
Wich genre atracts the cringiest persons?
Heard a lot of different opinions on this band/album, but what does Sup Forums think? Personally, I'm a huge fan
Sup Forums made a christian vaporwave album
Did she bring anything new to pop music?
Anyone else feel like Death Grips generally sounded less fresh after Government Plates? The exception being Jenny Death
Sorry but this album is fucking incredible. I don't care if it's a meme it's good af. Same with Swans
There's a proven correlation between low iq and the enjoyment of certain music genres (e.g. hip-hop). Therefore...
Midnight Soundcloud thread. Post your creations & pay heed to the rest!
3x3 Thread
Rush is the greatest rock band ever period
Albums that signified a quantum leap in quality for an artist from the previous album
This is considered music
ITT: hidden gems that you have found
Bill Clinton Swag
ITT: We guess music taste based on eachother's outfits, i'll start
Joy Division Shirt
Hey user, I have an extra ticket for Keiji Haino & Tatsuya Yoshida tonight, want to come?
Twenty one pilots are better than death grips
Got $13.64 left on my iTunes account, what do I buy?
What are some albums i can get my trap gf to listen to ?
Music isn't an artform
I fucking hate Beyonce
ITT: Dream collabs
The weird frontier between pop and avantgarde
Emptiness has darkened my eyes as i hopelessly beg for my life to end
What did she mean by this?
Unpopulor Opinions
How come the past two years have sucked D?
Tfw imagining all the great works of music that will never see the light of day
What is this tone called? It's the tone between F# and G
This candle is probably burnt out by now
ITT: god tier album covers
What could he achieve after Radiohead disbands?
Is she next?
Digitally controlled analog gear appreciation edition
Sup Forums cringe thread
Last 20 albums
So this is the guy who shot Christina Grimmie last night. And he's 27!
ITT: the best album of an artist/band
Which one is:
40 New Albums
4x4 thread
This is Radioheads best album. OKC is 2nd
I don't mean to be a douche here but how the fuck did no one get this shit recorded? not even the aftermath...
What genres are the most cyberpunk? What's the essential cyberpunk?
Music to listen to while working the graveyard shift at 7-11?
/daily/ - Everyone Gets Dubs Edition
What do they listen to?
Who is the patrician version of Marilyn Manson
KPop General
Controversial Opinions Thread
Bandcamp thread, old thread is on page 10
Best album from these guys?
/real experimental/
What's death grips best song and why is it giving bad people good ideas?
Anyone got suggestions for some good prog Rock bands
Qt CHART Thread
Did she knew? Just like Bowie
/rym sonemic (never) general/
You have 10 seconds to prove you've been on Sup Forums for over a year
What Shoegaze/Dream Pop do you recommend?
Post a stock image, others guess the album
Kpop general
Why could he say the N-word in the 90s?
/metal/ general: the shitposting never ends edition
/bmg/ - Brazilian Music General
Is Will.I.Am the biggest hack in the history of music?
Fucking 2016. What's going on?
Why aren't people ever outraged at the blatant objectification and sexism in hiphop?
ITT: Rate the albums of the new Sup Forumscore
Current musicians that are changing the cultural landscape in big ways
I just had a realisation
Spotify vs. Apple Music
/comp/ - Composition General
Reminder that according to Scaruffi, the original Super Mario Bros...
Band's vocalist doesn't play any instruments
Psychedelia Thread
What does Sup Forums think about the Melvins?
Resize album cover to 10x10, then back to original size
But Sup Forums did emoe really like dogs much better? I have my doubts
Swans - TGM
What did she mean by this?
Spotify is missing one song on the album
ITT Recommendations for wooing women:
So fucken randum xD
Itt: albums that don't actually exist
Sign autographs in America
What's Sup Forums's favorite film soundtrack?
So what does Sup Forums think about Lostprophets?
/gg/ - Guitar & Bass General
Match an album to a spongebob quote
Trips decides what I could say to Fagthony Memetano!
Sticky This
Memes aside. do people actually like this trash? it sounds really boring and i don't hear anything that stands out
ITT: Take out a song to make an album a 10/10
So, i'm new to all this
"Frank Ocean doesn't seem to understand US copyright laws...
Daily reminder to be nice to Grimes
Kpop general
5x5 thread
Accordion thread
If you were to write a song about this guy what would you name it?
Shuffle 10 songs on your music player
It's time to listen french rap
Decided to listen to David Bowie's discography in order
I need some new music Sup Forums...
Why he isn't discussed here?
How does Sup Forums feel about this album?
What is the best song on this album?
I've been waiting for a guy to come and take me by the hand
You hear it you lose
Who is the most patrician female music artist?
RIP Grimes
What's your favorite Coldplay song?
Is she Sup Forums core?
What was going through her head during those terrifying moments?
I guess you could say Christina's future is looking a little Grimmie
Who would've thought she'd be shoot?
Music is subjective and you're cancer
Holy shit I can't stop laughing
Coloring Book drops
What does he listen to?
ITT: Remove a single letter from an album and describe what it sounds like
Is this the guy from the neutral milk hotels?
What do you consider bad lyrics?
There any real advantage to vinyl or is it just a hipster fetish?
So, what are your expectations for the new album, i haven't listened to Frankie Sinatra yet
We will each post a single line lyric in this thread (that we made up on the spot)
Christina Grimmie
I'm glad she got shot she probably fucking deserved it
Post fake album covers and others guess the genre
Reminder that this is Sup Forums IRL
Reminder The Beatles went from to in just a year and a half
Christina Grimmie
So why do I hate Car Seat Headrest, again?
/metal/ General
Why does /mu have such bad taste?
91.5 FM is playing 10/10 indie music until 11pst
Which ambient albums are good to sleep to...
New Bandcamp Thread
Friday Night Feels Thread
Post a section of your library or what's on your phone, then guess how old they are
RIP fucking bitch
Who is the least nu-male musician alive?
Top three
What does Sup Forums think of Slayer?
Post your desktop and people guess what you listen to
Just found out that i was born and grew up like two blocks away from the studio that the majority of GY!BE and ASMZ...
Ask a Guitar Center employee anything
Are we finally seeing the revival of music? I'll be the first to admit that I'm an old soul...
I am new to Sup Forums, never listened to music that much until now
What's the most uninteresting band of all time?
Heavenly shit
Collage time. 3x3, 4x4, 5x5, whatever
Is this album god tier or am i just pleb tier? And what other good albums does this band have?
This is the new Sup Forumscore
He'll be fine
This is just noise
Why is it so bland mu?
He's the Dylan of our generation. Prove me wrong
/gg/ - Guitarfag and Bassfag General - I'm Taking The Weekend Off Edition
It's amazing how a band could create an album with 2 1/2 hours of filler
/p4k/ - Nightly Pitchfork Countdown Hypetrain Thread
You've got one song to prove to me rap isn't 100% shit
ITT: albums that make you feel like a girl. Bonus points if they make you fell like a lesbian
Loop zoop
Good video game music
Someone you love very much is about to commit suicide. What album do you put on to save them?
Favourite Ae
Best 2-album streaks
What's the most difficult and/or important role in a rock band?
Kpop general
Rank your favorite bands discography
What do you think of the new Sup Forumscore?
Saw Alex G live this year and it was really disappointing. They were awful
Admit it
/rym/ general
ITT: Musicians who have killed people
ITT: Post the worst music review you've seen
Can't listen to Panda Bear because of his pussy stage name...
Will noise rock bring rock and roll back to the mainstream...
/gmg/ - gay music general
Yo so I'm making a vaporwave porno and it's also going to contain some found footage elements with a loosely structured...
Kpop general
Listens to Pet Sounds once
/fuck mucore/
ASMR thread
ITT: Post that acclaimed/well-known album with that one song that prevents it from being a perfect absolute 10
5x5 week
Sup Forums guesses each other's personalities
Explain to me the appeal of this album
Noise rock
Bands with perfect discographies?
Why doesn't michael gira just make joseph fuck off? this album is shit
What does she listen to?
Kpop general
Millennials would rather take #selfies and do the "nae nae" instead of getting sweaty in the mosh pit and headbang like...
/Mu makes a christian vaporwave album/
What do Trump supporters listen to?
After visiting this board for almost a year, i've noticed that these are the albums the users discuss the most...
Objective rating of the trilogy
ITT: Give an album an alternate title and alternate names for all its songs
3x3 4x4 5x5 collages
No Soundcloud? Soundcloud!
Who are your Sup Forums waifus? I've got more in my stable but Lauren and Hayley are my top 2
Kpop general
ITT:The part of your favourite album that made you think "oh shit, this is 10/10"
The weird frontier between pop and avantgarde
Fat girl who is rather thicc is into me for reasons I simply just cannot decipher
Alcohol music
That album that you recently discovered that you can't stop replaying because it's so damn good
/shugazi/ - Shoegaze (Dream Pop, Noise Pop, and Blackgaze) General
Is there any music with rapping which is not hip hop?
Kpop general
ITT: we post (preferably classic/acclaimed) albums we still haven't listened to and others convince us to check them out
/daily/ - Memes During Wartime edition
The Glowing Man Alt Art
Itt: extremely guilty pleasures
Alright kids, time to make an update to the Swans flowchart. Any requests...
Sup Forums covers thread. doesn't matter if you can play or sing well, just get in here and play something. roll...
The New Essentials
What do your friends and family think about your taste in music?
Qt CHART Thread
ITT: albums that Objective 10/10. And if you don't agree. There either Reddit or underage
I took some x and new some EDM
Itt: name an album everybody on Sup Forums can agree is good
Rank these albums
ITT: albums where the best song is the last song
Tfw aotd will get shit on by critics because of PC
Let's be honest here
Kpop general
ITT: Post an album and the pleb, contrarian, and patrician song choices
ITT you post last 5 albums rated on rym
/Bjorn "Speed" Strid/
Sup Forumsnger games thread?
So what does Sup Forums think of Vince Staples? I feel he has some good shit, might need to mature his lyrics though...
Photos of musicians in cowboy hats
What's the best instrumentals you've ever heard?
Lemonade has 92 on metacritic
Why do the """people""" with least amount of talent/creativity gravitate towards producing/DJ'ing as opposed to playing...
Be honest: the only reason you don't like this as much as the SMiLE Sessions is
Car Seat Headrest hate?
RYM / Sonemic General
Post your Spotify recently played artist others judge your taste
/prod/ - Music Production General
Is this the greatest jazz album of all time or just poseurcore?
Where do I start with these guys?
Current song
Be real: if this isn't your AOTYSF you don't belong on this board
Kpop general
Chart thread
How badly is this going to be panned?
What is some essential patrician Brit/English music?
Chronic Headphone Ruiner
This album is a masterpiece
Proto-mainstream industrial general
Hey guys
What's some good Swedish music that's not in english?
ITT: Music that will never be cool
Is this good, Sup Forums?
Best album for each decade
The question that people have not been asking themselves is this: "Is an artist just doing what they normally do worthy...
Spotify Playlists
Aphex Twin
What genre is music for this game?
Kpop general
Bf broke up with me
Oh shit
This man is a hack
I have literally never cried listening to music and i've probably listened to more music than at least 80% of Sup Forums
Anybody know a site where i can download full albums for free
New Deakin
You know, I was legitimately interested how Grimes got that BNM from p4k for Art Angels, a 5/10 album at best
Why is no one talking about this? Thought you guys loved Deak
Should women be allowed to make experimental music considering how bad their track record is with it?
Wildflower leaked from the scene in 320 Sup Forums, have you heard it yet? What did you think of it?
Was this the most overrated T-shirt band of all time...
Is this the Neon Genesis Evangelion of music?
4x4 thread
Is anyone else getting tired of the hacky "black people invented it but white people stole it!" narrative that is often...
Personal favorite albums of 2016 so far thread?
In Rainbows is back on Spotify, everyone
The Glowing Man is fucking amazing
I think we can all agree that Grimes is just great
Dead Time General
I want to pin Lauren Mayberry against a wall and stick my tongue up her butthole
Are you excited for Nick's new album Sup Forums?
Are you going to any music festivals this summer mu? I just bought tickets to pic related and I am so fucking excited
Which one is more punchable?
5x5 thread
Kpop general
Post your top three favorite albums of all time. Guess occupation and personality
AOTY 1967
When someone tells me Kanye is good
Does Sup Forums like Three Days Grace?
/gg/ - Guitar and Bass General
Recent Purchases Thread
No $uicideboy$ thread?
I'm soo excited for the new Avalanches haha
Who's the best in grime in 2016?
New Aphex Twin EP, get HYPED
Okay, post-match analysis time. Rank the trilogy:
Can you really listen to any kind of avangarde/experimental genres like noise...
Kpop general
I want to spank Lauren Mayberry until she cries and pees herself
Best production Programs
Folk artists
Tfw the Beatles finally clicked and you realize they're geniuses, esp. Paul
TGM > TBK > The Seer
Trap is bad. Young Thug, Future, Lil Yachty, Desiigner, Waka Flocka, and Chief Keef are all bad musicians and rappers
ITT we draw musicians and guess who we drew
Quick Sup Forums, type the name of this well-known japanese noise band. No looking it up
Noise is just nu-metal for art fags, isn't it?
Your opine of this?
This is one of the worst albums I have ever listened to
I've had it Sup Forums
KPOP General /KPG/
unironically listening to and enjoying modern "hip hop" music
Transgender artists
/shugazi/ - Shoegaze (Dream Pop, Noise Pop, and Blackgaze) General
This is actually really fucking good, why are you guys so mean to Grimes?
I just listened to this for the first time a few days ago and since then ive probably listened to it in full probably...
First track is called "Intro"
What're some bands/albums that have interesting guitar playing?
St. Vincent
Muh depression
/daily/ - Get tha 5s edition
If you were trapped on a deserted island for 10 years, which single album would you bring with you?
/p4k/ - Nightly Pitchfork Countdown Hypetrain Thread
What does Sup Forums think of the beginners guide to Radiohead made by Reddit?
Some patriotic bullshit event i had to go to in elementary school
Has anyone seen swans live?
The weird frontier between pop and avantgarde
No bullshit guys
Tfw you hear bands casually converse about paying for their p4k reviews
Anyone else here FUCK with these guys?
You can count the number of good conservative musicians with just one hand. Prove me wrong
AOTYSF by genre
Listened to this for the first time, very good
Unpopular Opinions
Bandcamp thread:
Yeah I'm really into experimental music, Merzbow, Boredoms, Gerogerigegege, Coil, Throbbing Gristle, Whitehouse...
To hype up the new album...
Well Sup Forums???
Truck Stop Toilet - Beans in the Aisle
/rym/ sonemic general
Women are inferior to men
What do you guys think of In the Trump Over the Sea?
Bandcamp Core
ITT: albums that changed your life
Recently Lauren Mayberry has been under attack by brandon and others posting vile horrible edited pictures of her doing...
No emo thread on Sup Forums
New Soundcloud Thread - R&R Edition
Tfw an album is so good it ruins all other music for you
ITT: Good albums by shit bands
What do cute girls listen to?
Buy a new album
/Summer Festival Thread/ I guess
Track starts with band member saying "Here We Go!"
What did he mean by this? 🤔
ITT: The Hidden 10/10s of this decade
Choice thread
Is this the greatest musical trilogy of all time?
3x3 Thread
About to listen to what may be the greatest album of all time, wish me luck
ITT: post a feel, get music for that feel
K-Pop General | KPOP GENERAL
When did you grow out of idm, Sup Forums?
Can someone recommend some vaporwave to me?
I'm in love with a girl I've never spoken to, who I think is the pinnacle of female beauty, creativity, and love...
ITT: Bands/Musicians only you listen to
Have you heard of this guy?
That segment where the drum mix completely cuts out in the middle of cymbals crashing during Frankie M
I fixed the 4x4/5x5 bug on Tapmusic. You're all welcome. TAPMUSIC THREAD GO
Was he proto-punk?
Sup Forumss opinion of this record
What is going on in his head?
Greatest female albums of all time
Car Seat Headrest
/gg/ - Guitar and Bass General - Inexperienced Assblasted Kiddies Edition
Had a Joy division t-shirt at the bottom of my dresser and figured to wear it because why not
This song gives me the chills
Privileged oppressor or victim of white supremacy?
Post your favorite band and political party/ideaology
Why aren't guitar solos common in music any more?
This is their only good album
Absolutely haram
That tfw when you realise just how completely insufferable everybody on this fucking board would be if you met them IRL
Is it better to be Jack of all Genres or Listener of One? Thread
The second to last song is ALWAYS the worst song on the album
Lyrics that hit you HARD
Objectively Correct Album Rankings
Post the all-time biggest hypocrites
Twenty one pilots
ITT: Your fav lyrics from an album
ITT: post
Psychedelic music is the best kind of music there is, prove me wrong
We just listened to some really great "music". :)
Mfw people are on RYM rating the glowing man .5 stars
What makes this album particularly good, especially within the realms of Hip-hop...
Albums women will never understand
Post fake album covers and others guess the genre
Jacob Sartorius - Sweatshirt
Post the most JUST images of musicians you can find
Song titled '1984'
Any more of those Techno videos from 1990-2000?
Choice thread
Like rap music
Was Soulja Boy avant-garde?
K-Pop General | KPOP GENERAL
Try to listen to the 320 of loveless I nabbed two years ago
What tours are /mu excited for?
Jesus fucking christ, Pitchfork. This is bottom tier journalism. What were they thinking...
Summer tunes
Drummer has 2 bands
So everyone acknowledges that Panda Bear invented vaporwave with Search for Delicious, right?
Stone Roses releasing another single tonight
Red pill me on xiu xiu
Now that all their albums are out, list your top 10 albums by Swans and also your top 10 songs by them if you will
Post albums you thought were just memes but turned out to be pretty great
Christ this is awful
ITT: rate the albums on this chart
Post the band that saved your life
What's your favourite musical grail that you own?
What's on her mind?
Discographies where each album can be considered a 10/10
Just a reminder that the man who wrote Stan and Lose Yourself also wrote this
I can hear the difference between FLAC and 320kbps
Says "metal is just edgy shit for teenagers"
Autechre General
Anyone else listen to a shitload of music ironically?
4x4 thread last 7 days
Why are normalfags ruining our meme all of a sudden?
Bandcamp Thread
What are some lesser known Jazz artists?
ITT: Listen to the album posted with your name
My favorite movie is The Knowing, man
ITT: Albums you wish you could listen to for the first time again
Kpop general
What artists make you instantly like someone if they tell you they like them?
See image for instructions
Is metal the modern classical?
RYM / Sonemic Thread
Now that it's leaked, what's your consensus Sup Forums?
I'm such a Bowie fan. My favorite songs are Starman, Changes, Space Oddity.... the list goes on and on!
I'm going for a run Sup Forums
Which is better
What does your recently added albums look like?
Should women be allowed to make experimental music considering how bad their track record is with it?
It just keeps going up
Post your favorite albums and your school
Nice! but
Kpop general
The Cheetah EP is coming to fruition check Aphex Twin facebook
He calls Steve Vai "overrated"
Was there ever a worse period for music than 2000-2005?
ITT: The perfect situation to listen to an album
Albums only liberals like
Interest rankings
Heaviest albums ever made?
/real experimental/
Is this the best emo record out there?
New to /mu and I haven't heard nearly half of the albums you post here, but every time I see one...
3x3 thread, special colored text edition...
"The whole controversy is preposterous - these killings are obviously ironic."
I want to understand Sunn O)))
What albums can i use to impress cute girls?
Sup Forums makes a "Top 100" list. Part 2
How bad will it suck? Worse than
Kpop general
Sup Forums seriously hasn't changed since 2010...
Do you have the same music taste as your friends?
Chart thread
Thoughts on this album?
Anyone have anything similar to this album?
ITT we rotate album covers 90 degrees and other anons try to guess the albums
Music Player general
I just found out the love of my life is trans and basically led my life on this string of fucking lies...
/daily/ - "running memes into the ground since 2014" edition
What will our children consider "dad rock" to be?
"The closest the 'art establishment' ever came to embracing metal was punk...
Kpop general - ummah edition
Itt: terrible albums
Is this true?
Educate me on Logic, Sup Forums
Sup Forums
What went wrong Sup Forums?
Seriously? This STILL hasn't leaked in full?
Can someone red pill me on why the music journalism community turned on them so unfairly...
Remove a single letter from an album and describe what it sounds like
Sharethread v97
Which genres make you think of the ocean or water in general?
What's the most important element of music, the songwriting (melodies, harmony, etc) or the production (mixing...
/gg/ - Guitar and Bass General
/kpg/ - kpop general - cute girls only edition
Keep On Lying is the greatest song ever made. I am not exaggerating or using hyperbole...
"hey grandpa, I bought you this album I found off the thrift store! I was told it was popular during your time...
It will come out August 25th. Screen-cap this
One of these threads
Lauren Mayberry has been subject to such vile hate and misogyny here with edited pictures to show her doing vile things
New soundcloud thread? Old one looks retired
/comp/ - Composition General
Soundcloud thread? Soundcloud thread
What is the best music streaming service in terms of size of music library and promptness of availability for new music?
Post covers of obscure albums that exist, others try to guess which genre they are from
Why did nu-metal die so fast?
Whats up with that guy spamming lewd shooped lavrens lately?
Do jews run the music industry?
Who should I believe?
Grimes makes me feel like she's my stepdaughter and I'm watching her go through various 'phases'...
Why isnt outkast discussed on Sup Forums
Whoever said this is bad fucking lied
Is this proto-slowcore?
You've been approached by NASA to select one song to be attached to the next deep space probe for extra-terrestrial...
One of these threads
So, I'm gonna do something I haven't done in a while...
Okay. Who did this?
What if the Japanese made country? What would it sound like?
Any prog rock suggestions?
Post an album. First album posted below you is what you listen to
ITT: albums that made you go "holy shit" when you first listened to them
ITT: post an image and user will rec you music based on it
What does Sup Forums think of Paul McCartney?
Grimes is literally the worst thing to happen to music in 20 years. Worse than post-grunge, worse than any top 40 shite...
Is it possible for a 10/10 album to come out in 2016...
/p4k/ - Nightly Pitchfork Countdown Hypetrain Thread
What is your honest opinion of Jonny Greenwood?
Anyone find themselves becoming asexual because of music?
Recent Pickups Thread
ITT: Albums that are hard to get
What is the sense of this pointless shit? What does excite you?
You really messed up everything
What's the essential latin american-core?
Do you fucking get it, Sup Forums? - Part 2
Why is track 7 always the best song?
Musicians who have done horrible, horrible things
New QOTSA Album announced!
Mfw there has literally never ever been a good song named after a girl since the very beginning of time
/bandcamp/ thread
ITT: what i listened to thread
Daily reminder to be nice to Grimes
Patrician school shooter albums?
How do I write music like him?
/avalanches/ 2 songs leaked
How does Sup Forums feel about Eminems musical progression?
/Chart Thread/
A SoundCloud thread since i didn't see one in the catalog!?
I remember loving this when it came out, so i listened to it again today and boy what a piece of shit...
Girls can’t into Death Grips. For the most part they listen to them because it’s a fashion statement...
I'm really fucking depressed with no concrete reason, I know I shouldn't be sad, but I can't help it
Are we not men?
Bill clinton swag
10/10 (no 9/10) you never see posted on Sup Forums
ITT: Post the whitest artist/band you know
Just a daily reminder to be nice to Grimes <3
How can people take music critics seriously when they like all humans have biases towards certain music that they like...
Band has two females
5x5 thread
Would you ever get a lyric tattoo...
My wife's son is asking me for some music recs and I don't know what to give him...
Kpop general
Listening to music at Uni bus stop
Meanwhile in late 90's and early 00's Sup Forums
Favorite album of each decade go
New avalanches hot off of russian facebook
Best Hip-Hop Group?
How do you guys listen and enjoy experimental music?
Was this their last album, Sup Forums?
I'm having a really hard time in my life, everything is going to shit, and nobody gives a fuck...
Beyonce made a better album than kanye, death grips, and radiohead
Do you fucking get it Sup Forums?
I'm so fucking high guys and feel unironically cool because of it
What are some good female-fronted rock bands Sup Forums?
What music do they listen to?
Hello, Sup Forumstards. How do you like your EQ settings? Did you even know your music player has an EQ...
What's this unwritten rule with vaporwave that nobody should tell anyone what sample they've used...
File limit reached
I just finished college so lets have a music thread
You hear it you lose
Going to be DJing a school's senior prom this Friday. Sup Forums decides what i play
Implying you don't like Say Anything
Does Sup Forums prefer the old or the new Ms. Grande?
Rym / sonemic general
Kpop general
Unexpected st Viinny thread
Vegetarian albums
Describe your music taste in one picture or less
ITT: music beautiful people listen to
Lol what a cuck
Memes aside, why did her shirt say "J H"
I liked it
What is the greatest mainstream pop song from the 2010s?
What's wrong with enjoying music from past generations or "dad rock"? Music was objectively better in the past...
Metal Art
Show me your best Lo-fi tracks Sup Forums
ITT: albums that saved your life
What is the best Gorillaz song and why is it Feel Good Inc?
Band tries to stay relevant after lead singer dies
I'm trying to get into Radiohead. Where should i start?
More of this? I just heard this album, so fucking good
Did they "fuck"?
Artists whose wang dang doodle you've seen
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Kpop general
Has she already earned her place in music history?
Swans - The Glowing Man
We're all pretty sure Will's gay right?
Name my band Sup Forums
Name a song that's features more talent
Real AOTY thread
White girls must be stopped
Why don't you guys like him anymore?
Chinese Cartoon are at it again! Sup Forums made another album where every track is <1 minute long...
The weird frontier between pop and avantgarde
When you really love an obscure bandcamp release but don't want to post it here because Sup Forums will think the band...
Kpop general
Listens to Swans once
Is it ok to delete tracks you don't like or is it better to force yourself to listen to it the original way the artist...
Spotify Playlists
Haven't seen these guys brought up much if at all so I was wondering
What is the biggest music you ever heard
Kpop general
Band's Beatles Equivalents
/daily/ - Yui edition
What do you guys think of Public Enemy? This is my favorite album by them
What's your favourite Nirvana song? Mine would have to be Half The Man I Used To Be
Why do classical fans love the downward spiral so much?
Is this their only "all killer no filler" album?
Is this really as bad as everyone says?
What do you guys think of lil uzi vert?
/gg/ - Guitarfag and Bassfag General-Deaner Edition
Swans Leak Thread
Kpop general
ITT: Are you allowed to still enjoy The Beatles after reading his essay?
Post and rate, brutal honesty encouraged
Do the thing
What does he listen to?
Kpop genereal
Vinyl Thread
/chart thread/
Is this the greatest pop punk album ever?
What is the consensus on daft punk on Sup Forums?
Sup guys my band "Kitty Carloff" just dropped a brand fucking new video and you should watch it...
Doing nofap and it's getting kind of rough
ITT: You hear it, you lose
Sup Forums confessions
Genres that won't survive after 2020
Tfw he'ill never love me
Album covers with feelsguy on them
A friend of mine invited me to some feminist underground concert, I have never been to one before so what can I expect?
ITT: Personal 10/10's that aren't Sup Forums-approved
More like this?
Are there any songs that truly fucked you up when you learned the meaning behind them?
Kpop genereal
Why was the 80s such a godawful decade of music?
What's the heaviest album mu can through at me?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...