New QOTSA Album announced!

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Stoked, clockwork was fucking great.

This band can do no wrong. I am sure whatever they put out will be gold.

Fuck yes

Should I see them live? Any good?

based redpilled Josh is back

Boycott them for Islamphobia comments, seriously

let's hope they put jon theodore to good use this time

josh never said anything

What did he say? I know Jesse said some suspect stuff, but I was also pretty happy with his apology.

What did they say?

even more reason to support him friendo


pretty much.
yes very good. bring earplugs though.
theodore is a good drummer, but i saw qotsa live in 2014 for halloween, theodore fucked up a number of times. grohl is still the best drummer qotsa ever had.

>theodore fucked up a number of times.
that's weird, the stuff he played in the mars volta was a lot more demanding than this

Or boycott them because their music is shitty buttrock. Your choice.

i know right? i was a little surprised myself. he just needs gloves, like grohl wears. half of the mistakes were because he lost a stick.

AOTY 2017?

i really hate this band cause everyone loves them and they sound souless and boring.

fuck off cuckfag

you're literally a fucking retard


Dude a new QotSA album was released not a fucking Foo Fighters one.

Fuck yes, I need me some new QOTSA

I would be stoked, but after seeing what he did to the arctic monkeys I have my doubts.

Humbug (the album with the most Homme on it) was their best though, even if AM sucked.

>like clockwork was released 3 years ago


hell yeah
stay classy motherfuckers


And this new album probably won't be ready until 2017.
I'll be too old to appreciate it by then.

You would literally be one year older...

So old...


Each one goes by faster than the last

Like Clockwork is mostly mediocre to bad but the first time I heard I Appear Missing I freaked the fuck out because it's so good

I'd like to hear an entire album of that

like they have any reason to be afraid of muslims

Josh/QotSA never said anything about Islam/muslims.
QotSA =/= EoDM
Josh Homme =/= Jesse Hughes

Same person senpai