It's 1900

I want to shove a stenograph up my ass.

i say

Who here likes Strauss

when will music be invented?

What would happen if we played instruments together


Scientists estimate 10 years.

>tfw music doesn't start until 1910

topmost laugh sir
music may happen after flight; that is to say, never.
Also watch out for that Hitler, he's a bad egg.

Anyone know where a lad can get some good ankle pictures, for scientific research of course.

we haven't figured out music yet, OP. give us a decade or so

I just saw some guy banging rocks together and his friend going "twang twang twing twang". What were they doing?

i might be able to draw one for you, if only pencils were invented yet

Pretending to be negroes

I don't understand this new 'rag' craze. Not only is it banal and boring peasant noise, but it was started by a negro! I say, into the waste barrel I cast it.

I hear Ms. Hurley will show you her ankle in return for churning some butter for her

I saw Ebu GoGo gutting a child yesterday.

whatever it is it'll never catch on

my whole family literally just died of the black plague
music for this feel?

They're trying to invent music. Just give them another 10 years.

unfortunately we do not have music yet

My brother died in the Philippines. Music for this feel?

So what I'm getting from this thread is, Sup Forums, and by extension most teenagers today, don't even think that classical music is music. Is that a correct analysis?

can't wait until we have music

when we finally figure out this whole "music" thing, how do you think it'll sound?

Rag? I've never heard of that. Is it one of those new moving picture shows?

What it's just a noise that people make? With their mouths, my good fellow? I can't comprehend of what you are trying to explain

Music hasn't been invented......uhhhh try tugging on your old johnson.

Bonsoir newfellow

No matter what it sounds like, if you enjoy it we'll tell you it sounds like shit and call you a fag or a pleb for enjoying something you like.

I love death grips

what's a hitler

Where I come from, we lynch niggers and those associated with them types especially those involved in witchcraft.

you guys are so stupid it's 2016
There wasn't internet in 1900.. Didn't you guys realize that? Joke makes no sense so it's not funny

>There wasn't internet in 1900
Yes there was dumbo

I'm from the future, the year 2016. Ask me anything.


any good releases?

How bad is life after Justin Bieber ruined music?

do they find a cure for polio?

What exactly is "music"

Yes, in 1955 and polio pretty much died out entirely in the western world thereafter.

you guys are so stupid this joke isn't funny it's 2016 it's not funny to pretend it's a different year

when do the beatles invent music?

What are you talking about? It's 1900 and Beethoven starts music in about 10 years

Did they ever find out who killed Cobain?

it's 2016 it's not 1900 this is really not funny guys stop

We fucking know user

oh, are we pretending it's 2016?
odd choice of year but okay

i have to fly my personal train to the moon to pick up my son from the cheese harvest
haha, jolly good fun


My word! What bully digits!

This is so immature and really not funny it's just a waste of time to act like this

I agree, good sir. Negroes are ignorant, uncouth, and possess no talent, musical, or otherwise. Music was invented by white people for white people's entertainment. Just like the horseless carriage, this "Rag" nonsense is a passing phase that no one will be talking about by this time next year.

Listen, faggot, if you're not going to participate properly, and stay in character, please post your bullshit someplace else, like maybe 9Gag, or dread it.

Are you fucking new or something? We have these threads often.

I think I'll teleport to Africa for a hunt! I'm so glad that all the worlds problems were solved by humanities inventiveness.

> on Sup Forums
> a waste of time
must be a newfag or something

Stay in character? What do you think this is? It's 2016 and you're posting on :mu/ you're not being funny you're just being confusing and wasting your time it's not 1900 what do you get out of this

Well you should find something better to do with your time

Just stop

Fuck off if you're not going to participate properly

Broad-sculled negroids are a pestilence indeed. Thank goodness for the incredible and accurate science of phrenology for making this now objectively clear to us.

What is this strange cadence and dialect you are speaking in?

This is 4 Chan, and you're obviously new to this concept! (Summerfags! Sheesh! Amirite?)

Man when is WWI gonna start. This nigga needs to die

You're wasting your time it's not 1900 and jokes like these are so ridiculous it's a giant waste of time it's so stupid it makes my brain hurt

You really need to stop this is a bad idea for a thread it's just confusing that people are taking part in it

Just stop

I'm not new this is just really stupid and an odd thing for a lot of people to do its 2016 it's not funny to pretend to be stupid

You're not being funny you're just confusing people including yourself

I believe the term in nigger. Is that man a nigger? It would explain his boisterous temperment

is this nigga for real, cause we need to lynch him for sure.

Shush with your frivolous outbursts, my boy. Serious men are attempting to speak on behalf of this new, turn of the century society

Tis indeed a shame that it's not two years earlier. I would've made sure this ruffian would've been shipped off to Cuba after the sinking of The Maine.

Hey guys is it time for me to invent music yet?

Stop posting in this ridiculous thread threads like these should be deleted it makes me so angry that peopel think that this is a good way to spend your time

Really you need to stop this is so stupid the concept is too ridiculous too be funny why would people in 1900 be on a website

no, another 10 years.

Give it ten years Gustav.

>year 1900
>ride to rockcord store on my dinocar
>ask for a rockcording of Rocktoven's 9th Rockphony
>clerk tells me music hasn't been invented yet

This poster has a point. We ARE wasting time when we acknowledge this trolls posts, and respond to it. I say we ignore this rapscallion, and carry on with our postings as usual. Perhaps this young upstart will get the message and find a new thread to post in, instead of spoiling everybody elses fun just because they have no friends, nor have the carnal knowledge of a fine, shapely female. Tis his own affairs, and not ours. Carry on, ladies, and gentlemen.

You spent time to tell people that something they are enjoying is a waste of time. I actually feel kind of bad for you, you must be miserable.


Are you by any chance severely autistic? Like seriously, not as an insult. You seem like you're autistic.

I have no quarrel with you sir.

get LOST

just smoke some opium and shot some heroin cause i have a cold

what is m-us-ic?

The repeating digits you are sending me on your telegraph must will it


WTF is a scientist nigga?

For idiots who don't get the joke.

The so called "Scientist" is an agent of Satan and a scourge of the earth. They are a blasphemous abomination in the eyes of The Lord, and his good book, The Bible. Indeed, they would have you and I believe that we descended from apes. They are not to be trusted, and are to be avoided at all costs.

>2001-2006= music is changing

Can't argue with that shit

>There wasn't internet in 1900
Then how are we posting in this thread right now?
Dumb piece of shit.

He's probably a negro

So guys, what do we do the next 10 years while waiting for music to be invented?

Let's oppress non whites. Maybe some queers too