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Something about her just seems so insincere

a good guitar already existed for females, it's called the Mustang.

That said Ernie Ball makes incredibly comfy guitars, and I enjoy St Vincents music to a great extent.

that isn't a bad idea at all

I get that feeling too. Maybe its just that I can't enjoy her music so she comes off as a tryhard.

Is it really necessary? If The Great Kat could shred with a "male" guitar I don't see why Annie Clark needs to modify hers

Eh, if she feels like it's a problem for her and has the money to fix a guitar up to solve it who are we to stop her?

nah more like the company approach her to sponsor it

more money for annie without dropping an album

opinion disregarded

>deleted his first post



>if every great painter in history shat in a bucket, why do you need a toilet?

apples to oranges


So you're of the opinion that Annie Clark has personally taken female guitar playing to the next level? That the hundreds of female guitar players before her were doing it wrong, were too primitive to use her perfect boob-shaped guitar, as backwards as someone who shits in a bucket instead of a toilet? Annie Clark, and Annie Clark alone, plays a guitar style so advanced she needs a custom-built one to accomodate her figure?

she doesn't even have large boobs

>Jackson V.
>Tiny as fuck wing profile similar to the modified Ernie B, that typically lowrides or sits on the leg like in the pic.
>"Hurrr durrr this bitch can play a male guitar."

Brain damage.

who says it's just for her?

Well, that's cool I guess. Rather than bitching on twitter about it, she actually went out and made a guitar design of her own. That's a good thing.

the only thing that stumps me on her guitar is that its priced at 2000 dollars, which just does not match up with what i believe her fan base would even consider spending on a guitar. typically that price point is for people who freak out over vintage gear or custom shop versions of older models. just exactly what kind of customer is this model aimed at? i think that if she really did want to push the "this guitar is for girls" angle it shouldve been priced way cheaper so that young girls could easily afford one - bolstering st vincents cred. i think ive thought too much about this.

Is it possible to design a guitar for the EXCLUSIVE use of women only? Like, no male could POSSIBLY play this guitar?

She made the guitar because they offered the possibility to her, and while designing it she decided it would be better if it had more space. It's not like its a female-only guitar or that that feature is it's main selling point.

Apparently it's also a very good guitar, tho there are still better guitars out there.

>The Verdict
>Annie Clark’s signature model is visually striking. But its distinctiveness is more than skin-deep. Its superb ergonomics are perfect for players seeking a big-guitar sound from a light, lean-bodied instrument. The build quality is excellent. Three mini-humbuckers and unconventional wiring provide many distinctive tones, all of which benefit from the guitar’s fine intonation and great natural sustain. The price may seem steep for a solidbody with a bolt-on neck, but this is a unique new design, and the detail work and setup are fantastic. (Some skilled technician invested substantial bench time fine-tuning this instrument.) The St. Vincent is as cool, clever, and engaging as, well, a new St. Vincent album.

I didn't know Omar was a faggot.

she tries too hard, nobody likes her anymore.

Didnt know Omar had boob trouble

>doing things


>not reading the thread



maybe just wear the guitar lower like a normal person. no one but johnny cash wears their guitar on their chest.

Only shitty punk faggots play with their guitar low.

>i know more about being a female playing a guitar than a professional female guitar player

why do I get the feeling that st vinny has never listened to this guy's music before

anyway the idea for the guitar is actually pretty cool, it's got a unique shape and making room for boobs is a good idea from vinny and her team. personally I'm not feeling the shape but it's nice enough.

How many boobs does the St. Vincent signature guitar accommodate for? Oh, just... one?


Great now SJW shit is infecting guitars?

Maybelle Carter never needed a special guitar for her tits.

What a hack. Why can't females design anything without bringing their genitals into it. Can you imagine if a guy made a special guitar with a slot cut out so you can rest your dick.

nice demotivational poster mémé friendo :^)

This is a good idea. There's quite literally no reason for anyone to be upset by it.

why are you so bothered by this?

wow someone referencing maybelle carter on Sup Forums

I've read the WIkipedia page of this woman and she sounds like the most tryhard retarded act I've ever heard.

watch out gang, we got an expert on the scene

>Great now SJW shit is infecting guitars?

somebody will find a way, every time you think there's no reason at all for anybody to ever be upset by something, just remember this one universal truth: somebody will find a way.

This guy Iooks Iike a huge fucking faggot with that toy guitar.

Everybody invoIved in that picture is a huge tooI, are anyone other than S J Ws going to faII for this?

We can only hope and pray that all these assholes get what they deserve for triggering us so hard.

Somebody get Angel Olsen one AMIRITE

Hell ya bro

jesus christ those are some fat fucking tits oh god oh lord have mercy im gonna nut ooooooohh ahhhhhhh hhnnnnnggggg

way to misunderstand a really straightforward metaphor, homie. Just because everyone in the past had inferior technology doesn't mean that it can't be improved. Other female guitar players didn't need a custom guitar, but it would have been more comfortable. It's not that complicated.


sounds like he's already 'bating

daily reminder


This made me go back and undo the drugs I did in high school

why not play a flying V?...plenty of room, uncomfortable to play sitting down though.

What's wrong with this?

because they sound like shit

Best post ITT.

Careful with that edgy opinion. She's so much better than you it's not even funny.

No, the amp is more important, albert king and jimmy hendrix both had good tone through marshall 100w plexi heads.

>its priced at 2000 dollars, which just does not match up with what i believe her fan base would even consider spending on a guitar

It's not for her 'fan base', it's for guitarists

>shred wankery
Why would someone want to become good at something that sounds so bad.

>The Great Kat is the stage name of Katherine Thomas (born 6 June 1966), an English-born, New York-raised, musician best known for her thrash metal interpretations of well-known pieces of classical music
>Guitar One magazine listed her as one of the "Fastest Shredders of All Time".
>Her classical background, technical skills and self-promotion are sometimes compared to Yngwie Malmsteen.

I don't even have to listen to her to know she sucks, and I love wank.

>why do I get the feeling that st vinny has never listened to this guy's music before
because you're suspicious of every woman in a creative field, lol

>S J W: The Post


you're just so steeped in your SJW bullshit that you see it everywhere

Design the neck as a erect benis and paint it period blood red. That'll ward off both straight and gay men.

lol fuck off, it's more to do with the fact that she's bullshitted like that before before and then omar has her guitar and she's all "yeah one of my idols totes"

i'm not even criticizing her, I do that all of the time, most people bullshit about stuff like that sometimes, just saying what I think

Ruban Nielson plays his guitar on his chest. Don't even act like he's not one of the best guitarists of our generation


Everyone who isn't trying to look FUQQIN SIKK wears their guitar high.

Tom Morello practically wears his guitar on his neck.

>Omar plays a guitar for women

he and the mars vulta are shit

the only good thing about them were jon theodore and ikey owens

>@brooklyn vegan

pretty sure she does. shes probably got a ton of guitars that she uses at different concerts

....so a lot like St. Vincent then?

Does Annie feel fabricated to anyone else? Like she's trying really hard or not herself. Did Bryne do this to her?

>St. Vincent is a woman after our own hearts.
>She's a killer musician, a constant source of hair inspiration and—let's be honest—one half of a couple we routinely Google-image.

Now for the text that was mysteriously omitted
>And by "our," and "we," I actually mean "my," and "I," but of course I'd render myself in a position of discomfort if I weren't very, very consciously projecting my preferences and opinions on an audience that simply wanted to read about this apparent accommodation to the classic instrument.

>site's design incorporates lowercase tab titles, article titles, etc.
Jesus. They seem insufferable already.

I guess, I've only heard that shitty Youtube video someone posted in this thread and sounds like shit.

everyone puts on some kind of act on stage or when being interviewed

The thing I really like about this (aside from boob room, which is nice) is that it's supposed to be lighter than a standard guitar. I have a hard time holding up/carrying a guitar for extended periods of time. I just don't have the build for it. Wish I could afford this model lol.