we back edition
Kpop general
whats a buddy got to do see some crayon pop posted?
twice are rude bitches for what they did to baek a yeon
even when they DON'T FUCKING WIN they have to make EVERYTHING about them.
I was pressing F5 like crazy
i love this girl
wow we're back!
how bout that show, huh
IM GONNA BE A STAR performance was actually pretty good. Chae did good with her raps. The choreo was great, incorporating dance moves from Cheer Up, LOA and even Tzuyu's 'lets go to the mart' dance. Also holy shit they are all so hot.
buddy as in friend or buddy as in the vomit group?
I don't know why you that one dude is so pissed about Twice celebrating with Baek A Yeon
In the words of Got7 Jackson, JYP FAMILY
Go shitpost somewhere else faggot.
why the fuck did they stay on stage?
it's funny, the moment i saw them doing that i thought it might have the potential for a small scandal, if antis are smart about it
but i think the jyp family meme is too strong and will easily control the narrative in their favor
Ramadan concept confirmed
goddamn L.I.E. is such a BOP
if you watch they keep trying to grab the trophy and make the entire stage about them.
i guess that's what happens when you breed a monster like twice, they're literally incapable of not having everything be about them
Seunghee's english pronunciation is on fucking point
twice were only there in hopes of absorbing some of her singing talent
seriously considering photoshopping myself into the pic with chengy...
Tiffany is the cameraman
Baek E Yeon won and Twice apparently thought since they're part of the same label that entitles them to stay on the stage and make total assclowns of themselves while Baek E Yeon tries to take her encore.
i like the part where she points to her crotch and says "i really want to..."
omoooo imagine unbuttoning those tiny shorts and just...
I would do it, but I can only use paint :(
>twice haters are mad at this
Grow the fuck up you fucking loosers
>moot's face right now
Finally getting around to finishing Lovelyz in Wonderland
>all the crying at the beginning of episode 7
I had to literally get up and pace at some points. It was too heart wrenching
>Jiae and Mijoo are pretty much best friends in episode 8
omo, daebak
I don't even hate twice but it's still a little disrespectful mate
it's rude as fuck. Baek E Yeon won, let her have her stage. not everything in the world has to be about Twice
get gimp
wtf, i admit i sometimes exaggerate about how shit certain twice songs are but that 'im gonna be a star' song is literally the worst kpop song ive heard all year and ive heard some gaypop this year too
just what...
if moot is the high sparrow, who is hiroshimoot?
dat boi
why do korean idols love tony tony chopper so much? literally every idol has a chopper doll lying around somewhere
p-post him
i hope twice gets fucking ripped to shreds for this insult.
get to it, netizens!
i want to have sex with a hot idol that used to fuck niggers
[PICS] 160609 AOA's Seolhyun for Dongbu Car Insurance
what to do on zn feeties day...
Fans are unoriginal and give them the same 5 toys.
That reindeer, pikachus, sharks, and other cute shit.
Twice haters trying extra hard these days
i bet her dad waps her while she's wearing that
This is literally what JYP wants, now people will talk about Twice AGAIN.
>this thread
So mad, so mad.
It's ZN's birthday guys
post ZN
nah im good
>twice sings literally the worst kpop song i've ever heard
>twice tries to make the winners stage all about them
>nobody talking about baek e yeon or how disrespectful it was
>"omg twice are sooo cute xD"
twice killed kpop for me
>arin plots to steal the trophy backstage
Where is the Gfriend logo on that pupper?
>group X is the next snsd
no group has been the next snsd (or will be)
i love how she think she graduated with that brain
it's pretty rude of omg to stand always right behind the mc's at the end of shows desu. other nugu groups should have a chance too to get some screen time. there should be a rotation
How fucking cynical do you have to be to hate on a group for celebrating another artists win?
EXID Should've won.
I had a really nice dream about my waifu and now I'm super sad after waking up...
What are you trying to imply about noona?
how fucking self absorbed do you have to be to stay on the stage during another artists winning encore
You know.
Twice haters always find reasons to hate them.
Better ignore them.
twice respectfully supported their fellow JYP artist. have you seen what gaypoppers like those suju shits do
omg isnt nugu anymore, they broke the 25k barrier and have thus joined the ranks of lovelyz as the future of kpop ;)
that's not zn though
off yourself desu
she graduated because she gives good head
throw babysoul in the hole
more like dunce
Solar is ____
exid won yesterday, lucky them because literally 2/3 of their song is shit
is this a meme
they couldn't even win against april on the show. and april is pretty nugu
You know, it's okay to admit that your group doesn't have the best song in the world. It does not diminish their accomplishments. TWICE is still a very beautiful and fun group. They just are untalented and don't make good music.
What is so wrong about accepting such truths?
the foil to MOONbyul
you still visit Sup Forums? seeing how after all these years you insist on making these shitty unfunny boring pics no one gives a fuck about
kill yourself, fat, retarded, spic sack of shit
April sold 4000 overall for their album
OMG has sold 25k with Pink Ocean + Windy Day combined
momo's momos
eric nam's wife
it's a shame. i like the chorus of the song, and the pop parts of the song are really good. but it's EXID so of course they spend most of the song rapping and humping the air even though they have like one decent rapper and like one attractive member
eli eli eli eli
eh eh
can you be more triggered?
>noona giving head
Do you think she swallows...?
breeding little quarterlings with somi...
No, their song is good.
The album is good too.
I've been listening to it alot.
>bragging about a music show win
april had better start selling some albums or they won't last long famalam
so 12,5k each release. that's not much and not even close to lovelyz.
good for you, your taste is shit
Yu Sua
a busted fat whore