Pro tip: 1) Be sure it's actually a HIDDEN gem (we don't need more circlejerking, my dudes) 2) 10/10s are subjective. Let's try to put some newer bands under the spotlight, not argue about pointless shit.
Have fun! >Pic related Some user reccd this one out of the blue, and I sincerely think is the only 10/10 I've heard to come out in the last decade (maybe even more).
It doesn't sound bland to me at all. Besides, that's just one song. Try the full album. It's great.
this is the kind of shit that ruins this fucking board. >lol he a shill xD dun listen I'm trying to help this shithole by introducing lesser known material to share. Even if you don't like it, it spawns some very much needed discussion. Fuck off.
Adrian Foster
i dunno this is p good
Kevin Evans
No seriously, stop shilling your boring music on Sup Forums
Samuel Gonzalez
Levi Foster
the whole albums is fucking majestic. I'd say that song is my least favorite from it. Listen to this If you like it, get the album (it's kinda hard to find though). It's quickly becoming one of my all time favs. The opening track, which I think is not on YT, is fucking amazing as well.
Landon Bell
shut the fuck up and contribute you dolt
album is big blood and the bleedin' hearts it's pretty damn fantastic