Top three

let's do one of these, shall we?

would bump with template but i lost it

am i running uncontested? do i truly have the best taste?

here's an alt template

oh yeah that actually works better. thanks

I don't play vidya, only game I ever cared about was Portal 2

nice albums. did you actually read anna karenina in russian?


There is absolutely no way that you can be fully appreciative of Proust or Moby Dick and think that moody guitar music and perversions of folk music is the best music has to offer, or that video games have anything to offer. I bet you haven't even read all of In Search of Lost Time: you don't have the attention span or wherewithal.

like, i know you're trolling, but i did my master's on Lost Time.

also, Lost Time isn't that hard to read, it's just really long. basically anyone with a high school education should be able to get through that book in less than a year

Well, I guess I can believe that, though that of course doesn't automatically mean that you actually read the whole thing. Standards in modern academia are so incredibly low, I can easily see someone getting a master's knowing nothing about anything outside of their area of focus (in this case 'literature' or English I suppose), and knowing very little about anything within it. It is nothing short of a crime that people are exiting the American university system thinking that motherfucking The Fall is the best music has to offer. I understand the irony in my saying this on this godforsaken website, which is a timesink almost as severe as videogames, but at least I'm aware of my predicament.

i definitely don't think the fall is the best music has to offer, I just like the album. and I'm not American, I'm French. why are you so eager to appear intelligent to people you'll never meet?

Ah. While I retract my comment about the American university system (or rather, I don't retract my hatred of it, but I do retract it in your case), it all makes perfect sense now. Tell me, did you apply 'theory' in the vein of Lacan (the French Freud) or Derrida (the French Joyce) to your analysis of A la recherche? Or has that become passe? What is now fashionable among the French charlatans? You people are constantly churning out new fashions, which the academic politicians over here in Burgerland then gobble up. But no, it makes perfect sense now that a child of Derrida should think that The Fall is hot shit.

are you just angry all the time? do you see any good in anything?


I see good most primarily in the fine things in life. I very much see the good in Moby Dick and A la recherche, just not in very much else on that chart (I haven't read Under the Volcano). I'm just not sure you see the good in it. But, I'm not really angry anymore, more amused, because you French 'theorists' are amusing. It's when it makes it over to American and Britain that that stuff becomes dangerous. But, tell me about your master's. What is fashionable in French academia nowadays?

nice generic p4k core taste guys

i'd rather not talk about something that i love to someone like you. you're a hateful person, or at least you're being hateful. what do you love in la recherche?

>why are people acting like aggressive assholes without any sort of real provocation

Welcome to Sup Forums, enjoy your stay!

you post yours then

the best parts of Sup Forums aren't the menacing ones

Excellent taste in film
Mediocre taste in music
Books are obviously classics
Don't play vidya



[spoiler]I haven't read the whole thing; I just like what excerpts I have read and the idea of it. The passage with the magic lamp is quite marvelous. I'm just waiting until I feel like totally immersing myself in a work, the way I did with Ulysses and Finnegans Wake.[/spoiler]

You'd understand that putting Moby Dick and Neutral Milk Hotel on the same chart is a form of provocation if you cared a twig about literature.

yeah i made this a while ago, those albums are somewhat out of date. I'd probably replace the Fall with something by Richard Dawson, and the NMH with some Raymond Scott or something

ahhhh polvo ahhh

Ulysses was magnificent. I could never get through Finnegans Wake, English not being my first language, and that book being what it is. finish la recherche, or what there is of it, and please don't associate it with any pretensions. i think that book is one of the most beautiful things created by Western culture, and I really can't bear to be angry about it

>tfw don't read so I don't want to post in this thread as everyone will discount me as a non-reader

There aren't exactly any good parts of Sup Forums to begin with. Pretty much the only things this website excels in is memeing and shitposting.

>You'd understand that putting Moby Dick and Neutral Milk Hotel on the same chart is a form of provocation if you cared a twig about literature.

No I'm not very /lit/erate I'm afraid, I apologize. Would like to change that eventually though.

literary fiction is an academic scam

it's okay user, you're fine the way you are. reading is fun though, no reason not to try. all you need to live well is kindness and curiosity.

>I must assert my superior intellect on an anonymous imageboard because my life is so unbearably worthless
If you're ever wondering why no one takes you seriously, I would refer to your post as Exhibit A

The Fall is good. I'm not familiar with the others.

no I didn't I just googled an image and picked that one, english is my second lenguage though


Reminder that if you don't have a section exclusively for anime, you don't belong here.