Qt CHART Thread

Seeing Built To Spill tonight
going to be choice
Seer - 6
TBK - 6.5
TGM - 7
i like the new album!
come in and tell us what you think

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>the qt from your qt chart will never materialize

why live?

mine exists somewhere
but yeah that sure is a feeling, my man

what do you do when you want something but get nothing?

some of my friends and i made parody versions of this thread's charts, but they actually turned out pretty good

this chart just has some of my long time favorites on it, i don't listen to the albums that often but i love them very much

To one day be the qt someone else's chart.

you grab your dick and keep pulling


your taste is poor, pls make reconsider...


it's painful

b-but that's a dude.,,
are you????
-oh..,, my

i'm sorry

wow thats pretty homosexual

>Lullaby Land
Fuck yes, one of the GOAT industrial albums

Would be bros with/10

bretty great


Built to Spill kick ass live, yo

be my bf

Apologizing for the shit taste, I don't have high standards

about as good as Drop's taste desu

why don't you want a trouser-wearing gf

ouch, what happened

because it's cute

it's been growing on me lately, still tough to digest the length of the record

I just love to watch you burn,.

you doing alright man

i'd give you a hug if i could


made this like 2 years ago, WOW is it tumblrcore

thats fucking gay

what did he mean by this

thanks man
also checkt

goode charte, qt pictures

come to me once more my love

damn trips confirm
thank you user

so do i throw up before, during, and/or after the show??>?.

during and after, but not before


idk dude i might HHHhurl;

puke in davids car

he is already heading over to alamoland but i should ask for his car at the venue and just expunge this demon

good idea
just tell him it slipped

I am a robot

what's the strawberry

a-are they really that
well umhm uh bi-
"endowed?" hmmm

summer break is always hell

i wish i had ppl to jam with

that's probably a good thing, hehee he

hi bob, i admir you

Wussy - Strawberry
no it's a joke

that's' not much of a jokeee
do you like clementines oro oranges or grapepfruits or limes or lemsons or tangelos or tangerines or ?

oranges are good. i like to eat them frozen.

hello boys and girls

trist - hin-fort
pg.lost - key

why is shit taste just popular taste nowadays. you have nothing to apologise for user
bark psychosis - hex
dirty three - ocean songs

is your arm tat p wild? you seem a bit wild
p out-there eyah

where's the qt

haha can you fucking leaf????

I'm so sorry here's a qt for you

thanks, here's a reciprocal one

I haven't listened to a new album in a week and I feel so disgusting and worthless about it.

I finally made one

welcome to the club

I don't know why but the idea of her being a big Interpol fan seems attractive

made on finally. i never know what to put on these, is it all time faves? current faves? here's a mix

i like this one

i thought the point was ten things you'd want to have in common with an ideal partner but this is a cool chart i guess
by the way, isn't Kenmochi Hidefumi the guy who does Suiyoubi no Campanella

that would make sense, chart is the same either way. and he is apparently according to wikipedia