Well Sup Forums???

well Sup Forums???

Other urls found in this thread:


circle is objectively the better shape. People who say square just want to be edgy

cool thread idea man

circle is for plebs. square is at least a little challenging, it has some edge to it.

hard normal daddy



insert long ramblings on how the greeks thought circles were GOAT to back up my claim and why you should respect my tastes bc they're better than yours

I'd do both

you can't check a circle like you can check these dubs

square it is

fucking weebs

circle is the best but I like both

The circle is the representation of the self as an entity and the square the elements it inhabits.
>not joining perfected triangle master race

underrated post


By induction we can conclude that circles have an infinite number of sides, compared to the four sides of a square.

So obviously circle wins.


Why not both?

>regular polygons
Shit taste




mods it's music related pls no delete

did you really save my MS paint image that you could have made in 10 seconds?