Car Seat Headrest

>hmm, i love gbv, let's check it out
>it's beer commercial indie rock

god damn it Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:

It's as good as GBV, Pavement or The Strokes. Will Toledo is a masterful lyricist.

>it's as good as 3 shit bands
couldn't agree more

Nah his lyrics are pretty garbage dude.

they're better than your favorite rock band lmao

The lyrics actually take me out of the listening experience because they're pretty shit

I feel like I'm listening to a Tumblr/Sup Forums nu-male singing (which he actually is) and I'm no longer immersed

And the songwriting is bland as hell

Beginning of Fill in the Blank reminds me of this

But then it turns into poop


Leave Will, you are not wanted

none of those bands are very good but this is even worse...

is this a new meme or just the same shitposter?



Newfag starter defense kit: engage in memery

Why are you blaming Sup Forums? What the hell did this board have to do with this band?

Sup Forums literally despises Car Seat Headrest

theyre the sole reason anybody in the world knows his shit. he viralled it and white emo fags here related to it and ate it up

Yeh can anyone recommended me good beer-core indie rock then?
Love GBV, Pavement, this album and even the Strokes first album. Need more of it

Fuck off.

It's easily his worst album.

the similarities go way beyond being lo-fi, doofus

>only album he's made that doesn't sound like complete shit due to having a proper studio this time
>"It's easily his worst album."

someones a shallow bitter cunt eh?

not really

not even close lad
you should be embarrassed that you made this post

don't ever compare this gay furfag to pavement

Why? Because I don't like music made by a talentless furry shill? Lol Im laffin

I agree. I listened to Twin Fantasy and this and I couldn't get into it. I love 90s indie rock too but this was just so generic and uninspired. It brings nothing new or interesting to the table. This guy will meet the same fate as Wavves, Surfer Blood, Yuck, Fidlar, Best Coast, and all these other revivalist pitchfork buzzbands that faded away after a year once people found out they were incapable of making a record of original ideas.

yeah, pavement are bland hetero tripe

Ah yes the le reddit switcharoo. Upvotes and gold to you my sir

Crooked Rain is better than anything Will Toledo has or ever will put out.

why don't you go drink your girlfriend's period or whatever it is pavement are all about

why don't you go jack off to drawn animal sex or whatever it is car seat headrest are all about

At least people who listen to Pavement have girlfriends.

can anyone link me to any beer commercial featuring indie rock?

Not him, but as someone who can't stand furfags I'd listen to CSH over Pavement anyday. Slanted and Enchanted is the most boring fucking album I've ever listened to.

Crooked Rain is much better imo. You'd probably like that more.


fuck sorry I totally missed the "beer" part of your post

and the indie rock

>grizzly bear
>anything but indie rock

yeah but CSH fans have girly bois and traps so check and mate

Twin Fantasy is miles better than this album