Name my band Sup Forums

Name my band Sup Forums

The Tenderloins

The Talentless Hacks

The Impractical Drummers

The Impractical Jokers and Murray

Neanderthals Were Master Butchers

Terminal Redux


Nose, Fall, Cry, and Q

The dubs

Joe Gatto is a cuck



the fake laughers

The "Damn, They Are Pointing At Us"s

Ebu gogo and the gutted children

The Wifebeating Machine Neanderthal Heads


The Wifebeaters

Animal Collective

Terminal Redux

black metal poseurs

The 'sold out the O2 twice' quartet

ebu gogo gutting your grammar

Why hasn't anyone said "Dadrock" yet? It's a funny, and overall great name.

It's approachable, and possesses a self-aware irony that will appeal to youth and young adult audiences.

The "reply to this post and you will get a gf"s

...and another to add to the filter list

The 999s


Why the fuck do you retards feel the need to publicly announce when you've filtered a person?

You think I fucking care about you, that I'd let anything from your infantile intellect alter my countenance?


Nice one, Unty
Ever thought about getting into stand-up comedy?

f i l t e r e d


>look at me, mah! I'm consciously participating in an exercise of futility, while announcing it to the world!

No. I've only one or two good jokes a week.

See the head of this post.

I just said it because I knew it'd provoke you. Sorry about that, I'll stop.

I know you were trying to provoke me. I was just playing along. I'm not fucking stupid. I know when someone is making fun of me.

It was just a joke. I think you're pretty cool. I know you're being ironic also so you get it.

>It was a joke
I just told you that I already knew that.

I just clarified because I thought you would have taken the provocation as being serious.

now kiss

Cuck heroes

i cant see ur name without thinking of either montie or cunty for some reason


The Cuckings


that's a pretty faggy picture t b h, but their show always gives me a good laugh

gonna go ahead and filter this one
