>beyonce made a better album than kanye, death grips, and radiohead
literally how
>beyonce made a better album than kanye, death grips, and radiohead
literally how
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you can't make us
Because she's a strong independent black woman
>than Kanye
yeah but that's because TLAP was one of Kanye's worst albums. Beyonce hasn't made a single album as good as The College Dropout, Late Registration, or MBDTF
>death grips
Bottomless Pit is better than Lemonade
A Moon Shaped Pool is better than Lemonade
such ebgin meme brahsuf
I mean, that's not true but even if it was it was hardly made by her, she kinda just provided the vocals.
to be fair, you could say the exact same thing for kanye
watches Anthony Fantano once
She doesn't write her material
She doesn't produce her material
She doesn't know where half her samples come from
She's not a musician. She's a corporate puppet
she can't even fucking play an instrument
disingenuously implies that Beyonce is the same as Kanye in regards to artistry. you know it's not true, so do I.
in the visual album she plays piano
Yes, i'm not defending Kanye.
just because she didn't do everything on the album doesn't mean the album isn't good.
Micheal Jackson didn't play a fucking instrument either and had a shit ton of cowriters. Thriller is still a great album
>implying I listen to Kanye
I don't listen to rap or hip hop. It's the laziest genre of music next to three chords and the truth rock and dj fuckhead techno. In fact I think it's artistic theft that only nu male cucks who scream YAAAAS QUEEN permit. You disgust me. I'm sickened. You've probably never read a work of literature in your life. Please go onto a crowded street and lie down.
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Did she implant ropes for hairs?
Anyone can play piano
>i only listen to intellectual music for a mature sophisticated person such as myself
When Beyonce can make an album like Late Registration or MBDTF then we can talk.
Beyonce's album making process involves hiring dozens of writers and putting them in a room and every now and then checking in to say "i like" or "i don't like" to whatever they come up with. same for her producers. SIA has literally said this.
lel kanye does the EXACT same thing
Jon Byron did all the music to Late Registration and kanye just rapped over it and had fucking cowriters for his raps
it's a 8/10 pretty good album. nothing more nothing less
explains why radiohead is so shit
You know, maybe if we stop responding to these threads, they won't pop up every hour, but fuck logic because I share a music board with literal children.
all night is a good song
i like that one with jack white too
tlop sucked
death grips album was better
i listened to that radiohead album once and literally dont remember any of it
parquet courts is the aoty
why can't beyonce make an album as good as Late Registration then?
because jon brion said no
Exactly. That's why you autists need to get over yourself and realise Babymetal is the future of metal.
Michael Jackson wrote all his own melodies and was definitely more involved in the songwriting process than Beyonce. There's tapes of him layering over beatboxing and humming demos for Billie Jean before it came out.
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She didn't
With the help of many, many men.
a moon shaped pool is better than lemonade
notice that west is in every songwriting and production credit for every song
explains why the album was so shit lamo
parkay quarts havent made anything good since light up gold buddy
Then why is she listed as a producer on every track?
I agree with this, Lemonade was at least decent though
go talk about this shit on facebook
not here
>Bottomless Pit is better than Lemonade
Thom Yorke's vocals are seriously the worst i've ever heard so i can't judge Radiohead from a fair viewpoint, but Lemonade's better than Bottomless Pit by far
Hello, Reddit. Welcome to Sup Forums for the summer. Hope you enjoy yourself.
Because at that level in the industry it's standard for artists to be given producer credits as part of their contract.
"Producer" doesn't mean anything.
get fuckt crazyaga
Kendrick Lamar doesn't have producer credits on his albums, nor does Jay Z (Beyonce's husband) or Drake. Doesn't seem like much of a standard to me.
/thread so hard.
Beyonce is a pretty face with a desirable ass. Period. She's hardly a singer, even less a musician, and absolutely she isn't an artist.
That being said, she's not marketing herself as anything among those lines. She knows she's a fuckdoll, she knows normies and SJWs will listen, and because of that she included some very strong lyrics and opinions on her record, which is something mildy bold for a singer of her status.
not him, but the fedora meme really loses its meaning when you start spamming it when someone says they're not satisfied with a knowingly simple genre.
Who wrote or produced what is 100% irrelevant. The only thing that matters is whether or not the music is good.
Lemonade is a good album.
if you're a 15 year old girl
i am not a 15 year old girl
i do still have to listen to the new death grips and radiohead buut... lemonade is up there for me this year, behind maybe only painting w/ at the moment
This except TLOP is better than Lemonade
Imagine finding this retarded forced cuck reddit meme funny
lemonade is overrated but it's a hell of a lot better than fucking tlop. don't be dumb
what happened? when her s/t came out Sup Forums was really positive about it.
why do we hate beyonce now?
then you're a numale
Sup Forums happened
we aren't allowed to discuss any female musicians anymore without a parade of insecure manbabbies coming in the thread and shrieking that women are ruining their lives
What female musicians have you discussed that aren't top 40 pop music? Nobody unironically discusses male top 40 """artists""", and I haven't seen anyone shit on Joanna Newsom or Julia Holter threads
or could it be beyonce isn't good and is generic top 40 music that the majority of Sup Forums doesn't like?
make a thread about a female artist like bjork or kate bush and people will discuss the music and praise them. make a thread about beyonce or chvrches or megan trainor or some shit like that and people will hate on them, not because they're women but because the music is simply not good.
>implying anyone in this thread even listened to the album
4 was well regarded here too back then. I think people turned on her around gamergate because muh feminism muh sjws
imagine being a cuck
oh wait, you don't have to
Upvoted, good sir.
hehe you don't like top 40 pop music you must be a racist sexist bigot
i tip my hat to you sir, you sure showed these ignorant drumpfags xD
Are you stupid or something?
No. I listened to this piece of shit. I tried giving it a chance, but I found nothing to like about it.
Saying it was better than TLOP isn't a true statement, but you're not completely off-base. TLOP was a gigantic letdown for me. I've loved every Kanye album before TLOP. It was just a rushed mess of an album with a few good moments sprikled in. If only it had more "DUM DA DA DUM" moments.
I am not a big radiohead fan so I don't know about that and I'm over the age of 20 so I don't get death grips. I don't despise the music, I just think that type of music is past my age.
Wow, you're still salty about gamer gate huh.
Alt-right weenies proving my point. I miss old Sup Forums.
I didn't even listen to this album but I'm gonna start posting it every day now that I see how big a fucking tantrum it's making you people throw.
While this post reeks of anal pained 12 year old, I do hate the YASSS QUEEN faggots...even the bitches that say it are faggots.
go vote for bernie you fucking beta liberal cuck.
This. Ignore tumblr b8
Go jack off to Milo you pathetic virgin.
There's no reason to dislike Beyonce other than the fact she's a strong empowered PoC woman standing up to racism and bigotry to become an icon of this generation.
Kanye will give writing credits even if they only provided a single note to a song.
Your 'pretending to be retarded' skill has weaken comrade. you might need to work harder next time.
You are correct. She probably did help produce her own songs. Doesn't save them from being shit
Refute my point then, fedoralord.
>he's still trying
At least you tried :^)
well i dont like her music but i'd have sex with her
Shit taste in women.
>crying about gamergate still
fuck off sjw cuck. we are winning and there is nothing you can do about it.
-alison rapp was fired
-kotaku is getting sued
-the overwatch pose still has the ass
-intel pulling advertisement from sjw sites
-trump is winning
your age of safe spaces and politcal correctness is ending and you are lashing out in fear.
>God Tier
All Night
>Top tier
Hold Up
>High Tier
Pray You Catch Me
Don't Hurt Yourself
6 Inch
>Mid Tier
Daddy Lessons
>Shit Tier
Love Drought
Yeah, and this is proof lol. Her image has become associated with feminism and black lives matter, so I feel like for a lot of people that's all they're going to see. You can genuinely not like her music for whatever reason, but I feel like a lot of people just hate that's she's a popular feminist black woman.
anyway i thought that woman was fired because she was moonlighting as a prostitute and also wrote an essay on why child porn is good
the funny thing is that there is none of that on lemonade. I don't think race is mentioned a single fucking time in the entire album.
It's a album about marriages...
i liked Lemonade but Formation is pretty heavily about race
>on why child porn is good
You mean she's into /ss/ shit? Fuck me, I'm hiring her into my company.
It pops up a couple times. The formation video and the lemonade movie give more context, but just speaking about the album, 95% marriage, 5% race (race comes up in Daddy Lessons and Formation, both of which also tie into the theme of marriage.)
the essay was about loli hentai in japan. You know, the shit that this website has boards dedicated to. That's what she was defending.
She also argued IN FAVOR of the Fire Emblem petting stuff. But gamergate are a bunch of idiots and they saw a woman at NoA and thought she was single handedly responsible for all the censorship stuff based on literally nothing
hiring a plethora of producers to create genre stereotypical shit and call it eclectic is not groundbreaking or artistic in the slightest
janelle monae does it 99999% better
Sounds about right. Gators aren't not for using their brains.
>But gamergate are a bunch of idiots and they saw a woman at NoA and thought she was single handedly responsible for all the censorship stuff based on literally nothing
Try again, GG wasn't about 'harassing women', as how autistic it is, gamers just want fair reviews for the games these critics review however some games, because of friends, connections and whatnot get favorable review. This in journalism is a big no-no however when the trend expanded, everything turned into a gender war. The early days of GG really meant something, now everything, both sides are just shit.
but she was still a prostitute, and lolicon content is illegal in the US so Sup Forums won't host it
Literally who gives a fuck though if some PR person at nintendo is fucking dudes for money in her off time?
How are you fucking winning anything or making any impact on video games by launching a campaign to get her fired from her job? She wasn't even a developer. She wrote press releases.
the early days of gamergate were people photoshopping zoe quinn into pictures of her getting gangbanged and going on and on about how big of a slut she was for sleeping with 5 guys (which ended up not even being true)
>inb4 actually it's about ethics in videogame journalism
This thread is totally going to get deleted lol
>some says a beyonce album is good
>a truckload of gamergaters start screaming about games journalism and feminism
the fuck is wrong with you people? tumblr isn't even as obsessed with this shit
>pop music