We're all pretty sure Will's gay right?

We're all pretty sure Will's gay right?

Other urls found in this thread:


At the very least he's a huge cuck

most definitely

you don't see it?

at least 70% of Sup Forums looks like this

why does it look like he's always looking up? are his eyes just naturally like that?

he looks retarded

is he retarded?

Car Seat Headres ist playing in my town tomorrow night, should i go ?

Just in this picture
I saw him in DC and would say yes

hes quarter asian

They're great live. I definitely recommend it.

We're all pretty sure Will's a fucking furry right?

>Wearing your own band shirt
Man I love this guy's music but I love even more how he's such a stereotypical white fuccboi Sup Forumstant

if you dont already know that will is a furry by this point then u are stupid my man

op is a faggot
will is the only person who starts threads about will on Sup Forums
yep it checks out

Most certainly. The furry artist voln (who did one of car seat headrest's album covers) posted a comment on his FA in the linked post.


What is his fursona?

okay cool, will check it out.
I've only listened to Twin Fantasy though

i would guess dog

They're mostly gonna play stuff off the new album, but it sounds great live, they did play bodys as an encore at the show I went to though

I've met him before and he's like 5'3" at the most


he's like 6 ft dude

Will stop lying about your height

i'm gay

He is not 5'3. Dude's 5'10 - 6 ft at least. P4K alluded to him being multiethnic in their Denial review but they didn't explain as to what they meant by that. I could see him being a quarter-asian but yeah, with a last name like Barnes, I can't see it being anything more than that.

already going to 2 fests this summer where this dickhead is playing. so sick of this dude for real.

what color do you think his boipussi is?

The photo is taken from a store page advertising the shirt


Why do people think this ugly motherfucker is qt at all? His head is shaped like an upside down pear

At least Twin Fantasy is good


Do you think he shaves?

Yeah his tumblr is full of furry posts

>enjoying Twin Fantasy
>suddenly realize it's about being gay

Never before have a dropped an album so fast

he has a profile on furaffinity

sounds like you're an even bigger faggot than Will

Talking about Will in general, I'm really dissatisfied with this music.
My next statement will be an unironical one, and it's, "Twin Fantasy is no higher than a 2/10".
I tried to get into his discog a bit after the viraling meme, as impartial and honest as possible, but it's really utter trash. All the songs on TF, for example, are terribly composed and repetitive, progression on each track is "I'll leave or add an instrument when I want to", "I need this sentimental bullshit here", the lyrics are bad just like his singing is. It's all old-fashioned teenybopper throwback riffs and weirdly placed hooks and bridges and choruses since the start.
I sat down and listened to The Ballad of Costa Concordia today, which, being recorded 5 years after TF, and having 3 more people and a decent studio recording, should've been much better and mature than the songs that came before it.
Instead my payback is essentially the same as what I listened to before. And all the songs are mostly 4 to 7 minutes long now. This one's 10, and I don't know how many people can just listen to 10 minutes of bare bones variation.
So I go back into his discog. It's two-minute versions of what I've already heard, faster, slower, of lesser quality and imagination. All of his albums talk about being gay and having problems. Or being a teen, in the present, something which he isn't even anymore.
Not to mention this guy fucked himself over by changing the content of something legal and approved, causing his record label to lose approximately fifty thousand dollars. The Cars' guy is an asshole, but he's not wrong.

What makes you guys LOVE Car Seat Headrest? I'd love to know.

So, kids, that was my blog, and sorry Will but you're a fucking trainwreck of a human being.

i remember seeing a ref sheet for a lizard sona once not too long ago and i'm like 90% sure that it was commissioned by the dude in Car Seat Headrest
it looked just like him, too. hair and everything


It's about being a narcissist furry and realizing the only person you actually love is your own fursona.

That's why it's called 'twin fantasy'. He's fantasizing about himself as a dog.

we can all agree Twin Fantasy is a rock masterpiece though right? every song is brilliant, essential, and cohesive with the rest of the album. it is the ultimate catharsis.

stop lying about meeting him then

Paye-sano, I bethimnk you don't make it clear what you're into, like are you a for-serious prog expert or jazzbo? Because your tastes are far beeeeyond basic. Slamming Cost Concordia for being rudimentary and static definitely demonstrates you're rushing under anotha flag-- what's up, what's your school, who's your jam?

i will never ever listen to this guy because of that

i dont care how good you think he is

oh no Mr. Don't Look In The Mirror!

lmao no
i just cant respect someone who jacks off to animals or take them seriously

dude I actually met him. how hard is it to believe

nothing wrong with being a furry

>dude I actually met him
thats easy for you to say because you're actually him you son of a bitch

humans are animals

Wow, what a shit concept for an album

Ok, I am 6ft tall. believe me now?

There's also nothing wrong with being a H. sapiens