Just a daily reminder to be nice to Grimes <3

Just a daily reminder to be nice to Grimes

Fuck Grimes
Fucking prick

Oy my shekels

Fuck off

i am going to hit her with a hammer .

>this kills the Grimes

Stop saying that

I'm going to hit her with a hammer.

lad give the grimes threads a break please.

the shitposting just gets more intense the more they get spammed.

im going to do it and its your fault .

fuck grimes,

figuratively, she ugly

DO NOT hit the grimes

GO back to shagging sheep you european fuck

WOW, those male toxicity levels! :^)


be nice

You, yeah you sitting there on that computer! That's right! I can see you! You take out that cock right now and you send some erotic energy to Grimes for good health, beauty and success or I'm going to give you a ruddy punch on the bottom young lad!

Shut up cuckpai

Do as I say or i'll cut off your jubblies. Pay respects to one of God's own angels come forth from Heaven to love us all!

>being this much of a cuck

I don't have a wife. :P

cuck is a state of mind friendo


Bow before Grimes. Just do it. Give in to your cravings!

grimes doesn't give into her cravings to pick amphetamines back up

this is my strength

I saw her live. As someone who isn't a fan or ever listened to her music beyond that show she was better than I expected. She's pop for people who think they are too cool for mainstream pop.

>implying she hasn't relapsed
the sleep issues are because she's constantly tweaking and the stomach issues are a combined guilt from hiding her relapse + suppressed appetite.

You have been blessed my son.

Lies, it's all the jealous haters sending her negative vibes. Quite literally toxic males.