/gg/ - Guitar and Bass General

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>General guitar and bass discussion

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Steve Vai's Ten Hour Workout
Guthrie Govan's Creative Guitar 1 & 2

Impulse Response Pack
>mediafire.com/download/svtfxjtillrdwt8/Gods Cab 1.3.rar
>mediafire.com/download/4n28zkjw0zgmdj9/ASEM RECTO V30 L2.wav (embed)


>Advancing Guitarist - Mick Goodrick
>Chord Chemistry - Ted Greene

>Mickey Baker's Jazz Guitar
>Modern Chord Progressions: Jazz and Classical Voicings for Guitar - Ted Greene
>Jazz Guitar: Single Note Soloing Vol. 1 & 2- Ted Greene

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I cant wait for hiromoot to make the /prod/ board so we can have a fender/good brands general. Getting tired of all these poorfags shitting the threads up because they can't afford quality gear.

At this rate I am just going to keep buying mustangs, they're the comfiest guitar to play.

Time for a no load pot

I wish I was a manlet so it'd be easier to play on the higher frets on short scale guitars.
I fucking love the size it just sucks being 6 feet tall with big hands


I'm also 6 foot but have rather long slender fingers so I can't say its a problem for myself.

Fender is pretty cheap though.

>tfw 6'1" with big hands and long thin fingers

alien checking in. maybe i can go tom verlaine mode

that doesn't mean anyone disagreeing with you plays metal.

>no load pot
what's it for ?

I'm not 6 foot but I hate playing on anything smaller than 25.5". Even the 17-22th frets feel like shit. 26.5" is super comfortable to play.

They are, relatively speaking, but poorfags still get jealous and upset over them

When they will ever learn. :^)
t. King of Manlets
I prefer 25.5 scales though but get along with my PRS just fine

> Fender
> not still in poorfag tier
Suhr, Music Man, Tom Anderson, Aristides say hi

>owning a PRS
>knowing all those shitty meme core brands off the top of your head
Embarrassing yourself no further
The point is poorfags will get jealous over midprice fenders because they are of good quality. And are aesthetically pleasing unlike the shit you mentioned.

Fender was a mistake

>owning a PRS
plot twist: it's an SE.
>knowing all those shitty meme core brands off the top of your head
Have you never been to TGP user, oh my.
> are aesthetically pleasing unlike the shit you mentioned
Don't be subjective user, it hurts the discussion.
Also most Andersons looks just like the Fender counterpart with higher craftmanship/parts.
I was actually memeing tbqh family because I'm bored and slightly upset by other shit here.
I want a Fender Elite Strat but can't buy it at the moment. They play and sound terrific.

>tfw you will never be a poorfag and know what it feels like to be unable to afford your desired gear and have to work unlawful hours in order to scrape by, meanwhile playing on the scraps left to you by others who have passed on by
Feels bad man

That's a cool idea, I'm surprised there's barely anyone jumping on that thread.


Thread's dead now, jim

Was a good idea tho.

I'm gonna put acoustic strings on my electric.
Is it a bad idea?

Depends on the string material some acoustic strings are not very magnetic and the pickups won't pick them up, otherwise they are just shit to play and might warp your neck on the long run if they are some extra heavy gauge strings.

Yes, they'll sound like shit and warp your neck.

Thoughts on this man?

I have no idea who this man is.

I like the approach he took. Build the maximum comfy and ergonomic guitar without caring for preconceptions and existing ideas on how a guitar should look like. Would unironically consider an ERG from Strandberg.

To the fellow mustang bro asking the difference between the Squier and Fender
I prefer the Squiers chunky C shape 9.5 neck more than the 7.25 slim C neck on the Fender. Electronically the Fender sounds better with pedals due to the single coils and the pups on the Squier regret individually but have to tweak the pedals to make them compatible with the lipstick and HOt rail

Thanks for that, I was considering a squier mustang for some mod fun but I prefer the vintage spec'd neck. Are those the stocks pups on the squier?

Those guitars look and feel like garbage.

>Those guitars look and feel like garbage.
I seriously doubt you ever played one senpai.

I was going to, but the OP had a terrible sense of rhythm. That shit would not have been pleasant to add to

Alright, Sup Forumsfaggots, we all know most floating tremolos are garbage. For every one that swears by a Floyd there are a dozen more who curse it. From unreliability to being a pain in the ass to set up, floating trems are in need of a modern upgrade

How would you design a floating trem or what would you change or fix from the current ones?

For me: Make a Flody easier to adjust intonation without having to keep loosening and retuning strings

dude if I knew how to make floyd roses foolproof then I wouldn't be sitting around being a broke ass guitarist

I mean, I know it's all relative, but what's everyone's agreed on range?

>$100 - $499: beginner/student tier
>$500 - $999: mid tier
>$1000 - $1599: upper mid
>$1600 and up: pretty nice I guess.

>the guitar can be posted
>at buyers risk
Fuck. Don't know if I should put my faith in some random man over gumtree to take care of posting it properly.

>$100 - $499: beginner/"not willing to commit that much yet" tier
>$500 - $999: regular player tier
>$1000+: I have a lot of money tier

what's the point of having expensive guitars when you use distortion anyways? i can't tell the difference in sound between my cheap $90 one and a nicer one i bought. the only difference is that the cheaper one's easier to string bend and the more expensive one feels sturdier and looks cooler

I really like the Music Man tremolo in the Petrucci guitars, as far as I know it's a custom design for those.
It keeps in tune and allows you to do some bar wanking if you want. Very stable.
Seems right to me Mesa bro.
Also you can get really amazing guitars for $1200 second hand.
Feel, playability, comfyness. Electronics not being a noisy mess.
A lot of it can be remediated if you do a project but sometimes you can't be arsed to DIY.

/gg/, help.

My jig-saw broke just before starting to cut the body of my project guitar and I'm currently considering some alternatives, but can't think of any cheap-ish ones.

What would you guys use to cut out a guitar body? (btw. the cheaper the better)
And would a fret saw do justice and what type of blade would be best?

The Ibanez Zero Resistance bridges really have a good idea and are headed in the right direction as far as trem design.
Rather than use a knife edge like a Floyd it uses ball bearings, similar to how a Khaler uses a cam system.
And on the Edge ZR to adjust intonation you don't have to unlock everything and move the string, there's a screw in the back of the bridge to do it.
It seems pretty genius to me, but I've never seen one in person yet to know how reliable they are

>For every one that swears by a Floyd there are a dozen more who curse it.
Just whiny babies desu. If you don't like it you don't need you cry about it. "They're harder to set up" is understandable. So is not wanting to deal with it. But cursing something because it's hard is for faggots.

How is the bridge on the Squier? I'm thinking about getting one and upgrading it to a Staytrem.

> under 300$ : shit poorfag guitar
> 300-800$ : giggable student guitar
> 800-1200$ : giggable good guitar
> >1200$ : luxury

Guess tier what am I playing

This is probably the most accurate since used MIM Fenders start at around $300.

You can get some old US Washburns and Peaveys for sub $300 that are very well made and usually just require a little TLC.

There is also Japanese Squiers, and Mexi Fenders.

Finally done. This will enable me to completely remove my tone knob from the circuit when my tone knob is maxed, removing the load on my pickups and enabling ear-piercing brightness.

your dad's ballsack tier?

well well, is that someone regretting his $2k gibson or a butthurt poorfag ?

I'm speaking about retail rather than used, there's too much variation in the used market.

>Guess tier what am I playing
You sure butchered that sentence.

No reason to not buy used especially when just starting out.

But you can say that at x tier you should be spending $y

Has anybody tried making duplicate accounts to get free credit on reverb through its refer-a-friend promo?

pls halp

all true 100% motherfuckers played strats in the 70s

Hmm, Maruszczyk basses look neat, I might have to order one. They seem to be one of the few who make traditional J and P basses with modern features (35'' scale, wider string spacing , modern neck, up to 6 strings, 24 frets, etc.), and they're pretty cheap for what you're getting.
Does anyone have experience with them? They're based in poland.

>What would you guys use to cut out a guitar body? (btw. the cheaper the better)
my granddad's rusty saw.
and then finish it with some cheap fretsaw


sg was an exception because iommi used it
even page was a secret fender player

Rate my slap bass?


Page is a hack and only used his Tele on the first album.


He used a tele for the solo in Stairway to Heaven.

Also you're a fag.

he also used a strat

Blackmore, Iommi, and Lifeson were playing and making at music around the same time and ran circles around Page in every way.


Y-yeah, it's simple but it works

he's certainly not Gittler

Well, the lick is from Les Claypool, I'm just getting into slap and hope that my playing is decent.

>hurr durr he used X
>no he used Y

You know what he used you fucks ? Talent. That's what he fucking used. Work your god damned ass off and stop caring which guitar he used. Who the fuck cares if you think X is better than Y, any of them's better than your lazy, imageboard-complaining ass.

Yeah, the only reason I'm keeping the pickguard off is that Jaguar pickguards have two holes for the bridge posts built in, and the roller Mosrite bridge I put on won't sit right on top of the pickguard.

I'm still thinking of buying a clear one and cutting it. Could be cool.


Zappa used an SG for most of his career.

You should join the /morningcrew/. We're all about max comfy with gear. I'm making coffee cups.

Amp price tiers:
>0-100$: waste of money/gimmick tier (with exceptions)
>100-250$: student tier
>250-500$: decent combos, okay heads
>500-1000$: good combos, overpriced combos, good heads
>1000-1500$: tour heads, loud stuff, overpriced combos
>1500$+: look at how much money I have

>overpriced combo

Gimme a break, bud. I hope these are used prices.

>(with exceptions)
Which ones ?

>paying $1k for an AC15

user an AC15 is $600 new. That's in that range you gave. Where on earth do you get $1000 from?

Even at $600, your tier calls it overpriced.

>good combos, overpriced combos
and i'm not the op of the tier either

Is the /morningcrew/ Fender exclusive?

Nah, just happens to be so far. It's really just anyone that's posted their gear with tea or coffee. I should make a collage.

Just refinished this $20 garage sale special. Also got 6 pedals for $61. Shit was awesome.

Exceptions being stuff like roland micro cubes (used) or some of the cheaper voxes. ymmv

So, I want to buy this cherry red '03 HH Standard Stratocaster but I don't want the floyd rose, how would I go about removing it?

Page is shit no matter what instrument he plays desu senpai.


Here's the before. Had some paint or stain spilt on it. It's an early 80s Electra x630n P bass.

This is actually something I came here to ask you guys about since I know a lot of you are really knowledgeable on amps and stuff.

I have never been an amp guy. I have had my Line 6 Spider IV for years because I live in a small dorm and that's all I've ever been able to use or need.
Now I'm in the market for my first ever "real" amp and am completely clueless about amps or anything about them. I don't even know how they work with tubes and all that.
I want a half stack but nothing super crazy or expensive. How much could I expect to spend on a decent quality head and cab? How much should I not spend to avoid overpaying for something not worth the price?

yeah his pentatonic scale over and over was god tier you're right

>I want a half stack

No, you don't. Get a nice 1x12 combo or 2x12 combo if you want more headroom.

Unless you're playing large outdoor shows a halfstack is complete overkill.

And how much should I be looking to spend for a combo like that?

There are good combos at all price points. What is your budget, what do you want to sound like? Got any pedals you like to use?

What pedals did you score

I got a used crate gfx 212 for $100 like 10 years ago. $200 would've been reasonable to me. But a friend sold it cheap.

The absolute most I would ever go is 1000USD, but that's pushing it.
I enjoy playing metal and thrashing it up, but also like playing melodic lead stuff, and lots of clean.
Anything from Slayer to Satch to Jeff Buckley to Led Zep

Right now I have an MXR Fullbore Metal pedal that my friend somehow punk'd me into buying, but that's it. I plan on getting into the pedal game soon enough once i have an amp that they'll sound good with

I dig the dot but my drummer convinced me to not get a Tele and this was my second choice. I still dream about the tele but this sounds pretty awesome too. As for fretwork. Ehhhhh

Lol... $1000 is nuts. You can get something really good for less than $300. Just check out a few pawn stores and music shops try some shit out and see what you think is a good deal.

I'd check out one of these



I'm not sure how well they handle low to medium gain, but these are always a staple for heavier music:


The Marshall DSL40C gets an honorable mention but I heard its drive sucks ass.

The Vox ac15 sounds good but it really only does one sound. Pedals are a must with the Vox IMO.

depends if your a genuine fag too. i don't give a fuck if its a fake gibson les paul. if it doesn't feel or sounds like shit I'm taking it.