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Music #660
5x5 last week
Post some genres or styles of music you like a lot and people guess stuff about your life or comment on you maybe
ITT: Albums whose quality nobody can agree on
Kpop general
ITT: Stupid shit that Scaruffi has said
So who else hates Lou Reed's gay voice on this?
Why do you drool all over this Sup Forums...
Does Sup Forums like Jasmine Thompson?
Now that the dust has settled, did this live up to the expectations?
Warped Tour 2016
ITT: Music you like that everyone else in the thread will shit on
If this isn't your AOTY then you know nothing about music
New Justice album soon. Supposedly sounds similar to cross...
Why does everyone love to shit on this album?
Kpop general
Inb4 Timmy Turner turns out to be a widely praised redeeming single for Desiigner
I think we can all agree good Music, never had a chance of being a better follow up than its predecessor...
Is he right about these ratings Sup Forums?
The Noisy Eater
What did he mean by this?
Write an album's tracklist using synonyms while others guess what the album is
Name a better three-piece right now
Post last rated
Ghetto blacks are waking up to the Jews tricks
ITT: Prove you aren't summer
Sup Forums already forgot about AOTY 2015
So, Sup Forums, what do you think about this album?
Musicians blacklisted by the patrician scene
Do you agree with this?
What does Sup Forums think of modern baseball?
What albums have you been meaning to check out?
Band name has "band" at the end of it
Hey Sup Forums, kind of a strange request, but here goes
ITT: bands that started strong and then got bad for a while and then got good again
Be honest, which tracks made you emotional?
Singin' thread
Who is the most patrician lgbt musician?
Sup Forums
Hi chronic memers I'm working on the follow up to 2015's Humble Cannons
Underated Bands
/gg/ - Guitar and Bass General
What is the cringiest genre ever and why is power metal?
LAST ALBUM OF Sup ForumsCHELLAPALOOZAROO SUMMER 2016, and there's only one way we can end these really
Post song titles to describe your sex life
/p4k/ - Nightly Pitchfork Countdown Hypetrain Thread
Sup Forums is making fun of us yet again
ITT: Good bands/artists with shit fanbases
Genre: art pop
So what are you losers doing on a Friday night
Share thread v109 (LET'S JUST KEEP MOVING FORWARD edition)
I really loathe you fags. You know who you are. You post the same shit everyday...
Black Pink Edition
ITT Reply with your vinyl, cd, or cassette collection and try to guess what kind of person the other anons are
On the demo of "My Name is Jonas", Rivers concludes with "my name is Weezer..."...
Sup Forums Hunger Games #10
Post your rym curves, be as mean as you can be
Anyone else get the realization that lots of Tom Petty's material is actually good?
Blunder-of-the-century core
Anyone else revisit this and think it's not as good as you once thought?
Favourite weird music obsession? Not 'guilty pleasure' as much, but something you really like but find odd/strange
New album fucking when
Whatever happened to this album? It used to be a staple of Sup Forums everywhere. Is it losing its legacy?
ITT: Patrician qt's
ITT: we thank Sup Forums for that one album
New /chart/ thread
Out of curiosity what do you guys think? And what does Sup Forums think? Probably my favorite grunge album
Your favorite band before Sup Forums
Albums that let you down hard
HEY YOU!! Stop it right there! Tell me your favorite album RIGHT NOW or I will shoot you!
Post bands you feel that people dont genuinely like, but pretend to
Come on, shit on it already
Post great album with a poor cover
Who /Emo/ here?
Looking to start a Residents-like "Music from a vacuum" type project with literally any of you
Can Sup Forums name a bad prog rock drummer?
Obligatory MPP thread: discuss
ITT:pure cringe
This might be the most pretentious album I've ever heard in my life
Sup Forums Hunger Games #9
Kpop general
Sup Forums Hunger Games #8 (yeah, thanks for deleting us edition)
Why do people not like these two albums? Is it just because of something so shallow as the introduction of Jarboe?
I'm trying to like some black metal but really the "classic" albums sound like ass...
ITT: album covers with the text shopped out
This kills the progfag
Is it worth it Sup Forums?
Korean Music Thread
This is their best song
I'll never be musically competent enough to make a 10/10 album that will be talked about for eons
Albums you listen to while high
What the fuck is Emo's obsession with summer?
Mu does not even like hank williams
Who needs lyrics when you have big black cocks
Jesus christ almighty this album is actually pretty good aside from the first and last tracks
H-holy shit...i just discovered these guys
Kpop general
What do you listen to when programming?
Music related memes
ITT: Underrated albums that never get mentioned here
Daniel Lopatin
I listened to Wildflower for the first time all the way through yesterday...
Is him the king of Sup Forums?
Does Sup Forums liek?
So who's going to eventually surpass him and become the next greatest artist of our time?
Sup Forums Hunger Games #8
What are the best noise jazz albums?
Post music for getting lost in the woods at night, like comus
ITT: godtier guitarrists
Kpop general
Electronic music will never be as expressive as music played on real instruments
What happened to this guy, Sup Forums?
This dude is fucking unstoppable
Has anyone here ever had a file they've uploaded to mega get taken down due to copyright infringement? If so...
Phone Thread
Check this album out man i think you're gonna like it
Songs EVERYBODY loves
Are these guys geniuses?
Best albums of 2016 so far. GO!
Kpop general
Ariel Pink Thread
I think I need help Sup Forums
Sup Forums Hunger Games #7
What does she listen to?
Music critics are cancer
You know who I hate? Frank Zappa...
Sup Forums makes ABBEY ROAD
Kpop General
RYM // Sonemic general
Is pop punk the worst music of all time?
/daily/ - Mingus Mingus Mingus Mingus Mingus Edition
ITS THE LAST DAY FOR MUCHELLA SUMMER 2016 Today we're revealing a change in the lineup, due to obvious reasons
Kpop general
ITT: The Wonderwall for other instruments
What's your album of the year?
/bandcamp/ bread
Sup Forums Hunger Games #6
Favourite album
Burger King
Current song
One of these threads
WTF this literally sounds like an album SpongeBob and Patrick would make together after spending all day at the Krusty...
Listen to the album posted after yours
Underrated Guitarists
Rapper Boosie Says Pro-LGBT TV Shows Are 'Trying To Make Everybody Gay'
Sup Forums: Neon Genesis Evangelion
What's the best song they ever wrote?
Who is Keemstar of music?
Birthday Thread
Kpop general
ITT /poseurcore/
Find a flaw
A thread meant for positive discussion of a this record
Let's start a thread about real hip-hop
Now that the dust has finally settled
Why do people take this hack seriously again?
Morrissey is just like most Sup Forums users
Sup Forums makes ITCOTCK
Did Vektroid revolutionize vaporwave?
Name THREE pre-00's bands that still releases good music to this day. Protip you can't
What's the most obscure band/artist you've ever listened to?
The weird frontier between pop and avantgarde
/gg/ - Guitar and Bass General
We can all agree that San Diego is the best song right?
2016 SO FAR
Can an atheist truly appreciate Bach?
4 of the most influential artists of the last 60 years
Hey! You're user, right? You wanna join the Light Music Club?
They're kind of life Gorillaz if they got rid of the lame cartoon gimmick and compensated with some good tunes
NME just destroyed the Avalanches' career
Is this better than any of the 2000's hip hop albums?
One-hit-wonder thread:embarassing edition
/prod/ - Music Production General
Give opinions on Ween
NME give 2 of 5
Underrated singers thread
Previous thread: >>66027921
Kpop general
ITT: Well, that sucked
ITT: God tier solo albums
Kpop general
Underground Rap General
ITT: Holy Shit
Band has two drummers
ITT: we pick an album for every MBTI type
Music theory
French shit
Bandcamp Bread
Kpop general
Is this the most cringy thing ever ?
Listens to Ride once
Shit people have said about your music
Are there any female musicians who are actually skilled at their instrument?
Any Sup Forums fag's into music theory?
If you write music, play an instrument, or are in a band...
This clearly proves that Aphex is still the King
This is like nothing I've ever heard before. Is there anything else like this?
Sup Forums makes STGSTV
ITT: someone posts an album and others post their top 3 songs from that album, and, if they want, a new album and so on...
All the people genuinely mad in the comments
Tfw too afraid to check 'em
5x5 Thread
YOOOOOOOOOO I just got a date lads what bands should I name drop to impress her?
Post some genres or styles of music you like a lot and people guess stuff about your life or comment on you maybe
Fiona Apple
Whats your favourite style of techno?
Holy shit
Album cover source thread?
ITT post first 10 songs on shuffle
Music to kill myself to
Post your RYM breakdown by decade
Chart thread
Wtf I love blink-182 now
Brian Wilson hate thread
Why the fuck are so many lowpass and highpass filters used? really takes away from the album imo
Famous people IS kangz!
ITT: Soundtracks better than the movie itself
What musician would make the best politician?
Which is better
I don't typically do this, but I'm in dire need of help
The video linked is a video of the second plane hitting the World Trade Center with the explosion replaced by a comical...
Fantano will rate Wildflower a 6 because fucking check'em
Wildflower Sample Thread
Is he gay?
ITT: Logic Discussion
I keep coming back to this LP
Tfw a literal month of checking Sup Forums more frequently than I have in years
Greatest electronic albums
KPOP General
Itt: we represent an artists discography with spongebob screencaps and others have to try and guess the artist
Why the fuck is this fat asshole so negative when it comes to NPR?
I hate jews
_(musician)_ is the __(x)__ of music
Old thread is stale. You know what to do
Warm and comfy music
I hate when anco fans act like this album isn't a 10, and rate hcti or some other bullshit higher than it
What's the best key and why is it the key of E?
This guy literally had a lifelike, full-sized, naked doll of Taylor Swift made
You favorite non Sup Forums-approved bands/songs/albums
It's good lads
Why is power pop the worst genre Sup Forums?
ITT: Post the album you're currently listening to and anons give their thoughts, review, or recommendations
Post the art for albums you have made while others rate
ITT: we post an album cover and people try to guess what album is
/p4k/ - Nightly Pitchfork Countdown Hypetrain Thread
Now that the dust has settled we can all agree that this is the AOTY right?
What was the biggest disappointment of your year musically? Pic related
Sup Forumsmor thread?
The Avalanches - Wildflower
Post rare/old pictures of artists
Chart Thread
This is the definitive conclusion to music
Alright Sup Forums
So... is this music?
Tfw just found out my dad is gay
ITT: artists Sup Forums hates, but you don't give af
Who is the most patrician female musician?
ITT: Artists that are on the borderline of being mainstream and unknown to mass public
Now that the dust has settled, can we agree that this cat could ball?
Bill Clinton Swag
I'm in the military. It's a blessing to have Thanksgiving dinner every year
Broke up w/ qt patrician bf because relationship was unstable and unhealthy
Stefan will grow into an old man in your lifetime
Is she the perfect vinylfu Sup Forums
Remember me?
Leave AOTY to us
What's the optimal number of tracks on an album and why is it 7
Mfw the music industry has stagnated for over a decade
Is he the best rapper out right now
I hope you enjoy
Who Has The Best Taste On Mu?
Sup Forums Hunger Games #5
Four tracks to go, keep the hype coming
Fantano will rate Wildflower a 6 because fucking check'em
What's the best track on Ys?
Show me good albums from this country
"so what music do you listen to, user?"
Wallpaper thread? I need some papes for my new phone
3 months later, how does it hold up?
"Yo user, throw on some funky music will ya?"
Lennon vs McCartney
Holy shit
Kpop general
We heard you're really into music, user...who are your top 20 21st-century composers?
Opinions on Chvrches?
Hey Sup Forums. Do you think you can help a brother out?
5x5, artist edition, last 7 days. guess > rec > r8
Sup Forums makes WILDFLOWER
Who wins Sup Forums?
Please, Please Me thought?
Was rap ever good?
Listens to Kendrick Lamar once
Kpop general
Edm isn't good
Poland lost
Ms paint album covers
R.I.P. Death Grips
Sup Forums Hunger Games #4 (we back)
When another board starts talking about music
Viper coming home
/gg/ - Guitar and Bass General
Should white people be allowed to make hip-hop considering how bad their track record with it is?
Why do "progressives" give free passes to misogynist rappers?
/prod/ - Music Production General
We all have that one kid from our home town that thought they could make it big in music but just started churning out...
Was the 80s the most delicade decade to popular music like... ever?
I'm probably the first consumer in the world to have listened to and completed Wildflower legitimately...
What is Sup Forums's favorite genre? thread keep this thread alive edition
Holy shit
ITT: Essential "Pet Sounds-Core" albums
Help me discover music
Which is the best
ITT: Make up Autechre track names
We eatin' good tonight senpai!
Post your ten favorite albums of the decade so far
What does Sup Forums mean when they do this?
What is the best post-Beatle album and why it is LITMW?
Music from your country that you would like to share:
Precuckupations more like
When is he gonna drop rap AOTY Sup Forums?
HUNGER Sup Forums GAMES #03
Soundcloud thread. would love to hear anything you guys do.. haven't stopped by in a while
Bandcamp Thread
St. Vincent
Name a better piece of music
Whats the worst guitar solo in music history?
Wildflower is now available to stream on Apple Music
I'm not a Sup Forums regular
Comfy Chillzone
Disappointments of 2016 so far
Kpop general
So what's the beef with this?
Admit it, as much as Sup Forums can be a cesspool of horrible shit and cancer. You still love this board...
/daily/ - yaoi edition
Underrated Drummers
Is this accurate?
Band mgmt is funny cause it's like they're hippies but their names after the management of a business haha
Sup Forumschellapalooza DAY SEVEN: GAY DAY
80s revival is happening right now correct?
Recent pick ups?
Song is 30 mins
Kpop general
ITT: post your favorite album from your country
*HUNGER Sup Forums GAMES #02*
Shuffle your music player and post first 10 songs
Hey Sup Forums, what are some happy/feelgood songs?
General collage thread to rule all othher collage threads
Suicide Squad
Hey chickenskin, you're home
Anybody have a 320 link?
Was her the most overrated of all the 2000s pitchfork darlings?
Kpop general
Reminder that vaporwave is right-wing music
3x3 thread
New chart thread
Is Pharmakon a slut?
Why is this getting praised so much?
Hey guys I made a board thing of the 'Summarize a band with Spongebob' thread
5x5 thread
Please can someone buy me the cassette...
Most dramatic tonal shifts on an album
Why doesn't this get the recognition it deserves?
I need a megapack of Sufjan Stevens photos
Grimes or Alice Glass?
Kpop general
Only a very small amount of people actually make a living doing music full time
You fall in love - you lose
What did he mean by this?
Hey gae bois
One of these threads
One of these
Sexist Men BTFO by Boiler Room
Essential Noise Rock chart
What exactly do you find wrong with their taste in music?
Kpop general
New Sum 41 memetastic music video
Is Grimes patrician?
What the deal
What is the best Nirvana album?
Thoughts on these guys?
Summarize a band or album with a picture from Spongebob
Weezer - I Love the USA
Kpop general
ITT: Forgotten Sup Forumscore
Apple May Block iPhone from Taking Photos, Video at Concerts
Is Tenacious D the cringiest music related thing ever created?
Late 60s>90s>10s>early & mid 60s>70s>00s>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>80s
Soundcloud Thread
This band is 2deep4u faggot
What is his best song?
Did Progressive Rock really deserve the flak it received from contemporary critics in the 70s...
Which do you prefer?
Why don't you guys talk about her anymore?
/gg/ - Guitar and Bass General
There are people on Sup Forums who don't even know the difference between house and techno
"Download all music in FLAC user"
Post your ten favorite albums of the decade so far
ITT: Post an album and its literary equivalent
Old one is pretty dead now so lets start fresh
Now Playing
Girl that you like has 2 tickets to (insert band you love here) in another state...
50 years of the same shit
Desiigner's future
Is Grimes the modern day Morrissey?
So I told James to put an orange on his head
Can someone who listens to radiohead pls talk to me...
Filthy Frank aka George (joji) Miller actually makes nice music believe it or not
RYM / Sonemic General
Why do people like Earl Sweatshirt so much? All he does is bitch about his grandma...
6x6 Thread (plus recommendations)
Where's the justice?
One of these threads
RIP Robert Wasserman 1952 - 2016
Summarize a band or album with a picture from Spongebob
What does Sup Forums think of Run the Jewels? Modern classic or typical hacks?
Anybody willing to share the new Blink-182 album with me? I heard it was leaked a while back and I cant wait 2 days!
Worst thing you've ever done + favorite album
Just finished and its fucking awesome. What do you /patricians/ recommend I listen to next?
I'm gonna kill myself today
Which is the best
Chart Thread
Songs that cause tears?
AOTY so far
This game
This album fucking blows you guys
ITT: Musicians who could have been GOAT if only they had took music seriously
Underrated by Scaruffi core
St. Vincent
Thoughts ?
The Dude
5x5 thread
You hear it you lose
Thoughts on RHCP?
Kpop general
/p4k/ - Nightly Pitchfork Countdown Hypetrain Thread
I feel as though I've a wealth to say pertaining to music...
Which one is best?
Post you're favorite album and others try to guess your penis size
6 month 5x5 thread
Ideal listen
I never listened to music before. Where do I start, Sup Forums?
ITT we describe bands/artists with a picture
It's time to play:
The 10 Most Influential Albums In Rock Music
Do you guys agree with scaruffi on 2016?
Kpop general
How come children of famous musicians can never replicate the success or talent of their parents
So the new track is really dull and just seems like a retread into the Analord type material...
'sup Sup Forums? first time posting on this board...
Thoughts on Brian Eno?
What band, in your opnion, rocked the hardest?
What does Sup Forums think of this album?
Post your top ten bands and others judge you
Gimme all your fuckin dubs or I'll kill you!
Does /moo/ like The Residents?
Station broadcasting all genres and all request
ITT list your top seven to ten albums and have others judge your personality
Death Grips is playing a show 4 hours away from me but they sometimes don't show up and i'm afraid i'm about to drive 8...
Where were you when Twenty One Pilots became patrician?
Tfw just got into college
Artists whose wang dang doodle you've seen
Best EP to ever exist
What do you do while listening to music, Sup Forums? Come up with anything interesting?
What album is the wolf shirt of music?
/ The Keep This Fucking thread Alive Edition
ITT: 10/10 Pop albums
Going to concerts alone
Bandcamp Thread
>>>Sup Forums79199013
ITT God tier hip hop albums
What will his next album be called?
AOTY 2015
Rage Against the Machine
Itt: you hear it you lose
Sup Forums makes an Death Grips-style Christian Album
When did you realize the LP Club was better than Fantano?
What bands/artists do you think have the potential to release a 10/10 album but haven't done it yet?
Why do people still pretend jazz is good?
Grimes is the best musician in history. prove me wrong
What is the best Beatles album?
Yo these niggas wrote a song about a fuckin cartoon duck from looney toons. Why do people take them seriously?
He disregards video game music as if it's any different from 'regular' music
Implying this disjointed mess is more than a light 6
The weird frontier between pop and avantgarde
7 days collage thread
BEST AnCo album?
RYM General
Ask someone who's in a band that recently opened for Deafheaven and caused George to leave the green room by going on a...
Kpop general
Noise Rock
David Bowie was the Niel deGrasse Tyson of music. Normies love them...
Make a hit song romanticizing poverty lifestyles in Brooklyn, people love it
Why is hip hop so shitty? Now matter how hard I try, I can't bring myself appreciate rap...
Name the one thing that annoys you about your favourite album
/shugazi/ - Shoegaze, Dream Pop, Blackgaze, etc General
There are people on Sup Forums whose favorite band is radiohead
Post you're favorite dad rock
Rank the taste of the following tripcode users
Kpop general
ITT: We post our favorite album and favorite philosopher
I heard a legit leak minus one song is floating around, anyone got a link? A real one? with no virus attached?
Who are some famous musicians who are well-known to have done horrible things?
Music for when you have no friends, not even one...
Ultimate cringe thread
Emoji ablum
This is the best post rock album
/metal/ General
/drug/ thread
Music for this feel?
New post your music thread!
Is guitar the easiest instrument to learn?
I'm almost certainly having sex tonight...
/gg/ - Guitar and Bass general
Tell me thugger isn't the best thing in rap right now
Tfw you really like an album but it's below a 7...
ITT: Bad albums
Colorizing Greyscale
ITT: Musicians who embody the middle-class suburban millennial's daily struggle
ITT: Albums about the female experience
Are Crosleys as bad as everyone says they are or is that just a meme?
What do you guys think of him?
In this thread we post our top rated music releases and comment on each other
ITT: Vaporwave that you unironically enjoy
ITT: Shit Plebs Say
Day 6 of Sup Forumschella: Latin America. Today we're kicking things off with the legendary Cafe Tacvba, Re
What music player do you guys use?
Rate others and make your own on
AJJ/Andrew Jackson Jihad - New Album
What does he listehing to?
Post an image and others rec music based on that image
Sup Forums covers
/2016 Collage Thread/
Kpop general
Is Wayne Coyne the greatest musician of our age?
Why do people like this shitty band?
What the fuck is with the earrape in this album? I can't get even get past the second song without getting a headache...
What should i listen to next in his discography. I know he has a new ep coming out
What do you think of my haul?
Why is she such a slut?
On Hipsterism and Musical Discovery
What albums do you listen to when all the world is laughing at you?
/comp/ Composition General
"Juno" - New Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross track
Can you name a more Reddit band?
5x5 thread
ITT: generic albums
ITT: Musicians you just want to hug and say "Everything's gonna be ok, gentle spirit."
What is the best song on this album and why is it Not The Sun?
What does Sup Forums think of Death in June? And Sol Invictus, Current 93, etc.?
Any stories about when you were given the aux cord Sup Forums?
I haven't been this addicted to an album in a long time
/daily/ - DOOPEE Edition
ITT: pictures of you with musicians
So I'm going to a concert alone for the first time tonight, what should I expect?
What songs will make me more attractive to women if they overhear me listening to it?
/metal/ general
Itt: artists whose entire career has been a result of a pitchfork score
ITT: the most overrated artists of the 2010's
Loveless vs Souvlaki
Where were you when Angel sold out
Is there even an album that comes close to having 6 10/10 songs back to back other than this one?
This album is what being retarded sounds like
What is the most obscure genre?
Kpop general
ITT: Make a fake album
"Hey cool guitar man, can I try it? Hm, sounds like it's out of tune, let me fix it"
Open Spotify
Best of albums of 2016 so far?
Can we have a slutty music videos thread?
This guy is the worst! How the fuck do so many people find him entertaining?
Soundcloud thread
What's the longest song in your library, Sup Forums?
I have taken 2 tabs of acid, im probably just going to stay home and maybe go out to buy dxm
Artists people pretend to hate
Why is he a meme?
Mama Mia! Post-Rock sure is a shitty genre!
Are you fucking kidding me? No Grimes thread?
Straya n' shit
ITT: Albums in which every song is 10/10
Stoner music thread
ITT: One of these
All these overrated album threads
ITT: Artists that will die in the next year
RYM/Sonemic General: Fag edition
Listen this it will totally change your life
ITT: God tier live albums
Most overrated band of all time
/bandcamp/ thread
Needle Drop Podcast
Name a better rapper than Tyler joseph
Reminder that Discogs is the best way to explore and keep up with new music
ITT post current feel and favorite song atm
Singer farts in the middle of a track
I got high once and listened to some music. Probably one of the best experiences ever...
When is this shit gonna leak? And not the terrible russian mono bullshit quality one...
ITT: albums only you listened to
/Chart/ Thread
Her next album is going to be a vaporwave album
Who's going to be seeing Swans on this tour?
Music is the only thing stopping me from committing suicide
New to Sup Forums. Give me suggestions. Favorite bands include MGMT, Modest Mouse, Wavves, Nirvana, Ween, Beck...
New Sum 41
/prod/ - Music Production General
ITT: Post an album you like and get recommended a similar lesser known album
ITT: If an album had a taste
Starting a new broadcast
Post your favorite local bands
I enjoy listening to Frankie Sinatra
Was Eminem in his prime the greatest rapper who ever lived?
Feels Bad Man
What is he up to these days Sup Forums?
My God, this just blew my mind. All those wasted years, I thought this was just some shitty vaporwave album
ITT: Talentless hacks
ITT: It's 2002 and you're in a trendy club in West Berlin...
ITT: Best video game soundtracks/radio station
Post rare Brilsons
Is there a single good australian artist?
Cringe thread?:
What does Sup Forums think of this album
/p4k/ - Nightly Pitchfork Countdown Hypetrain Thread
ITT: musicians you would like to hang out with
Kpop general
Alright Sup Forums we list our top 5(can be more but preference is top 5) in no order and others try to guess what our...
Is she the Grimes of our generation?
I'm assuming most of you are college students. What are you all majoring in, Sup Forums?
Bill Clinton Swag thread
Because he's an oppressed disabled PoC you nazi bigot white male
Seriously though, what the fuck is Viper doing ?
What is the besy way to start learning guitar?
/chart/ thread
Timmy Timmy Timmy Turner
ITT: toxic music that has the potential to poison the medium as we know it
Kpop general
One of these threads
Oh shit!
Daily creations thread
If you could only listen to a 10 year period of music for the rest of your life, which years would you choose?
Why does Sup Forums despise Annie Clark so much?
ITT: Albums where literally every song is perfect
/C&W/ - Country & Western
Did the internet kill music?
The weird frontier between pop and avantgarde
Show us your 5s Sup Forums and rate each other's taste
Artist you have a crush on
Black Sabbath
A girl just asked me to give her some chill "smoking weed by the beach" music, any recs bruvs?
Replace the word love in a song with the word knob
Just won an official The Mollusk shirt off eBay
Remember me?
ITT: Sup Forums in 1996
Kpop general
Can you give me the dreamiest album you know of...
Shirt Thread
ITT:Post your favorite album and have others guess things about you
Things in album covers you missed
When did you realize they were the best metal band of the 90s?
What's the song Sup Forums
Kpop general
I just had my heart broken for the first time...
Is there a more cringe rapper?
Rush for hipsters
Post your personality type and your favorite album
This is what death grips's fanbase has become
Bandcamp thread? Bandcamp thread
It's 2020
Other warm drony noise like pic related? helps my social anxiety
Post good albums (:
Have you ever wrote fan mail to a musician and got a reply back?
Kpop general
Are they the pioneers of butt pop?
ITT: So-called "villains" that did nothing wrong
/daily/ - "animal sanctuary" edition
Comfy Surf Music thread
How is it even possible to think Kanye fell off as a rapper?
Is Wayne Coyne the best guitarist of all time?
ITT: Post an album and other anons say the best way to die while listening to that album
What's the best album to masturbate to?
Post an album, others reply with the first lyrics from the album that pop into their head
Why are there no talented musicians who are fat?
Kpop general
Day 5 of Sup Forumschellapaloozaroo: Dubs Day
Times you were handed the aux cord/given control of the music at a social setting, and the results
Rapper says he's about to drop bombs
ITT: Essential Facetrain Core
Put your music player on shuffle, post the first ten songs that come up
ITT: Albums you had to listen to immediately after seeing the album art
Was he a pedo?
/gg/ - Guitar and Bass General
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New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
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If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...