HUNGER Sup Forums GAMES #03

Other post got pruned/deleted and OP wasn't delivering anyways so new OP here

*HUNGER Sup Forums GAMES #03*

• You can add only 1 album per post. (no 9 grids etc.)
• Multiple entries by the same poster with different albums are allowed.
• Repeated albums in multiple posts are ignored, and the first person who placed the entry of that album is accepted.
• The previous Winners of Hunger Sup Forums Games are not allowed to participate again. (see the list below)

• To participate in the game include in your post the following:
- Name of the album with Artist Name, for example: David Bowie - Heroes
- Image of the album cover.

• There is max 24 Free Slots per game. When this thread hits 24 album entries, the game will start shortly after that in the same thread OR In the new one, stated by OP if necessary.
• Images not related to the game will be ignored.
• In case of thread going 404, the game will continue in the next thread.

• The Album that Wins the Hunger Sup Forums Games will be forever in "Survival Sup Forums Essential" catalogue.
• After the game is concluded, the album that Won will be available for Download for everyone in the Highest Audio Quality! (FLAC > mp3)

Due to the nature of this Hunger Games simulator, we require all users to be 13 years or older.
If you are under 13, you agree to have parental guidance due to the violent nature.
This is purely an act of random fiction. Any murderous acts are not to be taken seriously.

Ask them!


02. The Gerogerigegege - Tokyo Anal Dynamite

Other urls found in this thread:

Зaтyхaниe - Зaтyхaниe

I only saw the second games, so ignore me if any of the albums I post were in the 1st one.

Candy Claws - Ceres and Calypso in the Deep Time

The Silk String Quartet - Contemporary and Traditional Chinese Music

Danny Brown - XXX

Mindless Self Indulgence - Frankenstein Girls Will Seem Strangely Sexy

if you can't fit the whole thing, "Frankenstein Girls" or "FGWSSS" will suffice

夢中夢 - il y a

Mort Garson - Plantasia

King Crimson - Lizard

Burzum - Filosofem

Exuma - Exuma

Clarence Clarity - No Now

Morrissey - Viva Hate

Deakin - Sleep Cycle

MF Doom - MM...Food?

Ween - The Pod

The Smiths - Meat is Murder

Slowdive - Souvlaki

Adele - 19

M.O.O.N - M.O.ON.

The Beatles - Help!

Swans - Cop

why is there a question mark this is some Mandela Effect shit right hefe

Suicide - s/t

Lush - Split

T. Rex - The Slider

Black One - Sunn O)))

Chuck Person - Chuck Person's Eccojams Vol. 1

The Shaggs - Philosophy of the World

Holy shit you're right


Scott Walker - Scott 4

The Mountain Goats - The Sunset Tree

what the fuck why is there a question mark

Chvrches - The Bones of What You Believe

Rolling Stones - Their Satanic Majesties Request

And that's 24!

My money is on Swans, with Suicide in 2nd and Freakin' Deak in 3rd. Early deaths will include Burzum, Adele and Slowdive.

make this fast nigga


OP here just finished. for some reason the site doesn't let you use punctuation in names so names like "s/t" had to be changed just to "st"

Also it wouldn't allow the name "Зaтyхaниe" for some reason so I had to replace it with a different album. sorry man :(.

Screenshot coming in a sec

>using s/t
>not using the artist's name
You tard


Well I have no strong favourites in this pile


money on exuma

I'm getting so many captchas guys lol

buy a Sup Forums pass

>Danny Brown goes full weeb with his weapons
Everyone else is fucked


Any requests? If so , shove them up your ass and make it yourself

put my money on my nigga Danny

Adele deserves that

who here /teamT.Rex/

template pls



>The Slider

OP I think you should know that there are extensions that allow you to take screencaps of the whole thing.

thanks man

I didn't take my time picking genders for all the albums lol sorry I just left them as default


>Cop picks flowers
Wow, top kek Gira

can you link to one, i'm not OP but it would be helpful

What's it called?

>Black One is now Black Gone

Anyone rooting for Moz?

lets go Exuma


Who's /teamLizard/ here?

Well that wasn't very nice

morrissey will die first

Oh boi

First of the Gang to Die?

>black one's cover is still exactly the same

Relax dude.

>Overhearing XXX and Souvlaki talking in the distance
Fucking Danny will collaborate with anybody lately

Thanks dude


that would be a dope collab tho

/teamLizard/ REPRESENT

>Morrissey kills Morrissey
Fucking no way dude

RIP Moz, always knew he would kill himself one day

>Meat Is Murder's trap kills Viva Hate