this is so antithetical to everything she's done. what happened
this is so antithetical to everything she's done. what happened
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>shut up kiss me
what did she mean by this
big tiddies :)))
god i fucking hate skate rinks
she's probably dating a new guy, and will 100% regret this album when it's over
So is that a wig, or is that what her hair looks like now?
are you high right now, or actually that retarded?
I've not slept in three day, so pretty much retarded
well go to sleep, it's clouding your judgment
man, Windows was one of my favorite songs of the last few years, what the fuck is she doing making this garbage?
Not really sure how this is "antithetical" to what she's done in the past. I feel like there's a pretty clear layer of irony to this video and the last, and I have a feeling that in the full context of the album it will make much more sense. But go ahead and freakout just because it's an up tempo song that appears on the surface to be rather shallow. I always love how reactionary everyone is here.
>it isn't what she did exactly last time
>I don't know if I like this on first listen so it's automatically trash
uh, sure dudes
>can I fug dis? I don't think so
Alright, your loss
>t-the bad songs she's put out so far are just ironic jokes, back off haters, the album will be totally different!
>Frankie Sinatra is actually good!
you are literally an insane person
Releasing 1 ironic song, ok sure
But 2?
I hope she doesn't release a whole fucking ironic album. That's just dumb
>that appears on the surface to be rather shallow
well that's what being shallow means
Maybe it'll make more sense in context with the rest of the album, but I wouldn't really put these songs in rotation like I do with rest of Angel's catalog
Sold out? How exactly?
Her previous albums weren't exactly 'out there' and this song isn't a far cry from something from Burn Your Fire For No Witness either.
Yeah there's no proof at all in the way she's clearly mocking the lines in the video, or the vaguely creepy lyrics themselves from an ex that wants to control her. There's not a shot of her being terrified by the grasp of people being dragged away. Oh yeah, and I'm crazy because I gave the spotify version of Frankie Sinatra a chance before I wrote it off as "not Frontier Psychiatrist" and it turned out to be actually competently mixed and pretty good.
I'd respect people shitting on FS more, if it didn't feel like they were always comparing it to FP, since that's not really a track that at all represents SILY or Avalanches as a whole. I've been listening to every little mixtape or single thing since SILY, and Frankie Sinatra sounds more like your average Avalanches track than Frontier Psychiatrist. FP is a standout track on SILY, in a bad way honestly. It's not at all representative of the rest of the record and the record almost had to be retrofitted to include it, and even then it's slotted late in the record for a reason.
I get the same quick judgement from people here. No time to consider the very obvious clues people are throwing out in their videos. The name of the album is "My Woman". Does that maybe at all corroborate my reading of the song as being creepy and possessive? Maybe Angel has seen a thread or tweet or two about how she's "my kind of woman" or people that wanna waifu her. Maybe, just maybe, she's mocking people's creepy possessive hold they wanna place on her.
There's also the incredibly obvious rollerskating being a pretty lesbian thing to be into, but hey, maybe that's going too far. I don't know she's gay, I just suspect that with her lying on the ground next to another lady in the video.
But by all means, jump to a conclusion that your surface reading is right, because you can't possibly be dumber than the artist, right? You're always smarter than every work of art you've analyzed, right?
This sounds like it could be on Suck In And See by the Arctic Monkeys. Disappointing song desu.
that ending is pretty funny
>yfw she'll never be your gf
Was unsure about it at first but the chorus is so catchy :3c
As much as I prefer her early sound, this is by no means bad tbqhwyfam
But this is a shit fun video tho
an album being good at mocking something does not mean it's good music
>sold out
guess this means it's time to start listening, she must be about to get good. par for the course for indie landfill. see also: grimes. "selling out" is always good in these cases, it means they're actually learning to write songs
she finally realized nature blessed her with a cash cow (hehe) and decided to exploit it for mainstream fame. sluts being sluts. I'd bet money publications will call it "empowering" and at least two op-eds on how the term "selling out" is misogynistic will be written during the next week or so
She's roller skating. How does that make her a slut?
ironic shallow pop still is shallow pop
i guess she finally accepted reality that she better use those tits for something or just stay unimportant
roller skating is top fetish material desu
Good music is pretty fucking subjective dude, and there's nothing wrong with this song. Or at least nobody has articulated anything other than "it sounds like Artic Monkeys". I'm not really sure that's even fair because there's a lot more going on in this song and the last between background vocals and synths, but again, you don't like it so it must be bad automatically on your first listen to it and before it's heard in the context of the record. Right?
The singles from her last album were pretty similar, but the album as a whole was much more subdued. I expect the same thing here. And Intern wasn't as catchy as the new one either.
I delineated how it has a different meaning than what it appears on the surface, therefore meaning it has more depth than being "shallow pop" but okay dude, logical fallacies and what not
we get it dude, you are an insane fanboy. no problem there, m8, just realize she sold out and want that dank mainstream audience
your "delineation" is bullshit
she's doing exactly what grimes did, pop music with an ironic facade so their hipster audiences don't feel alienated
I'm waiting for the webms
>yfw she'll never ride your dick with her giant titties bouncing on your face
Yeah she wants that mainstream audience, that's why she's on Jagjaguwar home of the most accessible releases
>Rick Alverson
>Viet Cong
>Unknown Mortal Orchestra
>Sharon Von Etten
Because you hear normies talking about these acts right? I'll give you Bon Iver, but that's literally the only one.
>>Viet Cong
How is this song that different from Forgiven/Forgotten?
Other than your bullshit hipster crap?
sorry, Preoccupations FKA Viet Cong
Forgot how to write it
Man, this sounds like all her other shit. She's just got christmas tree streamers in her hair now.
This music isn't even catchy enough to be a sell out move.
Uninteresting production, lyrics, subject matter, and lack of depth or fun to compensate for it.
if you listen to shitty music because of it's irony, then you're just wasting time
Grimes' songs were actually fun and catchy, this not so much
i was hoping she was going to go all synth but i guess only some songs will be like that. with that said, i'm glad that at least it's more 90s alternative like 'stars' or 'forgiven/forgotten'. i listened to her years ago but it was just her acoustic shit and found it so boring so i was surprised she does decent 90s alternative, 'intern' is my current favorite though.
Underrated opinion. Agree with you.
God, why is this so fucking catchy. I've been singing
for two hours straight
>44 replies
>only 1 image