I enjoy listening to Frankie Sinatra

>I enjoy listening to Frankie Sinatra

Other urls found in this thread:


>The Avalanches? Yeah I'm a big fan


I unironically like Frank Sinatra but this fucking ruined it for me

he's not bad looking but you can tell he thinks he's way more attractive than he is

this upsets me

>walks into milkbar
>removes trilby
>checks pocketwatch
>unsheaths cane
>taps on counter and orders drink
>walk over to the jukebox
>takes out coin sack
>inserts coin

i enjoy listening to your mom lol

This is the harshest cringe I have ever experienced on Sup Forums

You seen this before?


>more dangerous without it than with it
Yeah okay buddy

fucking hilarious

>when music actually had meaning
>cites a vapid, novelty song about COFFEE as something that's deep


he doesn't even know how to pronounce 'genre'

This kid has to be on coke or something.

Lady Gaga's unironically better than Sinatra

>i can go from frank sinatra to killswitch engage to system of a down to slipknot
>that's how diverse my taste is


how did he?

i can't make it through that shit


projection: the post

I know he's defending metal but...fuck I can't do this without raging... I just... god damnit somebody punch this guy, and steal his Spawn comics from his wall

This guy should probably watch Midnight in Paris.
It's a dumb movie and the message is chewed up to the end but he probably needs it that way.
You go little guy, show them how classy you are and how you lack the hability to find talent in this current era.

>21 years old
I genuinely thought he was a 15 year-old autist
>song about coffee has "meaning"
>says music back then is better than Nicki Minaj, Lady Gaga, etc
senpai he doesn't know that Lady Gaga performs that type of jazzy big band music with Tony Bennett all the time

There's something about the way he moves that's so slow it's like irritating I'm not sure why

So is there a difference between believing Frank Sinatra is good and listening to him in the current year?

exactly me btw

Young people shouldn't be allowed to listen to pre-90s music.
Shit is just plain cringeworthy.
It's the "parents trying to understand rock music" all over again.



>Reddit, bitches!


Literally Youtube Comments: the video

Young people are like old people.

They don't understand real music and their attempts at doing so are cringy.

Thus they should be banned from listening to it.

>whereas music that was done by
>Bob Hope


he cut me pretty good, guys


cool cat, get in here

This cunt is a walking meme. Look at his fucking room

Jesus his face in the thumbnail is so damn smug.

>i guess i'll just end the video with this:
>i think metalheads are one of the most biggest music jon-rays
>or is jon-ray or area?
>i'll just say area
>metal is one of the biggest areas of judgement in music

frankie sinatra isnt even electro swing

objective content

Fuck off normie.

Real music lovers like many kinds of music and don't just listen to what evers' on the radio.

>Not having diverse taste in music.

>You stupid metal fucking faggot


>Brother? Hath I found thee at last? I fucking love metal! I listen to so many different bands. I'm not going to list them though, there are just too many for that. But my favorite band is Disturbed.

>killswitchED engageD
I don't really listen to metal, but isn't it Killswitch Engage?

Jesus Christ end my life after this

This is alpha as fuck.

Why is your taste based on trends? Don't you get tired of being a mindless robot?

agreed, i take my katakana everywhere