Post bands you feel that people dont genuinely like, but pretend to
Post bands you feel that people dont genuinely like, but pretend to
you think all those people weeping in the front row of Morrissey shows are all faking it?
The Ramones
James Ferraro tbhfam
It's not even bad, it's just - to quote the NME - meh
Radio Head
no, i think they're for real. But i think they like him in the way a teenage girl likes harry styles. I mean people who appreciate the band's amazing sound as a whole
the complete drop in Sup Forums discussions of pavement over the past year only reinforces my belief
it's like they all gave up
>no, i think they're for real. But i think they like him in the way a teenage girl likes harry styles. I mean people who appreciate the band's amazing sound as a whole
But that's wrong. Morrisey is gay and nowhere near attractive now. People actually know Marr, Joyce, and even Rourke.
> I mean people who appreciate the band's amazing sound as a whole
How does that make any sense? If they are listening to, and enjoying the music, then they are appreciating their sound.
This is the correct answer
desu, you're right. i suppose im assuming way too much about other fans.
No. Pavement is rad. Everything that can be said about Pavement has already been said.
Pretty much this. Pavement are awesome, but there's not a whole lot that can be said about them really
but they're my favorite band user
Lost Prophets.
Yup people only like Morrissey for his looks
"Women only like me for my mind"
i geniunely love them (their sound) more than i love myself
morrissey solo sucks desu
>Morrissey solo sucks
hell fucking no. their music is lovely and amazing. morrissey delivery is really out of this world
maybe? idk
I love the Pavements more than your mother loves you
I love these
Early Swans
I honestly don't like the Smiths. I don't care for Morissey's voice at all.
Also the following
-Mr Bungle
-James Ferarrio
name a band that did jangle better. I was never drawn in by Morrissey's voice, rather Marr's guitar work