why the fuck are so many lowpass and highpass filters used? really takes away from the album imo
Why the fuck are so many lowpass and highpass filters used? really takes away from the album imo
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pun intended?
To me I felt they were trying to get the effect of someone tuning a radio. I thought this was very cool.
maybe. def overused tho
Honestly I thought it was a cool edition to the whole radio vibe they were going for. the only song imo that suffered from it was subways
It's supposed to play off as a sequence-by-sequence album, like visiting many different locales. The songs don't segway in the same fashion SILY do because of this, but I thought this was obvious given that they said that this album is a "Road trip album."
muh intellectual road trip album
muh trips accompanying poorly thought out meme post
I thought Songs for the Deaf did it better (which funnily enough they sampled of Folkstar)
download link anyone?
But they use them so playfully in time with the music. Provides an extra rhythmic layer to the melody.
good ear and good question.
i recon it is more necessary for all the different sources to stack without being a frequency clashing mess. there are so many different songs used in one song. its part of their sound, naturally. not to try to be vintage or something.
Also, they record a lot of really old and bad vinyl that just lacks high frequencies, and probably they'll have to remove some overly intrusive crackle on the high end sometimes.
But for real. even frankie sinatra is a really good track imo. this album is totally amazing probably.
i think they did it again so far.
Pretty standard production technique when you're layering this many samples.
who else /thinkingaboutdeletingfrankiesinatra/ here?
they full for the vaporwave meme
I listened to the album all the way through once, then immediately deleted Frankie Sinatra. Currently working on a smooth transition edit between Because I'm Me and Subways
That meme's over pal, we're all hating on Noisy Eater now
even if you don't like Frankie Sinatra, I feel like Subways and Because I'm Me just aren't good back-to-back songs. It would be like taking one of the worse songs off of MBDTF. Seems like a good idea but ruins the flow
>Mmm yes I must say Frankie Sinatra is indubitably one of the most sublime works of plunderphonic sound I have ever heard. What's that Madame? Electro swing? Heavens, no! That is the dirge of the lowly troglodyte. It is far from the purview of the masterful composers collectively known as the Avalanches.
But Noisy Eater is one of the best tracks.
Noisy Eater and Frankie Sinatra are just as bad as each other and in the same meme rap vein. If you say you like one but not the other then you're a fucking liar and need to lay off the memes.
>not liking meme rap
But I like both.
Non flac?
anyone notice it sounds like a change of time?
SILY gave me a huge 1940's/1950's vibe
Wildflower gives me a huge 1960's/1970's vibe
Indeed. Fits the theme
>The Avalanches ? Hum, yeah I definitely like their new aesthetic !
>there are people alive today who dislike Saturday Night Inside Out
there a rip or anything going around cause fuck Apple Music
search kat
thanks pal!
underrated boat
LP3 doing disco and grunge im hype
I think part of it is that they knew this time that there would be a (likely quite well selling) vinyl version so they built the side breaks into the sequencing
Yeah, the EQ is likely so that the music sounds right - they probably had to filter out unwanted sounds and isolate elements on many of the samples used to get the composition they wanted
god I have to trip to this album so bad
"Over the Turnstiles" is literally the "Pablo's Cruise" of the album