
discuss the greatest female musician of all time

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i like grimes desu

She looks like Tak from Tak and the Power of JuJu

thats not boy george

She's a disgusting fucking chimp I'm gonna hit her with a hammer.

anyone knows which video this is from?

Is there anything finer than listening to Geidi Primes on a sultry summer night? The air is dense to the point of oppression, but the light angelic voice of Grimes cuts through it as I snack on fresh raspberries from the garden. Was that a firefly I spotted in the corner of my eye, or a faery...

I go for midnight runs, and I listen to music. Recently I've been listening to Grimes and frankly it's incredible.

The just cool summer air wrapping around me, running in the middle of the street, not another soul in sight. Once I cleared a line of trees so the moon becomes visible as the soft climbing intro melody to Genesis played and it was such a rush of euphoria I wanted to scream.

>grimes fans


>Implying that it's wrong to enjoy music
Why are you posting on Sup Forums?

I love the peeks into her image when she was still a scrappy underdog.

really dude? for me her early stuff, especially halfaxa should be listened to in winter nights
in a cabin
not that I have access to one, though

I honestly cannot tell if people are joking about liking Grimes or not. I've either been here too long or not long enough.

why should be we joking, user?

I agree with you on Halfaxa. I love it on winter nights.


That's Ariel Pink you prune

A pretty good percentage are just memeing, but I do think she's actually quite talented.

This is Sup Forums - jokers abound. Grimes, however, isn't a joke.

Ok, thanks

idk but I remember her saying she didn't like that one

Grimes music has brought me luck and good health. She is my queen. Were I to be exposed to her in person, I think she might drive me insane.

if I saw her it'd be obvious I fancy her so I'd probably just give her a thumbs up or something like that

She'd probably understand, maybe even find it a bit endearingly droll.

>A: Joanna Newsom has done so much to expand vocabularies. The words that she uses!

>G: Even now, in her new song, I don’t know what half these words mean. I met her a couple of months ago and made a fool of myself. I, like, wept. And now I can never talk to her again.

>A: It must be hard to be on the receiving end of fan behaviour like that, too.

>G: It’s very weird. It’s an implied social hierarchy in those situations. But then I do it, too. I get it, but I don’t know if I’d want anyone to feel that way about me.

>A: But I’m sure they do.

>G: Oh yeah, people do cry a lot. It’s pretty special I think. The weirdest thing is when people say 'I love you’, and you don’t know what to say back.

Though if we are talking about randomly bumping into her, she'd probably appreciate if you gave her a wave or a thumbs up more than if you came up and bothered her.

Dubs and I murder Grimes


That's not Björk

I like Björk too user, but I like Grimes music more

that's so sweet


ugh i just want her to give me head then i'll enter her gently and gently bring her to climax

that was great, there's a lot of interviews of her out there, both in videos and written, that I don't know

i watched them all and read most of them

oh, I prefer to just watch/read them when they're posted here or suggested on youtube, like when you're near finishing a book and don't want it to end so you start reading more slowly

>when they're posted here
ok, here you go


here have a single frame from an animation in the rpgmaker game i made today

i'm stuck on whether i want to title it "james quest" or "default genders quest"

i'm leaning towards the latter, but the former is much catchier

on this one you can really see her trying the more confident body language

any ss from the game?

no. beyond a few other assorted frames I'm 75% done with James' sprite and i've written an outline of the story. nothing to really show.

it's just gonna be a generic rpg maker game with shitty graphics based on the conspiracy theory anons were posting about a few days ago.

like if space funeral were 20 minutes long.

I think you mean Björk

I guess once you start exploring the world of Grimes, you just can't stop anymore.

>do you have your phone on you
>what are your most used emojis
>she doesn't even pull it out
I wonder if she spent a non-negligible part of that dinner thinking about if she should have pulled it out or not.

Nah, She annoying as fuck. I'll say that Visions was pretty damn good, but I couldn't care less about anything else she's put out.

>mfw i realize the opening to weregild is claire talking in a cutesy voice to voignamir

I love the way she says "I kinda hate them all" and the face she gives with it

she's so rad


I just want to lick all parts of her body one-by-one


Finally a Hildegard of Bingen thread.

I never thought I'd see one on Sup Forums

Who doesn't want to? Everybody is in love with this wonderful human being


Yes, including these beautiful fingers

le arte angl

How does she smells like?

>Sup Forums

>greatest female musician of all time

Would Sup Forums drink her piss?

She gets her nose, and goes like that *sniff*

kate bush IS pretty good, i'm glad we've got a thread about her

Honey and carrot.

i unironically really like realiti

am i a fucking faggot Sup Forums


She's prob very proud of her urine she made herself, would be very upset if i didn't try it and i have to do it for her.

thank you

Honestly, it's too good to be a Grimes song. It's a gem in the wrong hands.

No, it's Grimes making beautiful music, as usual. Worship her gently.

you are ok, also check out her other music


>you will never be grimes' personal lamp holding slave
why live

Everyone should know the song but she does not have her own chops for it. Give it to Britney.

There are some jokers and memers here, but many love her music for real. For instance, I do.


Grimes pretty voice is eternal. Britney is an old hag who had no tenderness to her voice like Goddess. And we don't want everyone to know the song, plebs ruin everything.

i will definitely check this out if you're gonna finish it one day

why are waifu threads allowed? I thought this was a board for music

I don't love her music for the memes, but every other music though..

when is this meme everr going to die out? say, 2 months approximately?

it's been on for months, it should have died allready

which meme?

That's right! Voignamir was her cat. She & Devon Welsh even wrote a song about it: youtube.com/watch?v=YxC3kjPuGZo

>A fairly regular Vancouver kid, with interests like anime, Harry Potter and Mariah Carey, it was during her adolescence that, as Garossino puts it, “something very strange happened.”

>“She changed into some kind of super-brain, exploring the internet all the time.”

>Teenage Boucher’s obsessions ranged from space travel, to the twelfth-century composer Abbess Hildegard von Bingen, to Russian existentialist lit. She crushed so hard on Dostoyevsky that she even flew to St. Petersburg to attend an intensive Russian immersion.

>But as with Grimes’ music, Boucher preferred autodidactism. Garossino recalls hearing Boucher teach one of Chopin’s nocturnes to herself, bar by bar. But only through the wall—at the time, Boucher had too much stage fright to even play the piano in front of her mother.

>“Something that people don't understand about Claire is her searing intellect and focus,” Garossino said. “Whenever you think you've figured her out, she's already three moves ahead. Things are never what they seem.”

>Her mother related how at McGill, the wunderkind wanted to take physics, but couldn’t stand introductory courses. Instead, Boucher entered higher-level classes and studied the prerequisite material at the same time. “She would nearly kill herself studying—surviving on almost no sleep for weeks at a time.”

>“And that's how she makes music today. In long, solitary blasts of blistering intensity.”

hey can you guys post that one mv in which she is wearing tights and she looks hot?


nvm found it myself lazy cunts

i'd like to see a collab

It's not in the wrong hands. She is able to make songs as good as Realiti, such as Oblivion, Genesis, Be a Body, Symphonia IX, Nightmusic, World Princess Part II, Weregild, Kill V. Maim.


Halfaxa is Grimes at her most mystical. Boucher has referred to it as her "medieval album" in terms of intent and subject matter. She once explained that the record is meant to be an electronic interpretation of Middle Age Christian reverence, an exploration of sensations beyond earthly experience: "I wanted to capture the beauty of being in a beautiful cathedral and hearing reverbed (naturally), devotional, vocal music and really believing in heaven and hell."

Many of Boucher's theories for Halfaxa were inspired by her own "idol" at the time, Hildegard von Bingen, a 12th-century German saint without musical training whose music was inspired by divine visions she received starting at the age of three.

As explained in von Bingen's theological text Liber Vitae Meritorum, after The Fall, music became a means of accessing a lost state of perfection. Boucher would later lament that her early musical ventures were recorded when she "didn’t really know what [she] was doing," but listeners discovering Halfaxa in 2016 are aware of her technical ascent, producing and engineering 2015’s Art Angels entirely on her own.

But without Joanna singing. Sorry, her voice is annoying.

There's discussion ITT, you stupid fuck.


hello, newfriend

have i nice jerk, user
(don't do this to her, bastard)

why did she have to sell out, Sup Forums?


she didn't

It's kind of silly to lament it like that, it's a product of that time. There weren't any huge expectations back then.

It was intentional.

i know, but why

doing music which you like is not selling out

holy shit she owns an authentic klf hoodie

i wanna have her babies