Tfw just found out my dad is gay

>tfw just found out my dad is gay
he left his facebook open and just for curiosity's sake i checked his messages and found out all sort of gay shit
music for this feel? i feel like i'm gonna pass out

Other urls found in this thread:

what kind of gay shit user give me details

ya gotta suck him

Look on the bright side, there is a diminished likelihood your father will shag any of your girlfriends behind your back

Post pics just block the names out



but he's not a pedo, right?

is he a good dad to you

don't forget to fondle the nads

stuff like him saying "i love you" to some dude and giving gay advice to others
i don't know how i'll look him in the face again now

gay advice?

see you're a fucking bigot and a homophone

i don't know
i'm afraid to find more about him now
yeah, he's the best dad ever and i love him so much but this is kind of traumatozing and i wish he hadn't hid it from me

is he still married to your mom?

is your father married?

Is he married to your mom still? How old is he? if hes single and you still love him then why's it matter?

>You must be new to the internet. Hi.

i have nothing again gay people user, i could have supported him because i love him with all my heart, but imagine finding out after 20 years that your dad is gay. not easy stuff to take

Hey does he happen to be married to a women known as your mom?

my parents got recently divorced and that's why i'm visiting them
i found out in the same way as this that my mom was having an affair but this is even worse

Try to talk to him, he is probably shameful but a good guy. Sorry about everyone being assholes user here's some music.

Hey look at it like this - you are living proof that your father is bisexual, OP

And he's still your dad, regardless.

i know, it's just shocking to me right now. i'm kind of mad he never spoke to me about it


now this is just sad

lmao chill out phaggot

No wonder why this board is filled with nu-male virgins.

t. gay dad

t. gay dad

what is this new meme?

You should see if you don't have AIDS first.

t. gay dad

thats how I found out my mom was cheating on my dad too. With two other guys.

literally nothing wrong with homophones

listen to pic related OP



It stands for Thom

It's different than finding out your friend is gay; this scenario brings a whole sea of doubts about if he loved your mom or if he really even wanted to have you in the first place. You could be progressive or super conservative; those ideas are still pretty scary

Maybe you should talk to him about it if you can. I'm sure it's a surprise, but so long as you haven't got anything against gays it'll be alright. Maybe he has a good reason for keeping it secret. Like maybe he himself might be uncomfortable with it. It might be better for him to know that you don't have anything against him for being gay or something.

Anyway, I can't believe no-one's recommended this yet:

Look at it this way, if he didn't diddle you when you were younger, that means that he's into grown men and only grown men.

There's no need to worry about that, m8.

Men can be quite sexy.

at least you can help him get treatment for his mental illness now

t. gay dad


This is more of a trust thing than anything else.

OP though he knew his dad, but now he just doesn't know.

summerfag detected

i was actually downloading this album since i was getting into of montreal while i found out the whole gay dad thing
i'm a fucking living meme

t. gay dad

If he was with your mum for a long amount of time, then even if he's as gay as a French king he must have loved her on some level. Having a child with her surely solidifies that. Also, if he's cared for you and stuff for your whole life, then surely he must love you, and one would assume planned to have you. Again, even if he's gay that doesn't mean he didn't/doesn't want kids. And all this is discounting the possibility of bisexuality.

i feel like i don't know my dad nearly enough now and i'm scared to know more now
i always felt that my mom kind of hinted i was sexually abused as a little kid, and so was my sister
when i became older i was pretty sure it wasnt true or just a misunderstandment since my dad loves us both a lot, but now ugghhh i really hope it didn't actually happen

>i always felt that my mom kind of hinted i was sexually abused as a little kid, and so was my sister


Why do you actually care? Genuine question.

If this isnt just you interpreting your mom's statements in an odd way she might have known and been upset by it.

It would not bother me in the slightest. How does that change anything?

i think you would remember whether or not you were sexually abused, dumbass

Well I agree with you OP, I would be shocked to find out my father was gay. Also would be disgusted and ashamed.

i also had sexual behaviors at a very early age and some other problems related to rape (as i found out on the internet) but it assumed it was just a coincidence, considering my sister is pretty normal and my slight social anxiety was because of lack of friends at an early age which got me a little behind on social interactions (that's already gone now) but now i think it could have been because of that too
i don't really remember anything or had "rape dreams" or shit like that so i guess i'll get therapy in some time

short for terveisin

Just because he's gay doesn't mean he sexually abused you.

Don't hate your dad over this. Its gotta be tough to try to keep a family and wife together when you're gay. Lots of sacrifice.

she always used to ask me questions about my dad (don't really remember them now) so i'm pretty sure i'm not mistaken
the thing is my parents were still together after all this which cleared my doubts about it, i mean if he really did rape me, why would my mother would still be around him and not taken us somewhere else?
i don't remember a thing, and i read your brain can block memories so maybe it could be that

She more than likely knew about your dad being gay then. She was just projecting her worry on to you. You'd have much more wrong with you if you were actually molested, even with blocked memories.

try this

op you should really see a therapist or try some hypnosis sessions
8 times out of 10 homossexuals are also child abusers (this is proven fact), so you're probably repressing some traumatic memories of abuse that could fuck you up in the long run


How's your summer going?

Is it a proven fact, or a Sup Forumsven fact?

yeah i've been planning to go just to get it out of my system
i just feel i won't be able to love my dad ever again if i find out

Shit, listen to him, homosexuals are pedos as well.