ITT: Underrated albums that never get mentioned here
ITT: Underrated albums that never get mentioned here
best math/experimental album and you know it!
my man
near perfect
Foxy Shazam is perfect
So because Garden of Delete was released a few weeks before this, everyone ignored this. It's a shame, its a beautiful album that has absolutely no bad tracks. It's Rustie's best work, even better than Glass Swords.
Molly Nilsson - These things take time
I've talked about those here myself plenty of times
Wooe woo ow WAAAA woo ow
Muh nigga
Liked Domestica way better though
whats ur kik
Kek, but his early mixtapes are pretty cool though.
This was posted a lot in old Sup Forums
you stupid
With the exception of Blackstar, it's his best post-"Scary Monsters" album
This is one of my all-time fave albums
next day is better than this minus sunday tho
I never see this mentioned, but I think it's one of the best British Indie albums of the 21st Century. Maybe Americans just don't get it or something
one of my favorite Kompakt releases tbqh
I hate it
if yr a fan of Nico i recommend this. She's backed by Beak (Geoff Barrow's band)
They used to be pretty standard in emo generals a few years back
>Foxy Shazam
Fuck yeah, saw him live in Texas in 2012, never forgot. Awesome music.
NO u lie