Fellow Pitchfork patricians, it is once again the time for our nightly countdown for Pitchfork's new reviews to be updated on the site at 1am eastern time.
10.0? 0.0? Best New Music? Best New Reissue? 8.0+ with no BNM? A shitty set of 7's and below? Weird Al’s eternal BNM incoming hypetrain! Noctourniquetcourtsney Barnett Review? Titus Andronicus being robbed once again? Dead Sara finally getting an 8.3 BNM? Ian FUCKIN' Cohen? Ryan "THE TASTEMAKER" Dombal? Lindsay "qt feminist" Zoladz? [retired patrician, memory lives on forever] Jayson "8.7" Greene? Larry "retired BNM godfather" Fitzmaurice? Craig "Meme Rap" Jenkins? [taking the Big Apple’s publications by storm] Brandon “Meme Metal” Stosuy? [retired, metal albums still won't get BNM, everyone still won't care] qt Kim "retired Meal Goddess now at Noisey" Kelly? Grayson "Grizzly" Currin? Brian "Backup" Howe? Mark "the elder statesman" Richardson? Evan "IS GARAGE ROCK DEAD" Minsker? Meaghan “retired trap queen" Garvey? Andy "secretly alpha" Beta? Zoe "¡DALE!" Camp? [retired, will probably still get asked to show feet] Philip "Electronic Wizard” Sherburne? Stephen "M." Deusner? Laura "Sun Kil Buffoon" Snapes?
Will someone dethrone Radiohead/Chance the Rapper’s 9.1 for AOTY?
OFFICIAL and accurate 2016 BNM Tally: 28 Nights since last BNM: 0
The most wonderful time of the night, every night, right now. Here it is, the nightly P4K thread. Time to get comfy.
Won't get an Avalanches review till tomorrow probably, which is too bad because they hype is killing me. If they gave Colours BNT there's no way they won't love the rest of the album. Expecting an 8.9.
Jaxson Allen
Dead Sara - Pleasure To Meet You 8.3 BNM
Bentley Lewis
They hardly ever review an album a week in advance though. I bet it'll be another week.
Matthew Morgan
>The Avalanches literally who?
Kayden Butler
What's Zoe doing right this very moment?
Leo Moore
Lurking :^)
Isaiah Phillips
is there any possibly good albums even on the horizon? I don't think I'm excited for anything announced for the next few months
Asher Gray
Fuck off, Zoe
Gavin Flores
Don't scare her off
Josiah Price
was Zoe fired or did she quit or what?
Noah Smith
i'm hyped for the new Chromatics album
release date unknown though. some reports had it coming out back in February. wonder what the hold up is, or they just changed their mind?
Matthew Rogers
she left after p4k shill showed up at the p4k office to ask zoe if he could lick her soles
i don't blame him desu
Hunter Reed
Now everyone knows Thanks
Charles Garcia
zoe-posting ruined these threads
Jack Miller
William Edwards
This thread stands with Michael Gira, Freddie Gibbs, Afrika Bambaataa, Heathcliff Berru, Leslie Rasmussen, Gustavo Guerra & Dr. Luke -- and rejects the rape culture hysteria of Meagan Garvey, Amber Coffman, Bethany Cosentino, Larkin Grimm, Ke$ha, et al.
John Torres
What are you guys listening to tonight?
James Anderson
still a virgin?
Isaac Evans
They gave Drake 2 BNT's but he got a low ass score
Hudson Lee
>I'll gladly becoma a bystander to the lunacy of clickbait feminism in hopes of maybe receiving some pity sex from a 5/10 tumblrite with hairy armpits in the future sad!
my first and hopefully last ever listen of Wildflower if this wet bullshit gets a higher score than The Glowing Man I'm going to turn into this guy
Liam Smith
I have had all 9 volumes of desert sessions in my backlog for a while. Finally listening to them.
Elijah Thompson
Same, I really struggled to get through it. Found it to be super bland. It'll get a 8.7 tho.
Dominic Russell
they are a popular electroswing band.
Brody Ward
>> lunacy clickbait feminism pity sex tumblrite hairy armpits
id rethink where the hysteria is coming from.
David Wilson
Metal AOTY
Sebastian Rodriguez
So an 8.2 on pitchfork?
Ryan Torres
>Day 389 >Rare Zoe motherlode is still private jdimsa
Christopher Howard
Wildflower 9.3
Elijah Stewart
Tonight is deadline night! Whatever albums on this chart are not reviewed by Pitchfork by 1 AM eastern time tonight will be marked "BITCHFORK".
Who's getting it tonight?
Julian Gonzalez
Justin Harris
Anthony Mitchell
Yes you are
Charles Jackson
& fucking proud. Go get some shitty blowjob from a girl who has no idea what she's doing and fall asleep crying.
Alexander Turner
i have never had a "bad" orgasm. i've enjoyed every one. i don't think they exist.
Ryan Price
Nobody said anything about an orgasm. That just proves how shitty every blowjob you've ever gotten is.
Hunter Myers
that new blood orange is the best thing i've ever heard. if you could distill all the best parts from those white indie bnm's and make them into one super patrician record, dev hynes' latest masterpiece would still be a 100x better.
Chase Allen
It's so fucking bland though
Ian Reyes
What were you even implying?
Ryan Reed
quads of truth. freddie gibbs innocent. free michael gira.
what if you have to pee? sometimes when i wake up with morning wood and i jack it, the o feels weird bc i haven't pissed yet.
couldn't have been b8-ier. i don't like it either.
Logan Jackson
We're more or less at the halfway point of the year. What is your AOTYSF? What do you think is p4k's AOTYSF?
Jonathan Jones
The new Blood Orange dropped and they reviewed 2 days later.
Oliver Scott
mine is radiopleb. p4k's is probably anohni. several of their writers slobbered all over it on twitter.
William Perez
i know everyone is talking about the avalanches record but i've had Best of You off this new Blood Orange record on repeat all day. This shit is a jam.
Aaron Powell
>best of you
Asher Rivera
Best to You*
suck a dick
Bentley Thomas
I heard it's Apple Music exclusive as of July 1, and they reviewed Chance when it still had exclusivity, not when it got a wide release. So who knows?
Yeah but those two tracks were definitely the best ones on that album and were admittedly strong singles. Wildflower is much more consistent and the songs they gave BNT to were actually much worse than the best tracks on the album.
Hudson Garcia
>What is your AOTYSF? pic related, but I'm way behind for 2016; I've only listened to ~50 albums/eps/mixtapes from this year
>What do you think is p4k's AOTYSF? either Hopelessness or Freetown Sound
Daniel James
I fear that they'll give it to Kanye despite TLoP being pretty unfocused. Wouldn't surprise me if Radiohead gets AOTY. Especially since rap has gotten it two years in a row so indie should have a decent shot.
Austin Robinson
Mine is Human Performance by Parquet Courts
I think p4k's, so far, is going to be Radiohead. However, I think something else will be released this year to take that title.
Luke Adams
This is fucking great.
Josiah Allen
Mine's Blackstar or AMSP, but this is worth mentioning.
Christopher King
No it ain't
Why are you OK with listening to that?
David Phillips
is this a """"super group"""""?
Carter Reed
Yep. Iggy, QOTSA, and Arctic Monkeys
Kayden Gonzalez
No it's Iggy Pop, posing with his """""""""backing band"""""""""
Ryder Gonzalez
If it were a supergroup, it would have a new name, like The Iggyots or something.
Charles Garcia
Aaron Hall
This thread stands with Zoe Camp and Zoe Camp alone.
Juan Murphy
Aaron Watson
i'd like to, "lay" with zoe camp instead. IF you know what I mean
Jeremiah Torres
Kevin Reyes
Listening to the new Avalanches, they could honestly just fart into mics and I'd give that shit a 10/10
Brody Bailey
Grayson Morgan
>AOTYSF Either Kendrick's UU or probably this new Avalanches desu
>p4k's AOTYSF I'd say AMSP, unless something happens that makes Kanye seem more relevant, like him putting out another album
Ryder Ward
Knock it off, you fucks!
Joseph Gray
>What is your AOTYSF? Deakin - Sleep Cycle >What do you think is p4k's AOTYSF? Chance for sure, really curious to see what they give Wildflower though
Lincoln Jenkins
Colton Carter
James Ferraro eternally BTFO, jesus christ
Cameron Cook
NIGHTLY RUNDOWN Future / DJ Esco 6.8 by Israel Daramola James Ferraro 5.0 by Mehan Jayasuriya Puro Instinct 6.4 by Ian Cohen David Toop 7.5 by Philip Sherburne
Caleb Jenkins
Julian Lewis
deakin or anohni
Elijah Jackson
Zachary Sullivan
>James Ferraro’s latest album feels a bit like a didactic student art project
will he ever make music again?
Nathaniel Russell
I would love to make sex with the ladies on the cover of the puro instinct album
Luke Watson
Yah man, work + Overwatch, means Ive been very busy
Ayden Evans
Jacob Harris
What do you expect? Mehan Jayasuriya was probably one of the people who bought a tape from James.
Xavier Powell
AOTYSF: Malibu or new Avalanches
P4k AOTYSF: Coloring Book or AMSP
Jacob Powell
Photoshop is a hell of a tool
Jordan Lewis
>Human Story 3, on the other hand, puts too fine a point on its critique. Its constant barrage of verbal rubbish makes the record feel something like a less artful, album-length version of Radiohead’s “Fitter Happier”. omg >james ferraro is less artful than radiohead montie must be pissing his pants
Daniel Allen
>Human Story 3, on the other hand, puts too fine a point on its critique. Its constant barrage of verbal rubbish makes the record feel something like a less artful, album-length version of Radiohead’s “Fitter Happier”.
pretty much (god i loathe ok computer).
Benjamin Parker
Well I'm just glad to see some of the familiar faces
Connor Cox
Human Story 3 5.0 lmaooo
Asher Jenkins
4/14, 29% F
NEXT WEEK: I manage to have my shit together for a whole week! PLUS: blink-182? Bat for Lashes? Maxwell?
Connor Campbell
Man new Avalanches is a whole new level this year Totally lived up to the hype Im still getting goosebumps.
Dylan James
>Bat for Lashes? Maxwell? these will definitely get reviewed
Anthony James
Evan Carter
it's really cute how much trip fags love each other. only gcg is left now.
is it like a, "we get bullied on here all the time so we have to stick together" kind of thing?
Eli Williams
Im fapping already I dont give a shit
Dominic Ramirez
I'd add Metronomy and The Avalanches for next week's
Liam Clark
Or I'm just glad to see someone I know
William Garcia
I really do miss Good Content Guy.
Christopher Powell
What happened to him?
Carter Hernandez
he either grew disillusioned with what these threads turned into, he went insane from photoshopping, he went insane from college work, he grew up and moved past pitchfork/Sup Forums, he fell down a well.
Ian Morris
I mean he did post in last week's classic review thread so I'd assume he's been busy