What is the besy way to start learning guitar?
What is the besy way to start learning guitar?
Just be yourself.
probably best website to learn from
>Buy a guitar
>Buy a tuner
Ritsu > Yui > Mio > Mugi > Azumeme
Playing it
1.) be yourself
2.) git gud
3.) scales
only dick around with polyrhythms because that's the most fun
Start learning basic chords, then learn a few piss simple songs and progress to more difficult songs. Play shit slow and one chord a bar if you need to at the beginning and build up to actually playing songs properly. It'll be really slow and frustrating so if you're not willing to spend a fuckton of time sucking you may aswell not buy the guitar.
If you don't have any music theory, it's a pretty good idea to eventually at the very least learn a few scales and how to build chords.
Lessons aren't necessary but can be very beneficial. They give you a bit of direction and there's bad habits one can develop alone that can limit your playing that a good teacher will correct early on when it's easy to change how you're playing.
Buy a Japanese Fender Mustang and a strap
Put K-On on
Prance around your house wearing the guitar
Be kawaii
Not the best taste, but good taste anyway.
>how to build chords
How do you do this? IIRC somebody told me it was just memorizing and practicing, but I was very interested in learnimg why the chords are arranged like they are arranged.
Google it. There are loads of people who'll explain it better than I can but in brief and with many omissions:
Learn how to play the major natural minor scales. If you're building a basic triad (a simple chord made up of three notes) you take a note in the scale (say the first one) and play the root note. the third and fifth notes in the scale away from it. So if you had a c major scale: CDEFGAB you'd play C, E and G to make C major. People usually use roman numerals to say which chord in the key signature you're playing so in that case if the key was C that chord would be I and V would be the chord made using the fifth note in the scale as the root with the two notes that are a third and a fifth away from it in the scale (in C that'd nr GBD). That's basically it. Building chords with more than three notes works the same way and you just add whatever notes on top so for 7th chords you add the 7th note of the scale and so on.
If I learn how to play chords, can I claim that I know how to play the guitar?
Pretty much
Wh-Who am I supposed to believe? Please stop bullying me
do it the based way
Don't play the guitar. Play the drums.
here you go, all you need to know about basic music theory
Gracias, amigo!
I'd learn all the basic chords first. E, Em, A, Am, C, G, D, then work on F and B. Look up songs you can play with the chords you know when you learn a few of them, so you can get good at chord changes. Once you are fluent in playing all these chords, you'll be able to do a lot of things from there. This this is the approach I wish I took, when I was learning, and it's the one I've been using to teach my younger sister. She's getting it pretty easily, surprisingly (her attention span can be real shit sometimes).
1. stop watching fucking anime
2. just learn the finger positions for the chords and the rest will fall into place
As an amateur guitar player, this is actually pretty useful
I learned so much shit from this guy and website.
If you just want to be in a band, play bass. If you can play bass, have at least a 2x12 cab and head, have a car that can transport it, be willing to make friends, and have time you can join a band through forums ez
believe this user also stop picking on Mio
>go back in time
>convince 10 year old you to play guitar
Only way of becoming a good guitarist
You must find someone who already plays and then you need to trick him into emptying his life essence into you. Repeatedly.
With each load of mana you draw from him, his talent will be drained out and flow into you.
Electric Wizard songs are good for beginners because they're fun and also so damn easy
Mijn Neger
Best way is to just get a guitar and start noodling around. My mom had an old acoustic lying around and I would just pick it up and do random shit, occasionally coming up with a simple little 3 note riff or something.
At some point my friend taught me power chords and then I actually started looking at tabs for easy songs like Nirvana shit.
Then over more time I finally learned my basic chords and by that point I could look at a lot of tabs and learn stuff.
Next came barre chords which were the hardest and then I started to learn scales and learn how to improvise and play solos.
That took years though and was a slow process so you have to have patience. If you want to learn fast you certainly could learn much faster than I did but it will take a lot of time, effort and concentration.
When did you start learning? I'm scared because I'm already 26 and I feel old as shit. I'm expecting to learn slowly, since I have to balance my studies and guitar time.
>That took years though and was a slow process so you have to have patience
I did all that and more in my first 2 months of guitar. By the time I was playing for 6 months I was already playing tech death songs.
My point being, it mah have taken incredibly long for you but 2-3 hours of practice a day can speed things up from 5 years to 5 weeks
Got first guitar at 12. Didn't play it.
Started messing around with that acoustic at age 16 or so. Didn't really begin to take it seriously until I was 17 and started playing my electric.
By 18 I could play songs and actually played with my friend's church youth group for a time but I still technically sucked. I probably reached a decent level of skill by 20 or so. I'm 23 now.
26 is pretty late but it's never too late and I really mean that. If you want to join a band or start up a group it will probably take a few more years until you could do that, especially if you're already busy. But don't be discouraged. I remember thinking I started learning too late as well because I knew people who started playing when they were 12. But whatever, I've surpassed some of them and others gave up on it even though they were pretty good.
>it mah have taken incredibly long for you but 2-3 hours of practice a day can speed things up from 5 years to 5 weeks
That was kind of my point. I'm saying that you don't HAVE to practice hours a day and focus all your time on it to learn. But if you don't then it will take MUCH longer.
However I have to question how skillful you were 2 months into playing. I highly doubt you had mastered barre chords and were competent at playing solos.
I must also address the issue of taking shortcuts. If you want to learn guitar in order to play really difficult and technical music it's better to learn the basics first and not just start shredding.
You should pay for lessons, at least for your first few months, if possible.
A teacher can help you develop good technique and correct your bad habits.
I'm in two bands. Not that that means much but I have come to people's desire. Self taught and pretty versatile. You don't need a teacher but it takes the ability to look at the same thing over and over from different angles. Get a teacher to give you the basics. If you are going alone then stick to these STRICTLY
>Understand the similarities of chords and be able to form if not all chord types
>Know how to play the same chords in at least 3 different places
>Learn essential scales Major, Minor, Blues, Pentatonic, Harmonic, Double Harmonic
>Develop a style and comprehend keys. Be able to improvise and adapt to a progression or riff of another musician
>Be selfless and egoless. Be open to ideas
>use Backing tracks to improve the above
That's really the basics but there you go.
>I highly doubt you had mastered barre chords and were competent at playing solos.
I forced myself to play Radiohead songs nonstop to learn bar chords. Admittedly my solos were shitty pentatonic wank but they were still solos nonetheless.
You do realize you can play any song with barre chords? You're better off learning 7th chords from Radiohead and continuous arpeggios and how to blend them with rhythm to sound dissonant and good.
I learnt 7th chords (and other extended chords) from playing jazz standards, and arpeggios from rigorous practice. When I said I learnt bar chords from Radiohead I meant that the first songs I ever learnt on guitar were Radiohead songs. And I picked up how to play F and B chords from those
These are the most sound advice in this thread so far if you want to grasp the fundamentals. Reading your posts, I think you will be satisfied with reaching a basic level of guitar playing. Basic level is not easy to reach at all, as simple as it sounds.
I guess I get the sympathy of not knowing how to play same chords differently. It wasn't clear that you saw your first barre chords in their music. I misinterpreted.
Playing the guitar isn't like what K-On! makes it look like, OP
>I guess I get the sympathy of not knowing how to play same chords differently
What are you on about? Is this some weak attempt to show off your technical ability? Through knowing multiple fucking chord voicings?
yui > mio > mugi > ritsu > azuyawn
why are people responding to this avatarfag, its against the rules. Go to GUITAR GENERAL!!!
>Different voicings on a simple western instrument
>Showing off technical ability
You made it sound like it's a good idea to refer to Radiohead for barre chords.
Jonny's style is very barre-based I get but once someone understands how to do it they can
use literally any song they want for any chord shape practice. Like Radiohead is some
secret treasure where you can find these crazy weird goofy chords.
u mad?
get a tuner.
get a metronome or something that plays time.
get a lesson or two to start you off.
The first few weeks are the hardest.
Mio = Ritsu = Yui = Azunyan > Mugi
That's a cute pic, can I save it?
>You made it sound like it's a good idea to refer to Radiohead for barre chords.
It was when I had barely had 5 hours of experience with the fucking guitar, yeah.
>Jonny's style is very barre-based I get but once someone understands how to do it they can use literally any song they want for any chord shape practice. Like Radiohead is some secret treasure where you can find these crazy weird goofy chords.
Are you high or are you just not on the same fucking page? This never had anything to do with using alternate chord voicings
I forbid you
I'm not referring to your original argument if that's
what you're thinking; otherwise this is on perfect track
Here, you can save this one
>I'm not referring to your original argument if that's what you're thinking
Then what the fuck is the point of this conversation?
Why are you doing this to me
>play Radiohead songs nonstop to learn bar chords
This sounded pretty retarded until I guessed 2 month guitarist
you hadn't grasped the concept yet which shortly after I
mentioned I misinterpreted your point. I don't even know
why the fuck this is still going on.
why are these stupid fucking drawings so cute, what the fuck?
>This sounded pretty retarded until I guessed 2 month guitarist
I've been playing for years, the fuck is this 2 month shit?
>you hadn't grasped the concept yet which shortly after I mentioned I misinterpreted your point. I don't even know
This entire section makes no sense and you should probably stop talking before you further embarass yourself while confusing everyone else
>everyone else
its like you're not reading anything im saying and just
blasting random shit which I dont doubt is actually
This is just how we do things here on Sup Forums
the power of Yukiko Horiguchi
Why do you keep on adding an extra line randomly halfway through your sentences? Stop, it makes it a fucking pain in the ass to read.
holy shit y
ou're actu
ally autistic.
Only a faggo
t like you w
ould stick o
n for so long
and drag un
related shit.
Ice bait.
oldschool runescape, world 336, edgeville, you and me right now
1. YuiAzu
2. Ritsu
3. Mio
4. Mugi
no u