Wildflower is now available to stream on Apple Music

Wildflower is now available to stream on Apple Music.

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but its not good

wow suck my ass

*in Australia

possible based user with a rip soon

Who's gonna be first with that rip come on

Everyone get in this motherfucker. All for one and one for all. Bitch-ass Sup Forums-tants and scrublords from r/theavalanches. Who gives a shit. Let's get this fucking thing in decent quality already.

Someone with the technical knowledge to actually rip the files who lives in Australia is sure to come along pretty soon. Probably will drop on What first

And yeah, like I said in the other thread, it's only streaming on mobile right now for some reason so I can't record it for you guys. Someone else is saying they're doing so, don't know how though.

This is it guys.

When I get off work I'm taking my headphones and watching the sunset over Lake Huron for my first listen

I got a what account and will deliver if that's the case.

Inb4 DJ Aaron Ellis

that sounds so nice

Base impressions while listening user?

why is it so mediocre fuck

I'm on Frankie Sinatra now, so the only other song I've heard is Because I'm Me, and it's pretty good.


Fucking enjoy, dude. All signs point to this being a fantastic summer album.

Will the quality suffer in any way if it's ripped from a stream on a mobile device?


And yeah, I'll say what I think as I'm listening.

New Aphex Twin EP just leaked too. Jesus christ, boys.

If they got HQ streaming on and the levels set right on their computer so there's no clipping it should yield a quite acceptable result. The only thing is they'll lose some a little more quality when they encode it back to lossy.
There are definitely workarounds to rip Apple Music stream files properly, hence Coloring Book uploads on What back when it was new, and I'm sure sure folks will come around eventually.
Of course a CD rip has to happen in the next couple of days anyway, stores are going to be getting their shipments very soon

yeah man seriously,makes no sense why it wasn't the single for their comeback, so much better than frankie


Is this on American Apple as well? Might sign up for the trial

Motherfuck, I just got the trial and it ain't there.

Listening to Going Home now, the songs transition very well into each other. An elements of the beat from Subways is still going 50 seconds into the track.

Pretty much the same thing repeating over and over, with vocals here and there. One sounds like either a girl's or a teenage boy's.

Nope. Hence the hold-up. If it were, it would've already been ripped an hour ago.

It might be on there tomorrow. Already signed up in preparation.

before I take your opinion into consideration....how high up do you hold SILY?

cut the shit. where's the rip?

didn't leak, Was available for stream if you pre ordered the vinyl, cassette or cd. I'll wait to buy the vinyl though.


People are saying 6pm EST actually.

Not out yet. Soon, like an hour and a half max

Okay so uh, I think I may have found a way to move the files from the phone to PC.

Don't hold your breath though.

holding breath now, try to be quick about it

dubs and a link is posted in 2 minutes

doubt it

okay, one.

Thanks fucker, due to this post the album's been delayed another 7 years

I'm running out of breath famalam

Even better then. Looking forward to it

That was the time the Australian drop for Apple Music was originally scheduled for. Now that it's already showing up on mobile devices, I don't know what the fuck is going on.


how are you guys gonna listen to this when it drops?

Thinking about going on a walk in my woods.

At home in the air conditioning staring out my window.

Anyone else bumping SILY til this thing drops?

Well, I did it. But I'm missing one track for some reason.

i still have my pot and my wine ready from when I was hyped up at rumored NPR time
On my big ass speakers, really loud

I'm probably going to do the same, though might go to the local beach (really a lake with sand) and just listen on a bench.

i'll probably bike around campus tonight after i get off work and there's no one outside. hopefully the weather stays nice

Well go get it! Record it if you need to

I've been doing that all week user. I used to have a so-so opinion about it but recent plays have revealed so many intricate moments and detail that I can't help but be impressed with. Watching the documentary also helped my opinion. Really masterful sampling. Flight Tonight is underrated.

just upload it. We have an official of subways already


reminder that if you're lying you're nothing more than a dirty shekel monster

Patch in the proper copy of Subways, do you need me to upload it?

Wait a minute. When I open one of the files, no music is playing. It's an m4p file by the way.

>pot and wine

How does it feel to live by the second worst lake?

I could cry, I cant believe today is the day we get to hear a follow up to SILY.

fuck never mind...

Try opening it with foobar.

Oh, that means it's protected. You probably would need an old ass copy of iTunes and Requiem to remove that. Would be quite a bit of work

I'll try.

Uploading now by the way, maybe someone can figure out how to fix it.

Drinking a big cup of tea stroking my cats

what "non fedora" drugs do you do, memelord
i'm a grown ass man

Thanks user, you did good.


what's the qual



real questions desu

pony TAILS
gypsy TRAILS

Not going to happen, they're DRM protected files connected to your account. No one else will be able to crack them, and your personal info might be in the tags

that's as comfy as you can get

are we fucked

do we gotta wait another couple hours?

Oh shit. I don't want that. Should I even bother to post a link here then?

that's good, after hearing Frankie I was worried we wouldn't get great transitions like in SILY

i'm afraid so.


There are ways to properly get rid of such protection but they're rather complicated
I wouldn't

do it just in case

this is the greatest performance ever recorded by man

Question, do you have iTunes on your computer?

can't you just use something like OBS and use desktop capture?

Try burning it to a CD then ripping it

somebody should just record it into an audio editor using soundflower

Yeah, it's what I use to listen to music.

He can't even seem to play them on his computer at them moment
If he can get them going in iTunes this would be an easy way

why not use audacity to record it?



we've been cheeted

>96kbps rip of Cheetah
good kek m8



>43.8 mb
oh shit guys its just the new twin ep

>43.8 mb
go fuck yourself

this is painting with all over again fuCK

Once I move it to my desktop, there's no sound playing.

I've basically got the files on my phone as if I synced it from my desktop, but it doesn't work on my desktop.