What did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
Whenever I hear a musician believes in gun control I can't listen to their music, not because I disagree, but I just can't see them as anything other than fucking lame.
and here they come
Why even make public responses to those? The only outcome is helping the news sites generate more ad revenue from clickbait.
but i thought he's a ukip nazi now who hates fags and niggers
I think he meant Robert Wasserman
Morrissey's statements are always quite funny
"Donald Trump would therefore probably claim that the massacred children of Sandy Hook would still be alive today if only they'd had the common sense to carry sawn-off shotguns to school."
moz btfo
>4:30 am
>hates fags
He loves Oscar Wilde you newfag.
yes he was a fag in the 80s but now he's a full blown nazi
you newfag
check your privilege
most of morrisseys work is better than the stuff trump listens to desu
regardless of what you think of trumps politics, you cant deny that his music taste is pleb
No, he just hates foreigners. He's not a Nazi, he just thinks Enoch Powell was right.
if teachers were allowed to have guns the children wouldn't have died. but the gov't doesn't want you to think that way, they want you to think citizens are too evil to be powerful and the only people who should have guns are police and military
bruh who's up at 4 am tweeting shit that's crazy
>he stays up past 10:00 pm like a degenerate, instead of getting a good nights snooze so he'll be well rested in the morning
who would vote for this savage?
Is this fake, because I don't see it on his timeline
Morrissey's egotism might actually eclipse Trump's. And that is a hard guy to beat at the ego game. You really need to be dedicated to being a smarmy self-regarding douche pretty much 24/7 to beat Trump there.
In the end it's just one ego-crazed wanker ranting about another.
Who cares.
>implying it's not some milo wannabe intern tweeting that
>implying trump sleeps
>implying trump's even human at this point
Ignorant fuck, off yourself.
so what you're saying is that moz should gear up for the 2020 presidential race?
How long until Morrissey weighs in on Brexit? Has he not weighed in yet because he's afraid that publicly congratulating Nigel and Brexit will alienate a ton of his fans?
>was a fag
Yeah i guess he changed his mind like his sexuality. Maybe he's born with it, maybe you're a brainless imbecile. Check your head bitchniggaaaaaaa
It's hard to say but here are his quotes on closely-related topics so take from that what you will:
>"The French will never like the English - that tunnel will collapse."
>"I nearly voted for Ukip. I like Nigel Farage a great deal."
>"The gates of England are flooded. The country's been thrown away."
>"The gates of England are flooded. The country's been thrown away."
This about 90% confirms that he probably voted leave. Which is why he's being quiet right now. He would assblast so many of his fans if he spoke up on it.
>Morrissey: Trump's response to Orlando terror attack is anti-gay and pro-gun.
When did Morrissey start simply repeating the facts?
>England for the English
>We are the last truly British people you'll ever know
Also the last time Morrissey was pro something along the lines he was branded a racist.
>Has he not weighed in yet because he's afraid that publicly congratulating Nigel and Brexit will alienate a ton of his fans?
Why would he start caring about that now?
those are songs, though, and cannot be judged as outright comments
who cares, fuck morrissey and fuck trump
He realizes he's prone to say something stupid about Brexit, so he's preemptively doing damage control for that
I don't know what he said but I doubt he said anything "anti gay" and if one person inside had a gun a lot of lives would have been saved. Gun free zones are safe spaces for murderers like Omar Mateen
"Morrissey hates America"
Someone's obviously has never heard the song 'America Is Not The World'
top zozzle
he could be... Waking up.