It's good lads
It's good lads
Just started it. Like it so far but only 3 tracks in. Wasn't impressed with No Future and Rabbit Hole but that's only two songs
this is gonna play in my car all summer
thought i was gonna be mediocre but its pretty good.
Im enjoying it quite a bit
It's sad boys. Three or four years ago this record would have touched me. Moved me. Now I just listen to it and know that that's how I want it to make me feel. Why didn't we get this instead of Neighborhoods? I wish I could make teenage memories to this record. I've outgrown my favorite band. Now I know nostalgia is the only reason I love the old records. "Well, I guess this is growing up."
No it's not
Blink-182 without Tom is not Blink-182.
This sounds like a band trying to be Blink-182 but without the songwriting chops/knack for melody
And songs like "LA" and "Sober" sound nothing like Blink and are embarassing
Neighborhoods is great
This album is shit
Get some ears.
It sucks that Tom went crazy and thinks his faggot band/UFOs are so cool.
California is 20 times more blink than Neighborhoods you bitter "good ol days" twat
>Now I know nostalgia is the only reason I love the old records.
I find it funny how I'm the exact opposite of you.
I hate this album, but it got me curious to listen to all the stuff before it again and I'm falling in love with
It's boring, shallow attempt at old Blink.
I LOVE the old Blink sound but this doesn't do it well, because there's no Tom to write the catchy melodies (and his voice is a distinctive part of the band)
This Skiba guy fucking sucks. Looks like a fag, sounds like a fag, can't write catchy melodies, sad!
You guys do realize that the reason this sucks is because Tom didn't write it, right? Skiba is skilled, no doubt, but he doesn't fit in with the band. There wasn't a single memorable guitar part on this album, while on Neighborhoods I remember most of them very distinctively. Additionally, Skiba's voice sounds way to close to Mark's. blink was successful with Tom because there was contrast, now that contrast has been eliminated.
Tom is an asshole, yes, but Skiba is not a viable replacement for Tom.
Favorite song so far is Sober
This thrown off b-side Tom released last year is better than anything on this album and would actually fit on a Blink-182 album called "California" perfectly
really makes you think...
Tom Delonge had one of the best, most distinctive pop-punk voices. You could even call it genre-defining, as plenty have tried to imitate it. Him losing his voice and becoming a parody of himself (willingly or otherwise) is in my opinion one of the greatest tragedies in music this century.
What's up with this thread. Do people in Sup Forums really listen to and enjoy Blink-182? I'm half convinced this is a thread full of crossposters from Sup Forums or something.
The Japanese bonus track (why them?):
Skiba shits all over (current) Tom.
Wow, what a shitty video. I'll bet literally anyone in this thread could do a better Tom Delonge impression.
>Xd I only listen to REAL music. Kanye West, Earl Sweatshirt, Kendrick Lamar, Death Grips, Beyonce, Young Thug, the list goes on...
Nice, was looking or this. Thanks.
There are good pop bands too, you know...
You go through two pop punk phases. One when you're a preteen/teenager, and another after you graduate college.
>I don't like Blink so i like memerap and beyonce
Yes, i know. But Blink isn't part of that conversation
Well who do you like?
People coming into threads with "this band suckz xD" without offering bands they like are trolls
Skiba kinda sounds like Tom on that "Where did she go" part in No Future.
Liking the album so far. Cynical was a pretty good opener.
I'm going to bed without brushing my teeth tonight
>speaking unkindly about based Skiba
Fampi just kill yourself
holy fuck this hit home
What if I've been listening to this stuff since I was 3?
>he genuinely thinks AvA was better than +44
People don't seem to realize Tom's downward spiral was due do a hard painkiller addiction
But he doesn't seem to have recovered well. He looks sick and doesn't seem mentally there all the way, since around the mid-late 2000's.
+44 sucks
AvA at least have 4-5 good songs
it wasn't painkillers
he's looking for seekrit UFOs no time for childrens music anymore
Los Angeles = Cynical > Rabbit Hole > She's Out Her Mind > Rest of the tracks.
Post your rate, Sup Forums
The album is so bad...their self titled album and even their last one (sort of) were forward-looking albums, but this one is just a step back. It's pretty cringey and only has real appeal for kids...Matt Skiba sounds out of place too. This is the last kind of Blink 182 album I wanted...
Watch the interviews on Youtube..he mentions specifically Vics and Oxys
I could never listen to Blink-182, Travis Barker is a huge raging douche
how so
Matt has to go. He doesn't fit here.
treats dominic cruz like shit
this is so generic it hurts
this is shit
fuck blink 182
wew good taste boi
>Album starts with bass chords and Hoppus by himself
>The autotuning on the vocals is like super obvious in the first track
>Skiba's contribution is bretty gud tho
>The background synths and vocal production in Bored To Death make an otherwise great song sound pretty corny
>She's Out Of Her Mind is pretty generic mallpunk
>Lyrics are Avril Lavigne-tier.
>Dat Bauhaus reference
>Los Angeles sounds like mid-2000's buttrock nu-metal with super fucking corny production
>I hate this track
>Again Skiba's contribution is the most redeeming part of this track
>Sober is a really catchy track and I enjoyed how poppy it was but not too produced like some of the other tracks
>Those snare drum glitches in the pre-choruses really grind my gears
>Why are they putting all these dumb little production tricks everywhere on the record
>Built This Pool
>Classic Blink, made me kek
>Dig the drums at the beginning of No Future
>Every time Skiba takes center stage in the mix are some of the most enjoyable parts of the record so far
>Pretty strong song despite fairly cringeworthy lyrics
>Starting to see that making a record without Tom was good for them in some ways but has caused aspects of their songwriting to suffer
>Home is Such a Lonely Place is overproduced pop bullshit a la I Miss You
>Will skip this track on future listens.
Well I like the first half alright. The record's moving along nicely, anytime I find myself getting bored it normally moves onto something fun again pretty quickly. I miss Tom but Skiba is fine too.
Skiba sounds fine in Alkaline Trio
wah im patrician
On how many levels of irony does this thread operate?
than you're a low key patrician.
The same level I was at while I was fucking your mother senseless.
>Kings of the Weekend is pretty good song across the board.
>Catchy melodies and I dig that little guitar breakdown
>Teenage Satellites made me realize how annoying the constant multi-tracked vocals and OBVIOUS autotune are
>Those two aspects plus the annoying post-production synth falls and vocal stutters are making what would have been an amazing album just alright so far
>However the song's hook is catchy AF
>Left Alone
>I don't know why but everything about this track was just meh
>Nothing really stuck out or caught my attention
>Moving on
>Love the music for Rabbit Hole, but the lyrics are shit
>They really need Tom cause Mark clearly can't write lyrics that are worth anything
>The instrumental is nice and energetic, the band sounds great as a whole on this one
>San Diego is another song saved by the Skibe
>Mark's verses are kind of annoying/bland but Skibe makes them choruses great homie
>The Only Thing That Matters is fun and sounds like classic Blink
>This is a very enjoyable song
>Would put on a "Best of Punk 2016" playlist
>Honestly have no idea how they're gonna close out this weird mixed bag of an album
>He should just let Skibe sing everything
>Should probably let him write lyrics too
>Rhymes "Pier" with "Disappear"
>Fuck how produced the drums are on this track
>That shit is so early 2000's
>Brohemian Rhapsody
>Not as funny as built this pool but I dug the instrumental
he sounds great on studio blink stuff too.
he's kinda meh live but whatever.
I'm gonna go ahead and call it a 5. There are some really good and catchy songs that harken back to the old days of Blink while still sounding fresh, plus some really nice choruses from Matt Skiba that tie the songs together really well. His guitar work is probably going to be one of the most underrated things about this album but it was one of my favorite parts. Those positive aspects are thrown off balance by the permeating and obvious autotune on the vocals on almost every track. Some of the jumps between pitches sound downright robotic. Plus the lyrics are pretty terrible bordering on cringeworthy through most of the record. The ambient synths and vocal falls, overfiltered drums, etc took away from the songs more than they added in almost every case they occurred. It was worth a listen but besides one or two tracks I don't think I'm going to revisit this record.
she looks hotter now honestly
Cant you just type it out normally dude?
thats nothing new with blink
Skibas cool m8 the fuck you on about
The bands never went away, so I never stopped