for real tho... new Brave Girls is incredible
Twice is the next SNSD
first for the real next snsd
*chiki cha*
Ay mayne y'all fuccboi ni'g'g'az need 2 recognize Tbh
IOI done changed da muhphuqqin game, yo
This thread is only for the Kpop Female Artist group Twice by JYPE.
Twice consists of following Members :
Plz post as many photos/images , gifs, links, torrents related to Twice...
& Support Twice...
Twice Hwaiting...
they released that in the January 2016 so it had 6 months to chart. Twice's comeback was in May 2016, so it had 1 month to chart. At the end of year, Twice > Gfriend.
Also, Gfriend has literally no international fanbase so that alone disqualifies then as the next SNSD.
stop this shit, kang mina shitter
i love your waifu
word this is my jam
A new Younha and Hatfelt collab and I hear nothing,
nothing on kpg?
I will proceed to hate you all for the night
Twiceshitters are so annoying
Move aside nugu peasants, princesses of House JYP are coming through
we talked about it a little bit when it came out
yeeun and younha were hot
cheetah reminded us of gdragon
I think I'm in love
mad ass filterfag ass n'i'g'g'a u read my post, I already won bitch
i dare u to filter this fagboi, imma get around it and trigger ur bitch ass again best believe that
actually you're pretty much the most annoying poster i can think of
>in love with a manface
I posted it 2 times in the past but nobody ever replied to me
you know what its like, eh?
Sigh... Twiceshitters
these are the loves of my life and there's not a manface in the bunch
theres 2, mijoo and jisoo
those socks are coming off
Looks like Dr Kim had a big hand on creating this group
Twice are shit
They're ugly.
i'm neutral on twice (don't love them, don't hate them) but i kinda wan't to watch Sixteen.
is it any good or worth watching knowing who's going to make it?
yuk yuk yuk
post more kpops on beds
Why do most girl groups looks the same except for twice? They're just a copy of each other it's so boring
id let them twice my snsd iykwim
This is true. Twice is the only girl group you dont need cliff-notes to differentiate between them.
you are so fucking mad right now
It is exactly why they are nugus and TWICE isnt.
Nugushitters just wont admit that their group is boring.
brave god does it again
based blindbros who don't know natural korean beauty when they see it
yein tho
kei tho
a group full of manfaces
the absolute mad man
it shows how bad they actually are individually. if you don't care then it's ok. seeing momo lose her shit is pretty fun to watch too
post feet pls
i love her
bought a 8$ usb sound thing and it sounds the same as the onboard
>twiceshitters are anime watching manchildren
See above. Twice is still in the TOP 10 after close to 3 months after Cheer Up was released and they have stopped their promotions.
Literally everyone and their mothers have seen dragon ball z
>nugushitters never watch DBZ as a kid
probably getting molested during that time huh kid?
This is unacceptable behavior
like his uncle would touch his ugly ass
>having hard time differentiating Asians
I bet all black people look like Obama to you guys too, fucking racists
i've seen nothing of it ever
kiss me baby
omoo pyo
what, a DAC? Is your onboard soundcard really shitty, or just average?
Because I'll happily pick up a DAC for 8 bucks if it's better than my regular soundcard
no, these are the eyes of a killer
Other groups value unity, they're equal parts that make up a whole, remove one part and the group suffers. Twice focuses on individuality and as a result you can remove or replace any member and nothing will change.
Just watch Twice's perfs of 'I'm Gonna Be A Star' and you won't even notice jungyeon is missing.
but only with soles
idiot you need a 250$ sound card and some monster cables and cable lifters so the static electricity in the floor doesn't interfere with the pure sound
also get a tube amp and a dac and don't forget to get these babies
I'm Asian nugushitter, I've probably seen more Asians than you. Trust me when they all look the same
my mum hasn't seen it tho
now this is Sup Forumsposting
When I say*
Who's brave enough to make a real group with 101 members?
Nahw nahw, see ere I say.
I reckun, I say I recjun this ere lil ol' thread could use some more'ah Yuri posts I reckun..
Twice is one of the only groups to individually style their members.
The cookie cutter nugu groups that you like just churn idols like they're on a factory line.
Get some new glasses, race traitor
even other asians have trouble telling them apart
that's why the rookie groups wear nametags
>dey all rook same!!
twiceshitters everyone, can't tell the difference between two people
must be hard
ioi+ jeon soyeon and cathy (unshaved)
youre just blind, ever stop and think about that
my birthday is tomorrow