
Hard to call it sjw when the advocate for violence.

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>Hard to call it sjw when the advocate for violence

not really

it was bretty gud

>inb4 thread turns into Sup Forums simulator

>Hard to call it sjw when the advocate for violence.
Does "all white men must die" not ring a bell or something

>>Hard to call it sjw when the advocate for violence
thats exactly the definition of sjws

Honestly? Kill yourself If your Transphobic, sexist, racist or promote ageism

>Hard to call it sjw when the advocate for violence.
Just because most Es Jay Dubyas look like they couldn't lift candyfloss doesn't mean they don't advocate violence.

I thought it was a bit shit. The music was pretty basic and the lyrics seemed like empty sloganing. That last part wouldn't have mattered if I enjoyed the music. It also comes across as a bit gimmicky, which before anyone calls me transphobic, I wouldn't say about, for example, Jayne County.

lol sjws try to act so edgy gettin knife tattoos and shit but they are too mentally weak to own a gun

i mean they have a right to be angry desu

>promote ageism

dont get too angry in my safe space or i literally cannot breathe just ugh

It's really good

I checked some of their stuff out back when the Whirr tweets were all the rage and all I got was painfully mediocre, local-band tier punk with way too blunt lyrics and okay delivery. Is that release any different? Is it worth it to check it out?


nice non-argument

>HRC, selfish fucks
>yuppie gays threw us under the bus
What a great line desu

so since the consensus is that this is sjw, is it different in its approach or is it typical liberal nonsense?

Is their approach to be taken seriously or are they a laughing stock?

pitiful. he can only speak using memes.

nope, its run of the mill bland punk with a hamfisted message. so 10/10 obviously.

im literally shaking right now you have to stop ughhhhhh

they're a fucking joke
at least they're not AJJ

>im literally shaking right now you have to stop ughhhhhh
pitiful. he can only speak using memes.

is this how you usually communicate? because if so, you're not going to get very far.

I'd explain how this is the most important piece of music in decades but there are far too many alt-right mouthbreathers itt

Go on anyway, because honestly, I'm pretty liberal and I love D-Beat punk, but this bored/annoyed the snot out of me.

you're triggering me please stop before i slander you on my twitter and tumblr page

>mfw a """punk""" band speak about a mainstream, establishment ideology

pitiful. he can only speak using memes.

it's bad

nothing to do with the lyrical content, d-beat is just objectively shit

isnt it ironic that these "people" are all about fighting the patriarchy and anti establishment while posting on their macbook

No, it's ironic that you think you're intelligent with the assumptions you made

isn't it ironic they go on about fighting the patriarchy when they're blokes

7 minutes doesnt earn a BNM

>advocate for violence
>no moshing at shows

fuck off whore cunt

only an idiot would care about pitchfork bnm

that sounded smart in your head, but wasn't

anyways this thread is beyond shit fuck off back to pol and v you can post all the twitter screenshots from sjws there

*non-binary lgbbq

What genre?

i think it's trying to communicate

but yeah i don't even get tumblr or any of that shit, but if i was as oppressed as trans people are in the united fucking states i'd be furious about it too

>implying i frequent any of those boards
>implying sjws aren't incredibly hypocritical

punk is about going against THE MAN THAT'S WHY IM FUCKING HOMELESS MAN

They've ruined any chances of being taken seriously now because of their lavish attention seeking narcissistic lifestyle

literally who fucking cares about sjws

>autism meme

Gloss is just a more queer, more militant version of a Riot Grrrl band.

Which means they're horrible for everyone including the people they represent, but worse.

why did you even bother replying?

wow, don't get triggered

you missed out "sodomite" and "degenerate" from the checklist

You're a walking stereotype

stop crying you fucking baby

really fucking meat headed, and a bit generic musically. Overall I give it like a 2.5/5

stop crying about sjws YOU FUCKING BABY

you really like to run your mouth

too bad nothing meaningful comes out

G.L.O.S.S are by no means a bad band but they're super overrated and noone would have given them any attention if it wasn't for the debacle with Whirr.

+HIRS+ are a much better modern Queercore band.

How much are you willing to bet that the members of GLOSS and Whirr are posting in this thread right now?

case in point, trying going outside once in awhile

theres a new sargon video go watch that you fucking idiot

>mediocre punk music
"oh this is pretty shitty"
>add a controversial message to it

honestly I wouldn't be surprised

>lavish attention seeking narcissistic lifestyle

trans people have nothing close to a lavish lifestyle what the fuck are you talking about?

Is the alt-right meme (I refuse to call it a fucking movement) the most hilarious thing to happen to the internet?

woah it's the pic guy who smokes weed ahahaa


kek like I know who that is, okay captain autism

If you have nothing to say don't respond fucker

>Hard to call it sjw when the advocate for violence
That's all they do tho.

Yes, they're literally reverse SJWs. Prove me wrong

I think you're wrong considering I never heard of them before I stumbled upon them on bandcamp and made this thread.

go on, go watch it. ill link it if you really want to

since chanology at least
take your own advice friendo
horseshoe theory is even worse ya dinguz

pwr bttm is way better

Yeah, they're two sides of the same coin

I do agree, both sides have subsets of extremists

I'm fine with transgendered having rights to do what ever they want and like their lives but I do think they are mentally ill

Decent, but not enough to negate the hamfisted ideology peddling

you've been living under a rock if you didnt at least hear about the whirr shitstorm

What are you even trying to say to me you rambling idiot?

>horseshoe theory

Punk has generally had a shitty leftist bent since the 80s. But at least it was originally more of a naive populism from working class folks than it was malignant critical theory from college educated crustfund useful idiots.

yes, exactly. horseshoe theory is fucking retarded, and shows the narrow range of thought many are incapable of considering issues outside of.

I deliberately ignore that band
a) because I hate them and
b) because they treat people like shit

pretty much this

This thread is shit

hrc and noh8 are buzzfeed-tier activism though. Like the r/music of online music discussion.

>Hard to call it sjw when the advocate for violence.

bruh do you even understand their ideology?

remove the current system of oppression by force.
cultural marxism

>horseshit theory
>you're as fucking stupid as us so you're wrong!!!
>laughing trump women.jpg
>sjwcucks forever btfo and their genetics are never passed down because degenerate anti-natalists
>feel the Aryan blood coursing through my veins as I type this

Then leave

>cultural marxism

You have little to no self-awareness you do know that right

>'le their both bad!!" argument
>still complains and refuses to do nothing about it
yer just as bad too dont act like you're above anyone

stop this tone policing

Deep down there is a rational person screaming to break free from cuckdom. I hope some day you free that person.

Who said I was above anyone?


it's okay

>critiquing certain things for being closed minded and extreme being just as bad as being closed minded and extreme

not that user but I assumed that greentext was merely a shitpost
god help us if it isn't

>getting your political views from a youtube edgelord

NEET detected




It is the alpha and the omega of forced memes



you're not critiquing anything. you're just a pathetic snob who thinks his centrist views mean anything in this "who can yell their shitty opinion the loudest" society we live in

I never said I was an SJW tho. In fact I fucking hate them. But like, it's totally fucking obvious that alt-right people are just as retarded as SJWs.

i read the thread and i can't even tell who is flinging shit at who anymore
this thread is post-memes, it's really something else

God help you when I end your tyranny of degeneracy by force on That Day