So who else hates Lou Reed's gay voice on this?
So who else hates Lou Reed's gay voice on this?
Yeah i saw that cap in the Sup Forumsmor thread last night too heh heh
I love it.
I love his mature voice in later works as much too.
Reminder that Nico was a talentless hack, a violent racist, and probably mentally ill. She is the only flaw on TVU&N.
What a clown
Nah, just you.
Nico is very, very patrician.
Where else do hear a voice like that?
the retard store
Nico was partially deaf btw...which is why she sounds the way she does.
definetely not david bowie, sonic youth, the strokes, or any of the other bands that used that whole half-spoken deadpan vocal style
I don't understand how anyone can hate Nico on All Tomorrow's Parties. The other two songs sure, they're pretty inconsequential, but she is invaluable to ATP in my eyes
You mean Bob Dylan's half spoken deadpan
fuck this retarded meme
there is litteraly no way anyone could listen to femme fatale or all tomorow's parties and think its sung by a lou reed
the faggot pleb who said this probably only listened to the first song where lou's voice honestly is somewhat androgynous
>a viowent waycis Dx
Sure is reddit in here
>listen to WL/WH
>find out that John Cale is even a better vocalist than Lou
what did this talentless hack even contribute to the band?
Great counterargument.
I wish Cale and Tucker sang on more than 2 songs each, though I wouldn't take Lou or Nico off any of them. I really just wish for more good 67-69 material
Fucking pleb