Was her the most overrated of all the 2000s pitchfork darlings?

Was her the most overrated of all the 2000s pitchfork darlings?

That's the best album made by anyone since Kid A in my opinion.

Um, what? Whats wrong with it?

hahahah no

Hahahahaha xD

>was her the most


>people who hate on JNew can't into basic English grammar
>OP is too dumb for Joanna's genius

No, literally the only pitchfork darling that WASN'T overrated.

>since kid A
>kid a is better
Wew lad, acquire some taste


no dude, that album is brilliant

Uhhhhhhh. I enjoy this album once in a while but its nothin too crazy

This desu

I like J newsom, but her fans rub me the wrong way

How so?

They all run around with their harps playing annoying songs. Kidding, im not OP

I don't know, it's like they can't accept her being considered anything less the best musician ever.

And not all of her fans are like that, but there seems to be a vocal bunch that come off that way

Radiohead obviously.

I get what you mean, but I think they just get defensive and overcompensate a little cause they get the "pretentious" "dying cat/Lisa Simpson voice" "second rate Kate Bush" etc comments just about every time she's brought up. Or people will try to invalidate her talent by implying that she's only popular or praised because she's a woman. So then the fans just amp it up in the other direction.

Fiery Furnaces - Blueberry Boat

Got a 9.6 BNM.

>was her the most
>was her

native english speakers are not even 1 billion. How does it feel to be a minority?

her fans are all nerds who masturbate to world of warcraft

can you blame them?