twice can't sing edition
Kpop general
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only post hyosung or yuna from now on
momo sister
soft dubu
>i cant sing to the one of the few that actually can sing
jesus you nugushitters are an embarrassment
english subs !!
read that as yura
>that actually can sing
that's debatable
gaylings can't make the rules tho
thanks taebro.
>muh sales
yura is fine too
Based OP
thanks for your clarification
im going to try 999 now
not kpop
How come Yeri has a lot of sexy pictures but Irene doesn't?
she cant sing at all and to pretend she can is flat out embarrassing
(baby baby)
youre the only gayling here because youre not posting yuna or hyosung
>one is young and fun
>the other is old and busted
>? ? ? ?
is it disgusting chimpface hour?
If Twice disband right now they will still be more relevant in 5 years than all the other nugus combined.
now that someone said that it sounded like a goat thats all i focus on now when the rap hits
god fucking damn it
forgot your hyosung
>mfw nugu fanboys realize that they're fave girl group will never succeed
>If Twice disband right now
but they aren't IOI rofl
yes post jin
yeri's best feature is her ______
she is a modest noona type
>blocked in germany
>blocked in germany
lol why?
let me know when they stop posting
ok, but shoes go on the feet tho not on hands
someone identify the sample on track 5 for me
i know that song i just cant remember PLEASE
everything is blocked in germany because of some copyright shit
ok whats your number
>beat big bang by a month to 50m
Really makes you think.
there aren't enough muslims in the MV for it to be relevant to germans
Twice has no talents what so ever. If one member dance around, the rest just sit down and wait for their turns or just flail the bodies around and called it dancing. their singing is so auto-tuned to extreme to make them sound less awful. even JYP didn’t take them seriously, they just dishes out whatever shit and all their fans eats everything they dish out. There is no point in defending the dignity of Twice, because Twice had no dignity to start with.
cathy is so fucking sexy
does she this
i know but they are also for being taken off (by me)
fucking kek
kpop is haram
>There is no point in defending the dignity of Twice, because Twice had no dignity to start with.
Who's the murderer in Twice?
that song is so fucking cringey with mr removed
Murderer of pussies.
It's cringey to start with, Twice were listening to it on a radio show and they were curling into a ball in pain
FB god damn how does it have SO many more views than #2
>implying this gayling can even attempt to take them off
I'd let her murder my bp
>he uses the term purepop
are you like seriously retarded?
stop posting this disgusting busted disfigured hideous nigger nosed plastic surgery monster
the thing with sales is that they aren't reliable in terms of a group's success.
when you look at twice, the majority of their fans will abandon ship the very millisecond Twice gets caught in a scandal or gets caught dating one of their precious oppas. Because tumblrlite SEAGirl "slaaay queens" don't make a good fanbase.
On the other hand groups like Lovelyz or Oh My Girl have established fan bases. They're legitimately concerned with the success of their group and are unlikely to leave the fandom at troubled times. Lovelyz has only grown through the Jisoo scandal and she's become one of the most popular and successful members of Lovelyz.
i want momo to step on my face
What does she mean by this?
what the fuck is aya stark doing
Tzuyu's Tears... The Dish That Reminds Her Of Her Mother By Lee Yeonbok
(+8815, -238) She couldn't graduate from her middle-school before coming to a foreign country, how tiring could that be... I still miss my mom when I just haven't seen her for few days... Tzuyu fighting... Become the star of Asia~
(+7408, -187) Tzuyu who has suffered much in a foreign country, fighting!!
(+6786, -170) She's still just a kidㅠㅠ
(+5687, -124) It's because a taste of one's home town shares the memories of one with their family
(+5318, -172) Our Tzuyu is pretty even when she cries... Leaving her mother at such a young age must've made her miss her mom so much
(+5009, -132) Though our Tzuyu is always looking mature, she's still just a kid who's just 18 years old. I'm always thankful to see her working so hard in a foreign country. I hope that our Tzu will always be happy and get along with the members
(+4519, -109) Lee Yeonbok Chef also teared up a bit. It's hurting to see Tzuyu cries
(+4012, -114) Tzuyu who's still young ah~~ It's okay to cry when you want to! Fighting always!!
(+383, -14) Don't cryㅠㅠㅠ She's Tzuyu who doesn't really cry on TV, it's sad to see her crying like that
(+317, -14) ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
(+283, -10) Our Tzuyuㅠㅠ Find strength!
(+283, -11) She must be missing her family as she's in a different country at such a young ageㅠㅠ
(+266, -11) Tzuyu don't cry..... T_T
Nugushitters can't match this level of successful mediaplay. JYP is a god.
>she's become one of the most popular and successful members of Lovelyz.
thats like being the smartest retard in the special ed class
>that thing you posted
>(+5318, -172) Our Tzuyu is pretty even when she cries
that's a blatant lie, and it's only fair that someone that pretty is an ugly crier
>sales doesn't matter
Are you fucking retarded? Girl groups are literally created for that
word but also yuna
This made me hard
god shes ugly
looks forced too
>Are you fucking retarded? Girl groups are literally created for that
boygroups maybe but girlgroups aren't, their sales don't amount to a lot
god shes beautiful
looks genuine too
>crocodiles tears
it's not like her mother was murdered or have cancer or anything
thats so uncomfortable to watch
so forced lmao
my dick is diamonds right now
>why are you laughing? we meant cry you fucking retard
Ugly compared to your bias who had 100 operations to make her look pretty?
No thanks
Dude, stop trying so hard. I don't follow Lovelyz but I'm a fan of OMG and Twice from either of their debuts. You're just bullshitting. OMG doesn't have a strong or established fanbase, they've just managed to claw up from their debut with a lot of back to back releases and decent songs considering the rushed time tables.
People who shit on Twice need to choose, are you going to accuse them of having a majority male fanbase there for the visuals, or accuse them of having an SEA fanbase like CL? It's generally mutually exclusive so you guys can't keep switching argument whenever you want or you won't be making a claim at all, you'll just be angsty cunts.
Anyway, don't you remember Chewy's China fuck up? They've already had a more public scandal than Lovelyz
>thats like being the smartest retard in the special ed class
that would be downsee
Is that Yerin?
>not posting the GOAT mr removed video
piss off and leave seunghee alone