ITT: we post an album cover and people try to guess what album is

ITT: we post an album cover and people try to guess what album is


Astro Lounge- Smash Mouth

Kanye West - Bottomless Pit

The Doors - L.A. Woman

The Jim's?


jajajaja you all wrong :^) its actually The Doors s/t

try this now
brotip: its a patrician album




its black keys

the dooob


In the Aeroplane Over the Sea

good thread guys thanks for the support


Neutral Milk Hotel - In The Wake Of Poseidon
Devo - The Meme One
DJ Shadow - Endtroducing...
Devo - The Meme One
Devo - Q. Are We Not Men? A. We Are Devo!

here's a hard one

Oh No! - It's D E V O
same as above, I think.
I honestly don't know
Infinite Jest
The Doobs

Cream - Wheels Of Fire

Jimi Hendrix????

The Beach Boys - Abbey Road

In The Court Of King Crimson


no, its

The Doors
Kid A
Trout Mask Replica
oh, no! it's
already posted dumbass
fuck off
London Calling
Remain In Light

This thread was too easy. You guys are retarded if you think we can't guess these. Most of you even posted album covers on the fricken cover!! ! This board gets stupider and stupider omg

The Clash - Only Moms Listen To Our Music
New Order - Power, Corruption And Lies
Viper - You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack

kink rim, son- in the COCK
the mikeyfones- the goo pard too
keykey weast- mdbtfedbt
uh oh! it is De evolution

try guess this one

you are a true genuis

The Bends


>stupider and stupider
oh dear, the irony... it's "more and more stupid" you redditor
K e K


The Beach Boys - Pet Sounds
The Beatles - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band

also i'm so happy everyone's using the photoshopped cover

Total Devo


Pet Sounds: Enhanced Edition

My Bloody Valentine - Their Satanic Majesties Request
Animal Collective - The Piper at the Gates of Dawn

At the Drive In - Frances the Mute

The Coast Children- Bark

This one's tough (:


how about something more challanging

Full Metal Jacket: The Original Soundtrack

3AIMNE - Art

The Dooob - The Dooob
Radhead - Twin Peaks
Nirvana - Pen Cap Chew
Pierro Scarfuffi - I Make Love to Little Girls
Devo - Q: Are We Not Memes? A: Fuck Our Lives
Panther - Bent Spoon
Devo - Q: Are We Not Memes? A: Fuck Our Lives
Devo - Q: Are We Not Memes? A: Fuck Our Lives
Devo - Q: Are We Not Memes? A: Fuck Our Lives
The Crash - Britain's Got Something to Say
Caulking Het - Take a Look and These, Hans
Nasty Nas - Scarface is Back
Devo - Q: Are We Not Memes? A: Fuck Our Lives
The Zeatles - I'm Not As Popular As the Beatles So I Take My Anger Out Through Ironic Humor
The Beatle Boys - Pee Towns
Jupiter Rising - All lights Fucked in the Crematorium
Key West - The Life Obama Promised

Highschool Dropout

Liberal Juice Motel- Potato Face

good thread tbH

>mfw all these google reverse image search fags

Kanye West - The life of Pablo
The life of Pablo (x6)
which / one (x10)

which / one (x10)?

The Clash - Combat Rock

HAHAhaaHA what a dumb ASS

nice thread

Impossible mode


Pink Floyd- Lunchtime



The Beach Boys- Surfin' USA



The Who - Outlandos D'Amour


I feel like i know this

wow, nobody?

How bout dis

Pleb White Stripes - An actually good album tbqh

A Floor
dude stop lmao
Seagull Face Clone
Why, yes! It isn't REVO
Why, yes! It isn't REVO
Why, yes! It isn't REVO
Why, yes! It isn't REVO
An Agreement
Listening Feet
Why, yes! It isn't REVO
A Roach
A Desert Girl
A Jupiter Haiku
A Death for Honey
An Artisans
Against Water House
Visual Religion Church Shows
A White Door
White Pole

I read the cover title, and your filename. Crafty guy, ain't I?

Weezer - The Brown Album


You were pretty close with the cover title but it's in Russian

limp big toes -- flammable materialz

Pennywise - ...And Out Come the Wolves

French Flag