Lover, You Should've Come Over - Jeff Buckley
Weird Fishes/Arpeggi - Radiohead
any others?
Lover, You Should've Come Over - Jeff Buckley
Weird Fishes/Arpeggi - Radiohead
any others?
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Fiona Apple made me cry once. I felt gay
I can relate, I have a lot of association with Fiona Apple and certain events in my life. She's also pretty dope.
were all a little gay
Something About Us - Daft Punk
Not entirely sure why, maybe because of the scene from Interstellar 5555 but not sure.
I'm massively gay fuck off faghot
you're supposed to say what song it was, faggot
probably valentine
There's nothing wrong with liking Fiona Apple
I know
I never said there was, I just don't like showing strong emotion to things I don't think I should.
definitely. maybe Touch too
>I never said there was, I just don't like showing strong emotion to things I don't think I should
Haha epic img
Yeah Touch gets to me sometimes. Lots of Daft Punk songs get to me now that I think about it
a daft punk song over smurf anime made you cry
reevaluate everything
im aware theres a smurf anime but ive never cared to watch it
Touch is from Ram not Discovery. If you're gonna shit post at least know what you're talking about.
almost forgot, California by Joni Mitchell
that's cool
you guys should check out finding dory and toy story 3. real tearjerkers for 30 year old men
>he doesn't get that the feels come from mostly the songs
>he probably hasn't seen the movie
Love is stronger by Sebadoh... Always brings me tears.
Zootopia is the best movie Disney Studios has released in maybe over a decade tbH
Anything off of Grace, it's my favorite album