Kpop general

slug edition

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I really don't care

are ledeu belbet making a comeback soon?

sixth for my girl april

well done, i'll be posting here

>tfw she will never do dream pop
SM pls

ext 2bh

I know I'm making a cum on their backs soon


post CIVA

What about I

Taeyeon is actually dream pop now, im impressed this meme actually came through.

why dont you guys come to my thread but instead go to the late thread?

who is that

they are planning a summer comeback, it's supposed to be this month

slug loves you

you put a racial slur in the op...


gook isnt a racist slur

and it was early


because early threads are against the rules so it's safer to stay here

I don't know what that is, the lead guitar is post-rock influenced and the trailer really sounded like it would be post-rock but that got ruined 1 minute into the song by Verbal Jint's rap

no idea

i hate this sjwlisa meme
it's more toxic than gaypop



That song is just really confusing to me but I feel like Why is an evolution of I

I wonder what my kpg hyungdeul are up to right now...

that's lierene

Why do they have to ruin a banger?

its like jellybeannose ruining a kpop choreographies

nana's feminine _____

it's a twiceshitter false flag

thai tranny




lisa is so hot........

come back to trash, we miss you


Friendly reminder

is it good?

Remove this filth

wtf no

it wouldn't surprise me desu


>making the best of bad situation
no problem

Never understood the fascination for this kind of outfit.


>bad situation

yuri :3


I don't understand this whole "treat someone like shit on their birthday to surprise them in the evening" culture of kpops

omo what should i reply with


Article: "Our 6th anniversary since debut" ... miss A's touching letters

1. [+6,557, -84] I loved them so much during 'Bad Girl Good Girl', even up until 'Hush'... how unfortunate, this group ㅠ good luck to them all
2. [+6,436, -105] It's so hard for groups to earn the kind of attention that they did with their debut song alone. 'Bad Girl Good Girl' was huge...
3. [+2,920, -89] Always supporting you, miss A~!
4. [+3,073, -363] Pretty Suzy~~~ her singing has improved so much compared to her debut, she really has been working at it. She deserves all of the love she's getting.
5. [+2,215, -82] Congrats on your 6th anniversary~
6. [+414, -14] I've liked all of their songs but 'Bad Girl Good Girl' was the most legendary for me
7. [+467, -42] All of their songs were so good and their debut track was their best ever... it's a shame that only one member ended up doing better. It's weird because it's not like they have a bad relationship either... because it seems like Suzy wants to keep singing too.
8. [+472, -49] The reason Suzy is so strong right now is because even though she's acting more than she is singing now, she still hasn't left miss A behind. There are so many idols who go into acting and get huge and then leave their idol group behind to focus on acting but they usually end up failing with that route.
9. [+357, -19] JYP really does seem to end things well with their artists seeing as how Jia has no problem posting stuff like this. Even god is still close with Park Jin Young ㅋㅋㅋ
10. [+312, -14] Good to see Jia posting too. I've loved all of miss A's songs and hope to hear more from them!



why do the cosmics love thumbs up so much?

'i'm getting pretty long now too'


I thought they were dead?

me too

JIA! ;____;
its going to be an absolute banger
screenshot this post

could any good soul explain what are those "[+6,557, -84]". I have been here for a while but i have no idea wtf it is. I assume it is some kind of a script notation referring to time.

sometimes she doesnt look too good





I've got a couple more

that's a baseless rumor

they're umjis and anti-umjis


whats the point of unlocking a phone

its my opinion

post it


although i just noticed that yeoreum and eunseo are doing the gun point instead of the thumbs up in the earlier post heh.....

it's upvotes/downvotes


post luda


so cute

hul? it's like reddit upvoting system

fuckin based

shit opinion 2bh

>tfw idk their names

is lisa the visual hole of blackpink or is it jennie?

>in a sauna
>only with an umji...


so freakin cute...... (`o` )

I want to stuff both of those visual holes full with my cock

thanks. never been to reddit desu

shes fine tho but seohyun is the hottest

gonna have to same this post

>girls, girls on top
>i'm i'm the top
what did MinAoA mean by this?

paying for umjis nose job as a sponsor...

youre not losin anything but post dubu

also how come when i eat a boiled egg it takes 12 minutes to peel

maybe im cooking it wrong.......

she's the top in bed

seo was hot but now her face is weirdly bloated.
cant get past that