David Bowie was the Niel deGrasse Tyson of music. Normies love them. Normies user their interest in them as proof that they are music- or science-savvy. Normies champion their work as artistically and scientifically important, despite the fact that it is derivative and not very interesting.
Each of these charlatans profited from more intelligent and more daring musical and scientific spirits. They were the flamboyant and self-indulgent narcissists who faggily danced down the trails blazed for them.
Fuck Bowie.
Caleb Lee
No that would be Kanye you described
Jeremiah Moore
I bet you haven't listened to more than 3 of his albums.
Easton Jenkins
Cooper King
>implying this comment even remotely addresses any point I made
Except it's not trendy among internet music virgins to hate Bowie.
Lincoln Taylor
I'm saying, you're calling a brilliant artist derivative, without even listening to his work much.
Brayden Cruz
Daniel Campbell
Except bowie was influential, and at the time these were challenging. If you look to something after it's had its influence, you are only going to see the things that were not adopted. Without Low, you wouldn't have 90% of ambient artists.
He's also respected among music nerds, just not contrarians. Even Hipsters like him.
Cameron Sanchez
Except you're factually wrong about what I've listened to, and you have no empirical basis even to make the claim.
Maybe you should go back to plebbit, kiddo.
Jack Moore
>Normies love them. Normies user their interest in them as proof that they are music- or science-savvy. Normies champion their work as artistically and scientifically important, despite the fact that it is derivative and not very interesting. >Each of these charlatans profited from more intelligent and more daring musical and scientific spirits. They were the flamboyant and self-indulgent narcissists
Kanye and his fanbase to a tee
Jaxon Baker
So, you say you have listened to more than 3 of his albums? Which they were?
Sorry, I don't use any other social networking sites except four-chan.
Christopher Kelly
Replace "bowie" with "Queen"---you can say just the same.
"Influence" is not a good metric for quality. Tyson will be influential, simply because he's popular.
Benjamin Martinez
name one musician doing something more interesting than Kanye.
Gavin Ross
That would be more Eno's influence than Bowie's
Dylan Baker
Hunky Dory, Rise and Fall of Zippy Pippy, Diamond Dogs, Low, and "Heroes."
Remember that I'm not calling him trash, nigger. I'm saying he's way overrated.
Jackson Barnes
bowie wasnt a nigger though
Hudson Hernandez
Genuinely most artists Kanye did some phenomenal work especially with MBDTF but lately he's been completely reliant on his "controversial antics" to stay relevant.
Grayson Harris
what does that even have to do with OP's comparison? Kanye fits the description better than Bowie. Normies think he is a crazy genius and use him to act cool and smart. Just look how deep everyone thinks the Famous video is when it too is an artistic rip off like all his other ideas
Adrian Bennett
I'd say people ("normies") are more quick to revere Bowie, especially now that he's dead, as lots of young people still have a childish bias against hip-hop as it is and Kanye has made himself a very hated figure with his publicity stunts. I think if anything its very popular to hate Kanye- not true for Bowie. If anything its getting more popular to act like you love him. Note that I'm not OP and like at least some of both Bowie and Kanye's music.
Daniel Russell
OP. I like some of "Bowies" music, but I will insist that the best things you'll find in Bowie's music are the things that Eno (or, though not frequently enough, Fripp) put there.
Jaxson Stewart
Eno never REALLY broke through until Low. Plus his influence on playing up costumes and characters iN Rock N Roll, and a lot more including Marketing's place in music is also felt.
Levi Sanchez
sure friend, sure.
both of them are intelligent and talented people, not their fault pop culture embraced them.
Adrian Gutierrez
I don't care about Kanye, I don't get why his music is popular or why he's relevant at all. I guess because I don't like hip-hop, I feel embarrassed when I listen to it even by myself.
Must be because I'm not American.
Thomas Murphy
>Except it's not trendy among internet music virgins to hate Bowie. Your post proves the exact opposite
Jack Sanders
Haha I noticed you just did a greentext with the 'implying' meme (one of my favorites btw). you must be quite the Sup Forums veteran, and for that my friend, I commend you :-).
Grayson Walker
Nice try trying to make it to r/Sup Forums, plebbit, but notice: Even if I were a virgin, one person making one thread doesn't constitute a thread.
Asher Rodriguez
idk, not that guy, but 3 albums should be considered enough. If someone heard Low, Station to Station and Ziggy and still didn't like Bowie is pretty conclusive he won't like him at all. The same applies for almost any artist except with rare cases like Swans were they change their style completely at one point.