What exactly do you find wrong with their taste in music?

What exactly do you find wrong with their taste in music?

They aren't similar to my own.


Its not a carbon copy of the general essentials chart and the latest 10 from p4k/Fantano

Nothing really. Don't know how to substantiate this, but honestly I listen to certain albums, and love them or hate them, certain albums have a very "reddit would like this" vibe to them. Like Nick Drake's Pink Moon for example. Great album, but still just seems like something Reddit would be more into than me.

They literally only like Sup Forumscore and even more mainstream music than Sup Forumscore.

Why do they all think Queen is the best thing ever?
>the man has some serious pipes

Before I knew about Reddit, there was a guy in my high school who was Reddit personified - only talked about the latest superhero capeshit, epic puns, Queen and "classic" (entry level) rock.
I think I've always hated Reddit.

With the exception of maybe /r/LetsTalkMusic, every board has a similar set of albums they all listen to and almost none of them look outside of the "classics". It would be like if we talked about Sup Forumscore and nothing else. There are honestly a few small decent boards like /r/experimentalmusic, but they don't have active communities and there's not much to discuss. For as shitty as this board can be, the lack of a hivemind is excellent.

i just looked at /r/experimentalmusic for the first time and one of their most 'upvoted' recent posts is 'Metallica's Enter Sandman played backwards, then reversed'

>For as shitty as this board can be, the lack of a hivemind is excellent.


Amd Sup Forumss is Death Grips, your point?


As far as reddit goes, it's great.
Please, tell me, where's the hivemind?


Thanks for the non-response.

Nothing, they're just so fucking politically correct and le classy about great albums. Especially the way they write about them in the cringiest way possible.

>Ahh...Frankie Sinatra

You asked where, I told you.

You must be fucking new to think this board has variety and doesn't circlejerk over the same slightly different selection of artsts/albums every day.

The only real "hivemind" thing is the constant shitposting. Yes, there are a few albums that seem to be posted all the time, but if you think that the actual general taste of this board is "Sup Forums-core and nothing else", you are straight up dumb.

There is a vocal majority of shitposters who repeat the same few artists and albums. Then there is a bunch of albums that are almost universally loved around here. Two different things, mind you.

And then there is the thousands of people who have their own opinion about things, probably don't even post about every album they enjoy. Some of which are also just shitposters who, while enjoying completely different music, still come to Sup Forums to make Grimes/Death Grips/Swans/Fantano threads.

Don't assume just because someone makes a very thinly veiled "Death Grips is the greatest band ever"-shitpost, they are actually a Death Grips fan.

people may, usually rightfully so, scoff at the term normie - but that's what plebbit is filled with.

low level hipsters, if you will, who may sometimes like stuff you like but they are most often conformist and boring

Sup Forums isn't all that much better... but I can't feel comfortable in the Reddit environment.
I list could go on...... but I'll just sound arrogant.

Go look at the catalog. That could be any day of the year.

Generals don't count, they are the same as reddit sub boards.

>bohemian rhapsody is the best queen song
thats my problem


Do you understand what a hivemind is? In reddit, it's actively enforced through a voting system, so if you say something many people disagree with, your opinion is hidden. This means you have to conform to a large degree.

On Sup Forums, no one is forcing you to agree with anyone else. If I say I think Radiohead is shit, people might disagree with me, but I have the freedom to do it. If I back it up with some points, I might even have others agree. Something being popular doesn't automatically make it a "hivemind" thing.

I look at the catalog and most of what I see is shitposting. Maybe 5-10% of the threads are honest thoughts and opinions. The rest could be made up for all I know, and that's how I treat it. People post a topic that they assume gets a lot of replies, regardless of whether they have any strong feelings about it one way or the other. And that's it.

>the classic "Sup Forums sucks so much an honestly only talks about the same 5 albums, and I am so much better than those five" bit
People who complain about Sup Forums being shit are the worst posters I've been here like 5 years and everyone always says "man Sup Forums sucks so much now. I wish we could back I the golden days!"
Keep in my people now refer to moments in 2014 as fond memories, when there was just as much self criticism on the board
Tl;dr if you just post about how Sup Forums sucks you dont have "superior taste" or appear to really well versed in music, you just come off as an annoying shithead and should just leave

dae queen / led zeppelin / muse / jonny cash's cover of NIN

Its just so...gay...

They are a little too fixated on classic rock for my taste. There's nothing wrong with it, it's just that for me personally, classic rock was a stepping stone into music that REALLY interested me, and now I can't really go back. It was at the start of developent if my musical taste, and looking at reddit, it feels like they are stuck there because the upvote/downvote system and general mentality drowns out anything that strays too far from the formula.

Other than that, there is nothing wrong with their taste. It's just a little safe. I wouldn't tell anyone "your taste is shit", but I would tell them "maybe branch out a little more, gimmicks don't make a song, a little noise never hurt anyone and maybe actually listen to Era Vulgaris before calling it their worst."

theyre normal people and listen to normal music, unlike me

What exactly IS their taste in music people are going on about itt? Because I have no fucking idea how to quantify that.

non. that's the problem


Queen, Foo Fighters, the list goes on...

Dadrock with occasional mentions of Sup Forumscore, ITAOTS has cult status there
The most accessible Sup Forumscore paired with the least accessible tumblrcore
Listen to a lot of memerap and obsess over Kanye, don't go there much though
The worst of all of them, just contrarians listening to mediocre pop music to feel cool

That's it

I go to /r/stonermetal and it's pretty good


>Sup Forums
Death Grips, Grimes, Beach Boys, Kanye, AnCo

I don't think anything's wrong with it, but I'm less enthusiastic about discussing Reddit's picks because they're more often than not things that get discussed all the time everywhere else. The top post on /r/Music is, 90% of the time, a song that I think is good, but have heard it so many times before that talking about doesn't seem interesting anymore.

As much as Sup Forums gets bombarded with shitposts on a daily basis, the actually good threads are a lot more effective when it comes to finding new music.

The difference being that Sup Forums actually talks about other artists. Reddit does not.

>crtl-f gorillaz
>0 results

Come on, guys. If you've been on r/Music, chances are a Gorillaz song is on the front page. Or Muse. Pretty much everytime I've ever gone on there.

Shit, in r/videos, the new Gorillaz HD remakes of their music videos had like 6k+.

Everything about their "taste" is bad mayne. Just look at some of their top album or artists lists and you'll see what I mean.

But they are

No worse than here.


Both reddit and Sup Forums like the same garbage. I have no idea why Sup Forumstants think they're any better.

nothing about their taste bothers me it's just that they speak like fucking faggots

Not enough people like Beyonce, Drake, Rhianna etc over there