ITT: Post the album you're currently listening to and anons give their thoughts, review, or recommendations.
ITT: Post the album you're currently listening to and anons give their thoughts, review, or recommendations
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you may dig that OP. pretty airy melodic shoegaze.
pic related is what I've been (trying) to listen to, but looking for something.....tighter? if that makes sense. less spaced out and less excessively long. more dense and compact
Good album, I enjoy dancing without clothing to let it happen, and I hope to do it with others someday.
I'd say you should listen to Flashworx - Just Two Guys in Japan
Is The Is Are is pretty good. First few songs and last few songs are some of the best stuff they did. The middle is a bit samey and could be cut down. Sky tries so much to be Kim Gordon in her track it's uncanny.
Try out TOY, The Horrors and The Church, these might be up your alley.
>I enjoy dancing without clothing to let it happen, and I hope to do it with others someday.
It's different from Kevin's earlier stuff, but I like it. I don't see why people dislike Past Life so much.
past life is the best track on the album
10/10 album right there.
It´s closer to Kevin´s earlier stuff than the rest of the album, so i think that´s the reason why
My friend recently got me to take them seriously after years of insisting I'd like the band. He was right. This album is so ambitious and excellent.
what is album? pic doesn't show up on search
La Dispute - Wildlife
All their discography is amazing, so give it a spin when you have the time.
I started with Rooms, which was perfect because I wasn't too into the post-hardcore at the time. Now I'm a fan of all their work.
I just took the picture a minute ago. The vinyl comes with a sticker of the album title; I just didn't stick it on because I would fuck it up.
update your fucking ipod
It's not really as good as the 1st one, second side is picking up though
King Gizz if you haven't, alternatively Pond (they share band members)
Bardo Pond, Boredoms for something more interesting
Sun City Girls if you want to jump right off the deep end and never return (start with Torch of the Mystics)
Pinkshinyultrablast's new album is right up your alley
so is Bardo Pond and Boredoms, actually
You also might like the Eno pop stuff, start with Another Green World and work backwards
i like let it happen but cant really get into the rest
Makes me wish I lived in the swamps of Louisiana desu
Clifton Chenier, Abner Jay, Gal Costa, Johnny Winter
if you're into that album check this out:
pretty sure a lot of the influence comes from the stripped down live sounding stuff like this
Imo it's on par with the first one. Hero is a damn good song.
Under-rated, there's only like 3 mediocre tracks and even they have some pretty neat production.
I haven't been able to stop listening to this track, highly recommended.
it opens up to me after the first two tracks, where it embraces some of what was going on in the first album, and hero is a fucken choon
Agreed, damn good music right there.
I really like this, has a unique sound.
Thanks its honestly my own track.
>I haven't been able to stop listening to this track, highly recommended.
Well it's good keep it up newfag.
fuck off he's just advertising on here to make half a buck off you
Theres like 2 songs on that album that stick out to me as good. Im honestly kind of worried considering Innerspeaker was their peak imo and they only seem to be drifting further and further away.
Whats your favorite track off AMSP?
>I enjoy dancing without clothing to let it happen, and I hope to do it with others someday.
Haven't heard this album in 5 years and the remix is absolutely fantastic.
Looking for recs
Not an album but whatever
Mama Rouxe is my summer day roll
Really great
My AOTY 2015 desu
just found out about pic related, instantly hooked after hearing the first track.
Pretty good, actually. I like the chill vibes.
Started a bit late. Its been put since February i believe. Buddy told me about it a few weeks ago. Been listening to it heavily for the past few days. Very into it at the moment.
Explosions in the sky
currently yet this is my first time
Let it happen is the only song I remember from that
Excited to soulseek
nice. Anthony Braxton - For Alto
what is this?
One of the best of this year imo
So liberating, I love this album. I've just recovered from a >tfw no gf fit, and this album made me feel better. I guess.
I listen to them all on a regular basis
It was fantastic indeed
>For Alto
I remember that being quite the bomb
Thanks for rec
I don't know your album sorry
That one might be the best Caetano... maybe top 10 BR albums
It's up there for sure
A/B by Kaleo. They are an "Icelandic Folk Band" but this album is VERY deeply rooted in american blues. Its very good. Worth a listen if you want my opinion.
Listen to Jambinai's album Differance. They use traditional east asian instruments in their post rock and it sounds great.
Here is the album cover.
I'm not sure if this is a good entry point to the genre.
I kinda like it tho'. Probably get tired after 3 tracks. I'm at the long one.
Oh shit this kicked off.
It's one of my favorite albums, though im not sure what you mean by entry point to the genre
Toro y Moi- What For?
kinda disappointing desu, didn't live up to the massive hype
fun as fuck, my friend's loony new awlins dad introduced me to his music in high school and it's always hold a special place in my heart
best work gybe has done imo
scary woods-core
one of the greatest albums of all time, always gets me pumped up
the story of how the members of can adopted damo suzuki is hilarious
they literally picked him up as he was busking on the street
holy shit when i was at my friend's place a little while back we kept trying to play different songs on their amazon alexa and it just kept playing fucking reeling in the years no matter what we asked it to play
best of eno's solo work
No recs unfortunately, but I thought this album was just okay. Happy and American Girl were obviously the strongest songs, but the other tracks felt either unfinished or just annoying like that one jerusalem song.
I think my favorite part of this album changes every time I listen to it. This is the perfect blend of AnCo for me.
By far their best album imo
Its their best
no h8 plx
Most underrated PF album
best floyd actually
Trust In Trance is my favorite album title
Best album of them imo
Did you listen their new album? Thie is pretty good.
Utter nonsense, but fun.
One of the last great Floyd albums.
I prefer SoS, but both are good.
Second or third best Dylan album.
Not a big fan of it. It’s been a while since I last listened to it, though.
In Extremo - Quid Pro Quo
Its like they are trying to get back to the roots but fail with it...
SoS is good, but I find that iust is just a reskin of the Paul Simon Songbook/Wednesday Morning 3AM. I like both, but Bookends is better as a cohesive whole. But I respect your opinion.
Try Temples- Sun Structures
Listen to something else
Drink some tea and get comfy my man
Cow album is the best album
Excellent album.
Pretty great.
Better than Dopethrone. Amazing Doom Metal.
I enjoyed this but all the songs are samey
I love this album! Hero is awesome
One of my favourites
very fun record and underrated. You've heard Gryphon already yes?
Gryphon is decent. I like their debut better than Red Queen to Gryphon Three.
been listening to this a lot the past few days. i love how aggressive it is in parts and how varying the sounds are.
also, bride over troubled water by simon and garfunkel. almost every song on that album is a hit.
you might dig the strange warmings of laddio bolocko
The long awaited debut full length
Aseul (FKA Yukari) - New Pop
Reall enjoying it. She's gotten rid of a lot of the dream pop elements present on ECHO, but the vocals are still very mesmerizing. I really dig the faster synth pop-esque style she's adopted.
Really liked this album. Let It Happen was my SOTY last year. Had high replay value during the summer. It has been a while since I last played it, though.
Maybe Multi-Love as far as Psych-pop 2015 releases go
Favorite AnCo
Loving it, I had never listened to them.
Oops didnt mean to quote you user.
Also this