>favourite album
>favourite film
Favourite album
Other urls found in this thread:
>King Crimson - Red
>Princess Mononoke
oh boy i like you
Dark Side of the Moon
Godfather pt1/Rush Hour
Paris Texas
>not posting the eric soundtrack
OK Computer
I dont like movies
Godfather pt2 is better.
taxi driver
it's ok user, we love you just the way you are : ]
Vampire on Titus
Superman IV
nujabes - metaphorical music
apocalypse now - coppola
>Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
>Annie Hall
back to the future imo
Pet sounds
In The Mood For Love
>vampire on titus
My absolute nigga
Grave of the Fireflies.
>Satantango, Stalker, or La region centrale
Write Sátántangó with all the accents just so people realise how patrician you are for watching +7hr long subtitle films.
(Jk bruv, I fucking love Tarr and Krasznahorkai. Sweet choices)
After the gold rush and heart of glass atm
>Have One On Me
>Upstream Color
Upstream Color is great, but I still kinda see it as discount Tree of Life
My man, UC is great, my favourite too
Other than a similar a e s t h e t i c, I really don't see your point.
Thanks. Didn't know it was well known on Sup Forums.
The Big Lebowski
Very good taste ITT lads
Harold and Maude
>Nirvana - Insecticide
>Back to the future
I take back what I said
You have actual shit taste, most likely underage
Negatory, but Ian sounds like a pretty cool guy
mad max fury road
have fun with old man
Carrie (1976 original version, not the new Chloe Moretz remake)
He's pretty rad
American football
don't really watch films anymore
Kurt is old man
Why even post in this thread?
what you say
apocalypse now
this is now a nirvana thread
mulholland Drive
Repo Man
In Rainbows or Operation: Doomsday by MF Doom
Reservoir Dogs or Inherent Vice
>All Hail West Texas
>Charles Mingus-Let My Children Hear Music
Because he had to tell you that he is too cool for films, but listens to really "obscure music"
Mineral - The Power of Failing
Buffalo '66
Night Falls Over Kortedala
Moonrise Kingdom
>Film not kino
Kings of Frog Island - II
Ween - The pod
Evil dead 2
>Clark - Clark
nice film
coraline is actually so good like its still as good as it was 8 years ago
You're probably fun as fuck
Babettes gæstebud (imdb.com
i can get pretty CRAZY
>The Wall Pink Floyd, Fragile by Yes close 2nd.
>Godzilla 1954
Her (2013)
Dr Strangelove