>All the people genuinely mad in the comments
All the people genuinely mad in the comments
Other urls found in this thread:
me on the right
they look like the fucking wiggles
Fuck this "A J J" bullshit.
When I sweating my ass off at the Trunk Space in 2006 (long before the air conditioner fundraiser) they were fucking Andrew Jackson Jihad.
Arrraaoidgj;sgoidghaiwudhtluhasodihjtltew;lj. JEEZUS.
>they were fucking Andrew Jackson Jihad.
Can't stress this more friend, seriously fuck them when they changed their name.
I'm getting pissed of good band names being changed becuase of political correctness. First Viet Cong, now Andrew Jackson Jihad
this brand of irony should have died when you graduated high school.
no one thinks that "oh lmao we hired a professional dance choreographer but the joke is that the dance is really simple" is funny.
it's trite pop-punk music anyway. the new Sum 41 is way more interesting than this dreck.
Sup Forums was right again.
I didn't mind the beta lyrics and the allusions to depressed pathetic lifestyles because it sounded pained and authentic.
Now they're sanitizing their name in order to become more sanitized themselves? Fuck off.
Maybe you should go back there.
oi get ur own fashion you fukin soft cunts or me n the lads will neck up n fukin glass yas alright moite
Maybe you should stick up for authenticity and consistency in music
Why? AJJ were always trash, folk punk is rot.
>Andrew Jackson Jihad.
That is done now. The SJW have claimed these nu-males and figuratively castrated them. They are afraid to even have a satirical band name now. That is how badly these leftists fear reprisal from their own political affiliations.
this video screenshot makes them look like they wanna be OK Go lel
The entire music video was a parody of theirs.
that's the joke, it's an OK Go music video parody
Holy shit. I hated this band already and I just read that. This is some serious bewlshit.
>parody work from 10 years ago
incisive and relevant and thought provoking
You can't "that's the joke" someone when they are clearly aware of the joke they are calling bad.
You don't get to do that.
and yet people are mad at them, unironically
>Band mocks shitty band for somewhat well choreographed music videos
>Makes even shittier music than the band they're parodying
How have they made an entire career rehashing Holland 1945?
It just goes to show how crazy the language policing is getting on the left. Leftists are acting under McCarthyism levels of paranoia and stress now.
I'm not even a yank or right-wing, but any reasonable and rational guy can see this.
i mean, im unironically mad at how lame the idea is.
glad i never gave these dweebs a chance.
Seeing the thumbnail in the catalog I legitimately thought this was the case
>changes band name in effort to not be branded as insensitive
>member wears adidas in music video
>adidas formed by member of nazi party
>the progressive side of politics is now against freedom of speech
What a time to be alive
ayo anons, anyone know a safe site to download free music? asking for a friend.
Tell your friend he's welcome.
lemonparty i hear ;)
Ignoring all the Sup Forumstards in this thread, I still think art should be challenging and shock people if it has to. (as long as it doesn't encourage them to rape or something)
They don't address that at all in the post.
>Ignoring all the Sup Forumstards
>I still think art should
Opinion discarded
American way of arguing with people always amazes me.
I was talking about my thoughts about the US education system around a beer the other day, expecting him to refute my points. He literally left the table after I spoke my mind and never came back lel.
not the user your talking to but it seems like youre just generalizing an entire group from experiences youve had with a couple people
you might want to ditch that train of thought if you actually want to have an intelligent point to make
They should have quit with Christmas Island, it was a logical end for Andrew Jackson Jihad. Knife Man was the thing that killed them as it was made to appeal to the "wide audience" (tumblr) and did byt alienated most of their other fans. When I went to see them for the CI tour 90% of the audience showed no interest in songs that weren't from Knife Man and the setlist was more than half of Knife Man (meaning more than half the set was bad). They're nice guys and pit on a good show but they should call it quits now before it gets more embarassing.
this 100%
>The Hipster Wiggles
Oh god...
>generalization doesn't apply to white american males
sorry to disappoint you user
you can't stop them now
you can generalize individuals within subcultures but generalizing something as specific as an argumentative skill based on what country theyre from is down right retarded
you lose any chance of having your opinion respected when you stereotype people. its a quick way of telling everyone youre small minded.
id also like to point out that youre a hypocrite for trying to shame Sup Forumsfags when theyre main calling card is stereotyping and generalizing different races and cultures and here you are doing the exact same thing to white American males. youre an idiotic bigot just like they are, the only difference is your supporting a different side.
that being said i hate both of you and neither of you are correct whatsoever
Stop what? They don't make "punk" or "folk punk" anymore, they're an inoffensive pop band that can never break the mainstream as they're not good enough to pass as a regular pop outfit. So whatever fans they gain from here on out will only want the gimmicks of their forced irony and the rest will be self-hating Knife Man fans who don't listen to anything else by them.
autism: the thread
Hello [redacted]! Please go back!
no u
stereotyping isn't bad.
thinking stereotypes are inherent to people is bad.
black men commit more crimes --> true/fact
black men commit more crimes because their are black (ie. dumb, violent)>women earn less than men --> true/fact
women earn less than men because they are women (ie. inferior) >the list goes on and on m8
>it was a logical end for Andrew Jackson Jihad
and in many ways it actually was the end for the band known as Andrew Jackson Jihad
>thinking stereotypes are inherent to people is bad.
thats exactly what you have been doing
youve taken a very small amount of experience youve had and used it to judge and assume a set in stone way of behavior that you find negative and attribute it to a specific group of people
you created a negative stereotype based on very little evidence and now your trying to twist it in your mind so you can convince yourself youre right and its okay.
youre not right, my existence alone proves you wrong because im an American and im not backing down and walking away from your points im breaking them down and telling you why youre entire thought process is shit.
Stereotypes exist for a reason you know
>Stereotypes exist for a reason you know
because idiots generalize large groups from experiences theyve had with individuals
its not an intelligent way to think its a weak cop out that humans instinctively do because it traces back to the hunter/gatherer mentality of "we dont like them because theyre different"
stop grouping together everything because of superficial connections. few things on an individual level before you try to understand the whole
*view, not few sorry
This thread is amazingly mundane yet I can't stop reading. Why is there even drama surrounding this?
>This thread is amazingly mundane yet I can't stop reading. Why is there even drama surrounding this?
welcome to Sup Forums
Flipside SJWs always throw a hissy fit about things like this.
and nothing was lost.