How the hell do you even rate this? It's technically the worst Beatles album ,yet in hindsight it's their most innovative. Go figure. So what do you make of it? Also rate their discography. Beatles For Sale is really underrated I'd say 9/10 for sure.
Please, Please Me thought?
Other urls found in this thread:
If it is from the Beatles means it is a 10/10
Early Beatles (1962-1964) > Early Beach Boys (1962-64)
Boys is a serious jam
BFS is the worst m8, I'll Follow The Sun is the only good song
Anna (Go to Him) is one of their best songs even if it is a cover.
Artsy Beach Boys (Pet Sounds, Smile) > Artsy Beatles (Revolver, Sgt. Pepper) > Early Beatles (Please, Please Me) > Early Beach Boys (Surfin' USA)
I think that's objective. The Beach Boys put out some fantastic singles during that time, but that's it. They were just a singles band prior to 1965.
why would you say it's their most innovative?
This user has got it. Don't Worry Baby and In My Room come to mind.
9/10 at least.
no, Abbey Road is better than anything The Beach Boys ever made, Pet Sounds is better than the rest of the late Beatles albums, but it just doesn't beat Abbey Road
Beach Boys singles > Beatles singles
Beatles for Sale is the undisputed "worst" album followed by Let it Be. Please Please Me is their most underrated. The top notch guitarwork on that album is major selling point for me. George Harrison never gets enough credit just because his playing never once degenerated into the self-indulgent wankery that became common place by the late 60's.
how is it their worsst album? its full of bangers
the ultimate pleb filter when it comes to the beatles is "i dont like the early stuff" right after "ringo was a bad drummer"
>Beatles For Sale
It's properly rated as the worst fucking album.
Don't forget "Stones were better"
Well for one what was going on in pop/rock music during 1963? Buddy Holly was dead, Elvis was in the military, Little Richard moved on to gospel and Chuck Berry was getting into trouble. Then Please, Please Me comes out.
Please Please Me is a good debut but With the Beatles is where they came into their own, both in songwriting and sound.
line 2
Stones are indeed better
Wrong in every way. I remember you from that shit thread where you spouted this bullshit. Pet Sounds, Smiley Smile and Smile are all better by miles than Abbey Road. In innovation, theory and aesthetics.
>self-indulgent wankery that became common place by the late 60's.
You mean when rock musicians actually learned to play their instruments?
>implying the beatles were every good
Also Scaruffi is right about the beatles
>You mean when rock musicians actually learned to play their instruments?
Is this you?
Beatles For Sale is a 10/10 and one of their best.
Sure, user. Whatever makes you more comfortable with being unable to listen to anything aside pop songs since anything else is just "wankery". Nothing in the guiatr playing in PPM qualifies as "top notch" by any standard.
>beatles for sale
Under-rated Beatles albums???
Wankery doesn't have to be topnotch y'know
>pedo memeruffi
Here, let Based Larry show you all the light.
Couldn't be more wrong. All Summer Long is far better than any pre-Rubber Soul release imo
>well she was just 17, and you know what I mean
What did he mean?
>How the hell do you even rate this?
>It's technically the worst Beatles album
No that's Let It Be
>yet in hindsight it's their most innovative
That's factually incorrect.
Brian already beat the Beatles with Pet Sounds and half ass Smile. No matter how much you meme Sgt Peppers or whatever Brian thought of Strawberry fields. Pet Sounds is the best pop album period.
The girl was a horny slut.
>his playing never once degenerated into the self-indulgent wankery
have you never listened to the 3rd LP in All Things Must Pass
>Pet Sounds, Smiley Smile and Smile are all better by miles than Abbey Road. In innovation, theory and aesthetics.
fucking how, I understand saying that about Pet Sounds, they're both great album, but fucking Smiley Smile and the non-existent album that is Smile don't compete with Abbey Road m8, don't let Sup Forums form all your opinions
Good Vibrations has to be the worst pop song ever recorded during that decade
>No matter how much you meme Sgt Peppers
There is a reason Brian had a mental breakdown after listening Peppers. Meaning he just couldnt take that The Beatles had made a mark in musical history while he was writing songs about "2 girls for every boy " (Now thats a meme for yew)
I kinda view Please, Please Me as a demo or live recording and With The Beatles as the true debut if that makes any sense at all.