What the deal

So is this still gonna stream at 10AM EST on NPR today??

desu I'm really hoping it does, would completely make my day.

Other urls found in this thread:


Only 3 more hours to go, baby.

We made it, boys.

oh boy hype thread
I got my pot and wine ready
bring it on, public radio




It's been reported a bunch on their subreddit too. I can see this being true.

>I got my pot and wine ready

They've already put 2 albums up, no Wildflower


how many albums do they normally put up in one day/week?

Well, you can clearly see on that page that they put up 5 albums on the 23rd

There was 5 last week, but they all went up in 20 minutes.

Hate to say it, but I don't think it's happening.

For those of y'all about to freak out that there's already been a First Listen feature upped, don't sweat it...

there's no limit on the albums they can post, they upped five last week.

>Mmm yes I must say Frankie Sinatra is indubitably one of the most sublime works of plunderphonic sound I have ever heard. What's that Madame? Electro swing? Heavens, no! That is the dirge of the lowly troglodyte. It is far from the purview of the masterful composers collectively known as the Avalanches.

I don't get it. What's wrong with just downloading the leak that's going around?

"How dare you mislabel a band I like yadda yadda yadda..."

I know a bunch of tracks have leaked, like I Was A Folk Star. Does anyone have any links for these songs???

96kbps mono with a track missing.

The quality is absolutely garbage, it's in fucking mono and the transitions are fucked

it's a rip taken from a shitty russian stream. the quality is somehow lesser than 128kbps, it's in mono AND it's incomplete as well. it's missing a couple of tracks. if you'd like to ruin the album for yourself, that leak would be the way to go.

I hope it would make my day despite the starbucks coffee giving me pounding heart pounding palpatations, and the chicken I ate last night "roasting" in my stomach since then to give me coffee-chicken morning nausea. My throwup might end up looking similar to the album cover.

I leave for a two-day car trip early tomorrow morning so I've been begging for this stream. It would make the next week wonderful.

Didn't mean to quote.

good thing about those two albums is that they both drop on the eighth. NPR doing a feature on wildflower is just as likely as those two records.

I'll tune in at 10. If they don't stream it and that troll was just super committed (posting on here all the time, on reddit ((FROM WHAT I HEARD)) and other sites I'm sure), I'll just wait for a proper leak or the 8th. I feel for you poor fucks that listened to that shit russian mono stream in horrific quality that was out of order missing track. Fuck all that.

Wait what, what's going with NPR at 10?

Is this the whole album?

npr usually streams albums coming out in a week every thursday and some people are contemplating this is gonna happen to the new avalanches record today (thursday) at 10 am

i honestly don't believe it myself since i don't think the band would want to waste 15 years for having it released 1 week before their intended release date

NPR streams full albums regularly before release.

People are saying that it might drop at 10 EST, but nobody knows where that information has come from.

10 EST is in 40 minutes, in any case.

I got my weed too homeboy

Aww shit negro this is gonna be cash af


Pic related (above) was the first post last week. The pic related (below) was the last.

The source from the thread yesterday morning said that the Wildflower stream will go up around 10, like the stream pictured below did.

Ah cool, I guess I did jump right to the negatives there.

Ah, I see. Hopefully they at least stream something new.

Pretty sure the "source" said either 10 or 11. He said it's set in a queue and he doesn't know the exact scheduling. So let's hope we can listen in 30 minutes.

I haven't listened to any of the singles cause I wanted to listen to the whole thing fresh and in actual good quality.

Tell me, anons... How much of a treat am I in for right now?

It's sounding really good, man.

Just go for a toilet break or something during Frankie Sinatra

Fuck right off, Frankie Sinatra is great.

compared to usual avalanches songs it's not that good

i would prefer if they went back to their bestie boys roots and then mellow out with the album since it's the second track

BTW, the guy who was dedicated to spreading this info said that the posts are put up manually and that it could be anywhere between 10-11, so don't panic if it's not 10 on the dot

The album ver cuts off right after the Favorite Things sample, so I think it'll sound better in context.

Frankie Sinatra was so bad both Danny and DOOM couldn't save it.

Frankie Sinatra is a really fun, enjoyable song and I don't understand the hate

If it turns out that the source was right and this stream does go up in half an hour, I will not hesitate to commit fellatio on them.

god bless

I enjoy it as well, user

If there is a stream hopefully someone will be able to post a download link soon after.

Same here. And same with Noisy Eater, although the start is kind of annoying with the eating noises because that shit is disgusting.

One minute left lads.

If the stream isn't up at exactly 10AM EST then I'm going to commit suicide, screencap this.


fucking troll if this turns out not to be true :(

They're playing another song.

Have fun.

go ahead user rip in peace

i'll pray for your soul after i listen to the stream at 10:30 :)

that's gay.

that being said, if this does end up happening and the stream is upped, i'll probably join you.



god damnit. i wanted it to stream at 10. That'd give me enough time to listen to it and then get ready for work. fucking troll faggot















Literally about to shove my head through a noose right now.

Maybe we'll get even luckier and it'll leak in CDQ today. .........that'd be nice.


I dunno. I'm gonna wait out the hour and if nothing's there then I'm out.

If dubs I won't kill myself over this tragedy

If dubs album will not be played today

you might be lucky if some aussie store accidentally puts it on the shelf today instead of next friday

It seems as if these post at random and not on the dot. The Bat For Lashes feature dropped at like, 10:23am EST. It could be anywhere from now to an hour from now.

Thank you avalanche gods

Oh nice

I'd only wait until 10:30. I don't think it'll be posted after that. I feel like it's a long shot at this point.

If dubs it will be posted at 10:23.

I am ready for Dream Plunderphonics stream today or not.

If dubs the album was never real. All just an elaborate ruse

if dubs it will be posted at 4:20

guess not lol

The entire runtime of the album is 59:31. Doesn't that mean, if it only goes to 11, they HAD to have played it by now if it was going to be played?

i was in a Sup Forums thread on the day the russian leaks came out and i swear to god people were having panic attacks over the noisy eater.

is it really THAT bad? or was it just a kneejerk thing

If this isn't posted today, I'm gonna be really grumpy and take it out in my responses to whatever my loved ones ask of me today.

Yeah but you wanna check these out

Check again

It's Sup Forums so it was probably a kneejerk reaction. It's probably just a child-like fun song.

They don't broadcast the First Listen features over their radio, they just post them on their site.

What if the album is bad?

It's hilarious. Sup Forums was just shitposting like usual.

If dubs the album is delayed another 16 years due to sample clearance issues


it's depressing how this is the reality for all of us in the thread today.

Me too probably. Although I didn't get much sleep so I'll be cranky regardless.

They're gonna be releasing all of the leftover stuff from the past 16 years as well as making another full length lp within 3 years.

And of course, what we'd really need to remember, is that we still have SILY.

I hope this drops soon because I really don't give a shit about my girlfriend at this point

I have a flight tonight and I was really hoping this would get me through that

If dubs I'll just kill myself instead

Who the fuck is Lou Reed and literally who wants to listen to this faggot?

Give us the fucking Avalanches you cunts.

The source said to wait for an hour once 10:00 strikes as the features are queued to drop at random. They said it could happen anywhere from now to 11am. No one ever said it was being posted at 10 on the dot.

This is all the Brexit's fault.

just buy a onahole then

If dubs no album today but next week

If dubs the album is sealed in a vault for 100 years as a gift to the future

just kidding, if trips album drops now

They don't play the First Listen features over their radio stream, they just post them on their site.


if dubs album is on tidal right now

god fucking damn it just give it to me now dubs

Hey guys