Is there a more cringe rapper?
"Where's the RAWK? Where are the BANDS? I shamelessly rode the coat tails of a genius into rock stardom. My music is gay and retarded."
- Dave Grohl
It's strange, he has 2 decent albums, even his sideprojects tend have a blandness to them, and he has become the face of rock and roll.
buttrock is a thing, dave
Remember when Dave Grohl first discovered black metal and thought it was neato so he made and sold corpse paint Xmas sweaters?
How is he wrong?
did this actually happen?
Because pop music has generally never had any real substance. It's not just a modern problem.
>there's no substance at all
That's rich coming from a guy whose music is only an emulation of past musicians
Because he's nice and is friends with most popular musicians
He's not at all which is why I don't get why op would pick that picture but he still is cringy sometimes
Remember, you're on a board that is filled to the brim with high schoolers and college freshman
he makes bland music to turn up in your car when you're in traffic. His secret edge is that it comes with the added satisfaction of "uh, pop music? lol no I listen to REAL music...."
Good Vibrations doesn't have substance?
>he still is cringy sometimes
How so?
\m/ (-_-) \m/
Poptimists in full defensive mode ITT
Not only has pop music always lacked substance but his music also completely lacks substance. He just puts out bland rock albums even though rock died decades ago and then complains about modern music that's equally shitty as his
>Not only has pop music always lacked substance
So, Good Vibrations lacked substance?
>but his music also completely lacks substance
How do you measure substance?
>even though rock died decades ago
How so? There are rock releases every year and many bands around today.
>How is he wrong?
I heard that 2 songs go join usual radio station rotation per week.
assuming 3 songs per album at average go to rotation and after some amount of math I will not post here because almost no one cares, you have 4000 mainstream albums since 1900
Now, imagine there is a bookstore with 6000000+ different books inside it.
Now imagine some 4000 random books from this store.
If you enter this store, will you check those books? Probably not, the ratio is 1499 books to 1.
Are those books special compared to all others? Probably not, also remember its a ratio of 1 random book to 1499 non random ones.
Imagine someone giving 1 random book to you and telling you to find something you like there, and then giving you 1499 telling you to find something good on this list, you will obviously find something good on the second case.
Now in this analogy, the 4000 books are mainstream music
The rest is underground music.
The amount of mainstream music is too limited, its so limited that is irrelevant, as some example if you spend alot of time talking about music and discovering it, you will still not discover some genres, like noise black metal, tonefield, dark jazz, doomcore, free funk or whatever and this is not a problem because you cant know every single thing ever and those genres you dont know are just few in world of many.
Not saying you cant listen to mainstream music, in the same way I am NOT saying to you to not care about dark jazz, tonefield, or doomcore, just saying they dont need special treatment.
Anyway what I told here, exist since the 50s at least.
If big labels changed their minds and put 2 new onkyo songs per week on radio instead of the usual stuff, things would still suck, if they did with classical music, it would make no difference, even if they got my 2 favorite songs of the week (that werent aired before) and added them to radio catalog the situation would still be bad.
beat this
>you enter this store, will you check those books? Probably not, the ratio is 1499 books to 1.
What about the bookstore owner? What about a book aficionado?
>If you enter this store, will you check those books? Probably not, the ratio is 1499 books to 1.
Except that you can listen to a song in 3 minutes, possibly gauge it's quality in half that time. For books, it takes on average 1 minute to read a singular page, and thus would take 6 or 7 hours to read one book. So you could listen to 200 songs in the time it takes you to read a book. While it is unlikely to gauge the quality in your book-analogy, it *is* likely to gauge the quality of the music in the sample you are describing. Nice try though
>Are those books special compared to all others? Probably not
Are you asking why some music is marked/heard more than others, and think that the distinction is completely arbitrary? You think hard work in an artist's craft is not rewarded?
Not lyrically or thematically which is what he's talking about here.
How people before the internet dealt with this problem?
god this guy is such a fucking tool.
pls lemme know when he does anything challenging, or even learns how to write a good melody or hook.
Nice cherrypicking.
>pls lemme know when he does anything challenging,
See Pocketwatch
>or even learns how to write a good melody or hook
He's one of the most popular rock artists for the last decade. Do you really think millions of people sing along to a lack of a hook?
well that's what Grohl is talking about, his main example is a song "about buts" implying he's speaking about lyrical content since an instrumental cannot be "about buts".
lyrically pop songs have been about, predominantly, the most ubiquitous human emotions and feelings aka Love, heartbreak, growing old and nostalgia for youth. Coincidentally the Beach Boys' entire oeuvre.
>says this
>writes verse-chorus-verse-bridge buttrock
>well that's what Grohl is talking about
[citation needed]
>his main example
Yes, it's just an example
Not what I'm asking.
>Coincidentally the Beach Boys' entire oeuvre
Like Do You Like Worms? or Surf's Up?
Good Vibrations is about telepathy btw